Tfw no platonic guy friend who gives me all his attention and time and prioritizes me without expecting sex...

>tfw no platonic guy friend who gives me all his attention and time and prioritizes me without expecting sex, will be down for whatever I want to do, and doesn't talk to other people

Where do I find asexual friends?

Attached: 115505-Why-I-Rather-Have-A-Guy-Best-Friend.jpg (640x640, 104K)

I'm straight and not asexual, but since you're far away I wouldn't date you anyways.

Can't promise all my time and attention though, because I have a life and other friends, but we can talk if you want.

Go to a gay bar. You'll find plenty in there.

succubus. why do you so badly want to waste men's time and give them nothing in return. you are selfish

You want a friendzoned emotional crutch because you are a dumb bitch

> guy friend who gives me all his attention and time and prioritizes me without expecting sex
you want everything for nothing

Wanting something in return is selfish.
and why do you feel personally insulted/angry? because you're not worth dating and women only "friendzone" you?

>men who think sex is the only good thing you can gain in a relationship

>and why do you feel personally insulted/angry?
Because I'm still have the feelings of a normal fucking human underneath, I only came back because I wasn't sure if you were implying you're the same. You didn't love me, you still don't. You want a fucking dildo to worship you, not a human being, which I still happen to be.

i think this is a bait thread because i offered to be your friend, but you're replying to the people who are calling you mean things instead of replying to me.

>tfw no submissive beta orbiter to dump all my emotional baggage on who I can immediately ditch the moment he needs my emotional support in kind or the literal second he expresses romantic affection for me
it's so hard being a girl

You know it's almost definitly not the gender that's the problem

This is bait or a legit bimbo who is not pretty enough to have orbiters

nah. men just naturally develop feelings for women when they spend that much time on them. it's the only reason they would spend that much time on someone. to be the sort of person who can receive all of that attention, who wants to receive all of that attention but not follow it to its logical conclusion is selfish. you're asking someone to treat you like their child where responsibility and affection flows in one direction, but ignoring the emotional consequence that has on the other person

I'm venting. It's a pretty big thing when the first woman you believe actually loved and understood you turned out to want as a literal fucking pet while she has her boyfriends.

Name 1(one) thing a platonic relationship with a female has to offer over that with a male. Keep in mind that the male doesn't drain your life force constantly in order to maintain the relationship, so by default he's up while offering nothing

condolences my dude, next time i hope you learn where you stand earlier before you catch heavy feels.

>wants an emotional handbag in male form
>doesnt want any responsibilities that go with it
if thats not a nod to how women truly view the world, I dont know what it is
glad I'll be single and not have to deal with modern roastie cunts.

Lmfao Nigga

Dumb bitches are incapable of handling things

I can't even imagine myself having a cuck orbiter who does shit for me. It's not neccessary. You're a dumb hoe.

By the way, I legitimately responded to you maybe 4 times overall, 6 with the two accounts. I made a lot of posts about how I was feeling, but never responding to you because I wanted to try get over my bullshit so I could actually try have what I wanted.

>I love you so much
>Please don't leave me
>I would have killed myself if it wasn't for you
>Sorry I just want you to live with me and worship me but you stay in your corner
I'm asexual you stupid cunt. I'm turned on by anything, it doesn't mean I still don't feel real love and want monogamous exchange of feelings. Then all I get is you running me in circles while I'm trying to actually fix myself only to tell me I'm your cuck husband? I know it's not, but fuck me it all feels like a wasted effort.

"I don't want you to think I'm using you" she says while crying

You just described me perfectly. I believe the term you're looking for is painfully beta, rather than asexual.

Wait, do you know me personally? And how did you know it was me?

I have literally (0) friends because I'm apparently not a human being. I'm just pissing in the wind here to get the anger out somehow.

So i'm not the person you're upset with right? I just feel paranoid some people are still hung up on me

she could offer all types of things, you gotta look at people as individuals. maybe she's funny, entertaining, has hot female friends, is popular so she can offer you opportunities etc

that sucks man, but I imagine you didn't leave as soon as you figured out that you weren't going to get monogamous companionship from her, it seems like you were struggling with what you really wanted, and struggled with letting go of her before you finally did. It must have been hard, but you're out of it now. I hope you don't dwell on it too long.

I do look at people as individuals. Women don't offer anything that men don't as friends yet they are much more draining. That's why men and women prefer male friends

Gays are woman's best friends.
Just make sure he isn't bisexual.

i think you may be the problem there

Such a depressing poster. The shit friendzoned betas do for women is crazy.

Adults can have friends of the opposite sex. You dont have to try to fuck everyone,

How does that pertain to what he said? Was there something you wanted to say here?

"Fwiens" are not a given. You don't need them. Typical hoe behavior is to be "fwiens" with everybody and never shut the fuck up

agreed but
>who gives me all his attention and time and prioritizes me
>will be down for whatever I want to do, and doesn't talk to other people

this is a pretty big ask even if sex and romance is on the table. With that not on the table, she's pretty much asking for someone to give up on sex and romance entirely.

Why not just have sex with him?
Doesn't hurt you know.

>16 year old turbo-raped narcissist misunderstood what asexual meant

>being so much of a fucking doormat, you introduce your oneitis to an all you can fuck buffet

Good lordy howdy! I'm so glad I only hung out with betas and losers growing up.

I'm referring to the picture, not the incel interpreting it in the OP

That's the way you should actually interpret that you fucking numbskull

I unironically am that guy to a girl right now. I have been friendless for years, so I'm glad to be appreciated at all, even if it's not sexually. It's a nice to have a friend for once. I wouldn't be able to get close physically to anyone anyway because I'm too ashamed of myself.

Attached: 5fdi.jpg (335x301, 23K)

I'm sorry you're an illiterate retard user

It seems like the picture is talking about having friends who are traditionally masculine people. It seems like they're praising men if anything, You're dumb as fuck.

Where does it say any of the shit OP said?

Definitely a larp. Men want to fuck their women friends

I really hope english isn't your first language because you look like a complete imbecile

To have good friends you'll have to be a good friend yourself. You seem like an unpleasant person though, if you're not baiting of course

Please point out where the picture in the OP says that.

>Listening to people's problems and emotions
>Introducing girls to other men that aren't you so they can fuck without having to deal with her problems and emotions
Super masculine dude

Listening and helping others are both masculine traits. You're braindead and think every person is the opposite sex is an object to date and have sex with rather than a person.

>helping your neighbor bring a couch upstairs, building a bond with him
is one kind of help

>sending a woman $500 via western union across the country
is a different kind of help

Friends cooperate with each other, and exchange acts of generosity and compassion, building a trust between them. A woman (or anyone really) who takes and takes without offering anything in kind is a leech, and the sooner you burn it off the better.

>tfw no platonic girl friend
honestly I just want friends I am very lonely

Actually, those aren't masculine traits. Bravery and sacrifice are, but only in the correct measure. Sacrificing for someone that gives nothing in return and doesn't NEED it, is not masculine. Yes, you can date and fuck people of both sexes. We're all objects to an extent. Men see women as potential wives to love and care for, women see men as status objects and material gain, employers see employees as a source of labor, etc.

>sending a woman $500 via western union across the country
Where was that in the picture in the OP?

Originally meant for this post

You're not that popular. You're a literal who roastie as far as anyone in this thread is concerned.

it's an example of helping someone who isn't going to have your back when you need it, just like the OP.

You see women as potential wives because you're maladjusted and don't understand relationships. You're like a teenager stuck in an adults body.

This is clearly too complex for you to grasp. Just stop

Cool assumptions.

You're just making shit up because you hate women. Quit your bullshit.

I don't hate women per se. What did I make up?

Maybe so

You made up all the shit about western union and the person who made the OP picture being a horrible man-hating person when all they did was praise men.

>tried friendship with female
>constant sexual tension
>almost made me cheat on my girlfriend
>tried to kiss every time she got drunk
>babbled about her jerk one-month-boyfriends
>pretended to give a fuck about my interests/life
>ignored my advices
female friendship doesn't exist, is the absolutely worst

Attached: 200% mad.jpg (232x342, 20K)

if you're OP, your ask is definitely not the kind of thing someone who has your back would ask, you want him to be exclusive without expecting you to be exclusive. You want him to always do what you want to do without his input, and you want him to be always available for you no matter what he might have going on in his life.

I'm not assuming anything, you're asking for a tool, not another person

I know this is bait but this really happens and it's men's fault for lying to women since birth. They have no clue about our true nature they have no clue we are predators and they our prey

The reason a girl wants a guy best friend is the same explanation why a guy doesnt want a girl best friend. They offer the lowest tier of friendship.

Seems like you made friends with someone who was really immature. You're acting like every guy here wouldn't so the exact same thing, minus the failed relationships, to female friends in the same position. Immaturity isn't exclusively female.

You know, there's really nothing wrong with a guy just being friends with a girl, as long as both parties are aware and comfortable with the status of that relationship. You aren't cucking yourself or anything by being friends with someone you enjoy, but obviously women are horrible creatures and the chances of finding one you legitimately enjoy as a friend are slim-to-none. But as long as you can be open and honest with her about your feelings and what you want from her ultimately, it can work.
>source: not cucked close friend with a girl I've asked out a handful of times to soft rejections, eventually she will come around

Literally find a gay guy.

You won't find many straight guys like this. There's only so many hours in a week and most of it is spent sleeping or working. I already have guy friends I have a lot in common with. If I'm going to spend my limited free time with a girl, it's because she's someone I'm romantically interested in.

That wasn't me

inb4 generalized insult

>and doesn't talk to other people
a gay guy wouldn't want to deal with this when he could be out getting some ass

I doubt this has anything to do with immaturity and every guy would relate the same thing. Females rarely listens to what others say, it's clear just by hearing talking to each other. They talk to unburden their problems, not solve them.

It's also complicated because there is also the constant sexual tension, no wonder female-male friendships include some casual fuck.

I often see women claiming that guys are all huge pieces of manipulative shit who pretend to be interested in friendship when really they just want to bang, but have they ever stopped to consider what friendship with them actuall entails? Nine times out of ten, the only things a female friend offers to a male friend is

>constant bitching about their own drama
>emotional and social baggage
>displays of histrionic and depressive mental disorders
>constant babbling about genuinely uninteresting subjects
>social media tags to dead memes and prompts for writing about what you think of them
>occasionally requesting free drinks and favours
>half-hearted "there, theres" and regurgitated speeches whenever they need to confide in them
>virtue-signalling, nagging and lecturing about everything and anything they disapprove of
>occasional platonic physical contact

I mean there are plenty of guys who don't offer much in the way of friendship, but they at least have the good sense not to also take without giving. I'm not sure what some of these women think is so fantastic about being in their platonic company, but I suppose it's just one of those aspects of feminity I'll never understand, like how they conveniently lose all their supposed emotional and romantic savvy when it comes to noticing whether or not their beta male friends are into them.


I guess if OP wants a guy in her life she needs to open up access to her sweet honey hole to the one guy she deems worthy of it.

Remember everything is an opportunity cost. Time spent with "a friend who is a girl" is time not spent with a girl who may see you as more.

or maybe she needs to understand that a guy who will give her everything he has will expect everything in return, and if she doesn't want to give everything, then she shouldn't expect it from anyone

asexual, free to talk in the afternoons

females don't have anything to offer in a friendship, if they did they'd get that respect.

Attached: disdain.jpg (1024x923, 162K)

It's a situation of mutual misunderstanding. The beta males think that just devoting themselves to a girl they like will be enough to earn that girl's love without following the conventions of the dating world or being honest about their feelings. The women have no concept of reciprocity due to the way society treats them and so, when a man just keep giving them all his attention and emotional investment, they're just left thinking 'well, why wouldn't he? that's what I deserve from other people for being a woman'

What you want is called an "emotional tampon". Look for the most pathetic man you can find and give him attention.

I don't disagree, but I'll just add that orbiters don't even have a reasonable expectation of earning any love for their devotion, and they enable female entitlement the most.

Keep in mind that its not the male's fault. If he was not raised properly or exposed to certain media then how can he know better? Very few are willing to help males socially, ESPECIALLY as you get older. I would say that you can't blame females either because it is difficult to turn down free shit, I'd say that makes them horrible people, but maybe I would be too?

I mean yeah, that's pretty much my point. You just expanded it beyond sex.

In short, women who want boyfriend level emotional punching bags without giving girlfriend level benefits back are gross.

>because you're not worth dating and women only "friendzone" you?
If a guy isn't worth dating, why use him as an emotional crutch via a friendship built on artificial feelings? Just cut the tie and go your separate ways. It will benefit both of you in the long run.

Women want lots o friends
Male friends fullfil something they are missing and are potential fuckbuddies

Oh and lesbians, if your girlfriend has a male friend and she's a bit too touchy or they have frequent physical altercations as jokes?
He's fucked her.
If they sometimes don't hang out with each other for a while after being gone for a very very long period of time and she's "not in the mood"
He REALLY fucked her.

Doesn't matter if she's lipstick or butch. There's a huge chance that they did SOMETHING.
If that friend is the typical chad or black then he's more then likely fucking her blind.

I take that back. Lipsticks/femme ones are fun and have that bi girl thing going.Really appreciate romantic gestures.
The butches? They are really really easy and really really appreciative of a hard thorough dicking. They're also unbelievably possessive and get hyper feminine and clingy after a good session or when they are in the mood.
Which is kind of hot, but it gets fucking draining.

Any dudes who read this. Don't fuck lesbians. Trust me.

You write like an absolute fool

Listen to me femanon guy and girls cant be friends that's just the fact of life you're always going to want to bone unless one is using the other for something

I know what you did and You should be ashamed of yourself

>tfw women have no concept of friendship only using others so they prefer men because they won't be used back

that guy thinks youre mostly a waste of time, money, energy. he was only there to chase the high of chasing you.

OP is obviously a troll but my best friend is a woman and we're both heterosexual so it's completely plausible if you're not boring.

What do you mean they are draining?

>roastie wants an emotional lapdog to exploit without giving anything in return
Female nature is pure evil.

How often do women make male friends (orbiters) past their mid twenties? I hope by 25 most betas would know better.

Talking to a woman is literally like talking to a child, you are immature, boring and stupid. straight men wouldn't even bother aknowledging your existence if it wasn't for the ass and tits.

You can be my hag if you don't get clingy and at least pay for yourself :-)

A difference of perspective, a more emotionally mature mind, more open, more physical support (hugs and stuff, they help), more considerate and more positive.
I'm speaking in generalisations here obviously but the points still stand
>INB4 "no, literally every woman is an emotional child incapable of providing intellectual or emotional support"