I'm 26 and feel way too fucking old to be on here. I can't relate to most of the topics. The style of humor on here is all random zoomer shit as well.
At what age are you too old to be browsing r9k?
27 iktf
But why exactly do i post here
I cannot find the answers
You're never too old, if you're worried about age, go to wizchan.
Late twenties you should stop going online, too much risk of accidently invading a minors space
I'm 22 and I feel the same way.
Anything over 24 is honestly way too old
This shit is all lingering teen angst and actual teen angst so 22 is when you should realize you're not the target audience by 24 your eyes should be bleeding when you come here. Those of us older than 24 are masochists
iktf bros. i'm 18 and everyone on this board is just too immature and stupid for me...
yeah bro i feel u. im 18 too. brofist! wanna play fortenight together bro?
videogames are degenerate... see, this is why i need a version of Jow Forums that's not for little normie kids. i need a place for intelligent and mature robots. sigh...
Fuck off dumb namefagging nigger
Been getting fucking sick to my skin seeing your fucking im always right and you are just wrong bullshit all over this fucking bored
Go back to fucking Jow Forums or whatever bullshit normalcore board you fucking crawled out of and stay there
>25 in october
>been coming here since age 14
>r9k is actually better than /b/ somehow
I'll be 28 in November. In a lot of ways I feel like I haven't grown at all as a person since I was 13. While I don't browse r9k that often anymore, I don't know if I'll ever actually quit Jow Forums.
you are basically me except bday is in september
but I used to think it was so mature and entertaining and now it just seems like a teenage shitposting cesspit full of thirsty horny high schoolers
what changed
>videogames are degenerate...
>i need a place for intelligent and mature robots.
wew lad
Never too old in my personal opinion, but as another user said you always have Wizard Chan which is 100x more mature than this place. I'm 21 and while I don't browse Jow Forums as much as I used to, I plan on browsing Jow Forums as a whole until the day I die. (or until Jow Forums dies obviously)
I agree, seconding this
I'm unironically
> that 30-year-old boomer who still browses Jow Forums
The internet got popular or more specifically the 15 year olds today grew up with the internet. I imagine by the time you are 60 there will be sites you can go to and sites kids go to. As it stands now their are sites where the average age is 30 but they are slower which is fine since the older you get the less you care about posting yourself. People past the age of 40 only use the internet to read articles and other such things unless you were dicking around with computers in the 80s. The internet will never mature but it'll become more rounded for all age groups.
>target audience
dude this site doesn't curate content, there is no target audience. If everyone here was 25+ the topics would be relevant to the interests of 25+ year olds.
>feel way too fucking old to be on here
You're not.
you should check out wizchan then
i'm actually 45