Not sure if 1% gay only had sex with women, but passable traps with a working dick make me even more horny than regular girls do. It's intoxicating to the degree I'd even blow them. I'd legit date pic related sp. Ketchum.
Inb4 thread pruned not Reiko shit.
The main question is wtf is behind this fetish? Why are most chasers straight-ish?
Why are trannies so hot?
Sexual deviation was part of Calhoun's findings in the behavioral sink experiments, so it could have something to do with overpopulation.
The male rats refused sex. I am oversexed. Doesn't compute.
I think it's a combination of traps being so passable nowdays and some sort of taboo too it. Oviously different for everyone but that's my take. Plus maybe traps are more relatable since their technically Bros.
Probably the taboo of it being borderline if not full gay while it is a secret too.
I think the intention is what makes it gay. If you fap to a tranny that is a borderline man chances are your a faggot, but if your trynna fap to a woman with a penis I think your sexual fetishes are extreme but not to gay.
>The male rats refused sex. I am oversexed. Doesn't compute.
Maybe you're just a fag
You are 100% gay, liar.
I only like the girly passable ones.
They're not even close to passable IRL
If I was gay I wouldnt be afraid to tell it irl let alone online.
OP is a faggot? I'm shocked.
Well I have seen the mentally ill dudes dressed up. No fucking way I am not into that, I want the porn fantasy trap.
Yes I am supergay. Talking to me you will catch it.
Same man... Same
I think this dude has a good point tho, I haven't seen a trap irl but I'd imagine them looking more like a dude than a girl. Traps are only an internet fantasy.
Well I could settle for this.
Gonna sound like a man plus when the uniform is off theyre gonna look like a man. Gay
wow these trannies sure are hot op
All that Pokemon training really made him go crazy, huh
Saw the nudes. Perky tits, okay hips, very nice ass. Working mid size penis which is something I want to suck too. Dunno of voice. Never heard her.
Like I said passable.
so then like less than 1% of trannies then?
Sadly yes, tho she is a bit boyish still. Would still bang and date too if mentally sane and not pozzed.
correct. OP misspelled trans. He should have said trap
A bit boyish is only good
Like 10% boyish
Wait what is the difference?
Trans mentally ill homo and trap girl with a dick?
Wtf wtf wtffff
Aliens trap too?
Look at second specimen from the first row.
I've seen traps in their early 30s. Not passable by any stretch.
Post your voice and I tell you if you pass, I can sense that is what you want.
Yes that is a klingon. Quapla!
Actually disgusting, wtf user? Who tf are these people?
I guess I must be fucking gay then.
some of the speedrunners at *GDQ
nope get that shit away from me
Yes it is a bit like a twink. But twinks are boys and she is a girl. So it is not gay.
lol you're coping
a vagina is superior, you'll give up a trap the moment you get a good lay
good luck doing this with a "trap"
I'm just a tranny chaser
So... is this thread about girls (male) or boys (female)? I really can't tell from these pics.
how old is this cute?
Um yeah I guess. Why is that bad if you dont treat them like shit? Not like it is a single pump and dump for me.
Only the face and ass really matters
Have no idea cant be over 23.
lack of sexual experience + you've created a fanatasy in your head based on cherry picked photos.
just try and meet a few in RL. if you consider yourself "straight" the illusion will dissipate quickly once you realize how masculine they are in movement, stature, smell and etc
Nude is in the middle.
Yes sir I am a tru virgin and my shithole balkan country is full with them too.
>tfw a trap can be in the army but not an autist
feels bad man
Actually fuckable, guess am gay now.
We are all gay on Jow Forums.
I would sink my dick in his(his) ass
Fucking christ
He is actually really cute
Only a tiny handful of them are actually hot. 99% look too masculine or just a bit "off"
So traps are gay or the men who fuck them?
Pfft homogays.
still the best trap
Would, like really hard.
I dunno I'm a tranny chaser that never gotten laid
dick could have been bigger but damn
do you wanna fuck them or get fucked?
I'm not a homo or faggot, i'm 100% hetero. Would only fuck them in the pooper
maybe give her a suck if I really liked her and she was into it
tfw no nerdy trap gf
>Not sure if 1% gay only had sex with women, but passable traps with a working dick make me even more horny than regular girls do. It's intoxicating to the degree I'd even blow them. I'd legit date pic related
You're gay.
Not 1%
Not 10%
You disgusting _FUCKING_ faggot.
would it be ok if you never fucked but she sucks your dick a lot?
I really need to try to talk to girls.
But girls are annoying dang nam it
Fuck life desu
That's fucking gross. They need to make it wear homosexuals can't be in the military. We need to quit giving benefits to liberal faggots who just join up to get them.
The hottest thing about them is dominating an inferior male.
A male so inferior that he has resorted to becoming a sissy slut.