Avoidant Personality Disorder

This is the quintessential robot personality disorder. Anyone been diagnosed? Anyone think they have it?


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Not having a Cluster A personality disorder.
I shiggy diggy

I have Schizoid personality disorder, all of the being alone, none of the being lonely.

I'm schizoid too. When I go out I get nervous when people are loud around me or they get too close. might be "schizoid with avoidant tendencies" or whatever.

I thought schizoid personality disorder was the quintessential robot personality disorder ("schizoid people often experience feeling 'like a robot' or 'going through life in a dream.'"). Then again, there's debate on whether schizoid and avoidant are simply different expressions of the same disorder (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_avoidant_behavior). Interestingly, "new research shows that both PDs are linked to hypersensitivity."
"According to the current DSM (DSM-5, APA, 2013), individuals with schizoid personality disorder reportedly do not desire relationships because of deficits in their capacity to relate meaningfully with others whereas individuals with avoidant personality disorder reportedly desire relationships but fear rejection, shame, and humiliation. This conception leaves two abnormal, maladaptive sub-types of introversion: schizoid withdrawal and avoidant withdrawal:

(1) Social withdrawal based on anxious-fearfulness is considered avoidant
(2) Social withdrawal based on apathy, anhedonia, and indifference as well as a preference for solitude is considered schizoid." I don't know if I desire relationships or not. I am very challenged to achieve self awareness. This makes me feel more schizoid-like, although I do struggle with social anxiety. But, from my understanding, schizoid and social anxiety are not mutually exclusive. Perhaps I've fortified my true self so intricately, I've forgotten how to access it.

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i think i might have it but i dont really know, and i wouldnt be able to bring the topic up with anyone so

How do I go about getting a diagnosis? This is me in a nutshell. I've brought it up with my psychiatrist a few times but he's fucking useless and doesn't do anything for me. I also only see him for at max 10 minutes every 6 months.

I once brought up a concern that i might have bpd with my therapist and he laughed at me when i asked, safe to say i soon quit therapy

i fucking hate when people laugh at me

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you don't know that you have a mental illness/disorder -that has some sort of delusion in it- if you actually have one you retarded failure.

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Sounds like me
>he wrote as he sits in his dorm room, afraid of going to the kitchen to make some food because there might be some people there

I get disability for it, among other things

im like this except the one way i found to get around this is to bargain with myself that if i can risk going into the kitchen to get something and someone else is there and talks to me i can grin and bear it then self harm when i get back to my room, literally the only way i can do it

everyone is alone to deal with their own problems also being around people makes my loneliness even worst since no one openly anyways is like me with my sensibilities people are boring

Never been to a therapist/psychologist/psychatrist or whatever. All I can say is that it sounds a lot like me.

I used to self-harm to reduce the anxiety I would get when I was about to go to class(es).
>If I hate myself so much that I'm willing to hurt myself, then I don't have to care about what other people think

This is how you determine if you're Schizoid or Avoidant

1. When you do end up being forced to socialise, do you end up enjoying it and feeling good?

Yes: Avoidant
No: Schizoid

2. When someone shames or criticizes you, do you feel stressed and care a lot?

I don't get stressed and I don't care: Schizoid
I get stressed, but I don't really care at the end of the day, its whatever: Schizoid
I get stressed, and I really worry about what others think of me and I feel ashamed and it bothers me a lot: Avoidant

3. When someone praises you, do you feel good?

I don't feel anything: Schizoid
I feel good: Avoidant

these are all just made up

how many "personality disorders" are we going to end up with

but yes this is me

>Not a normalfag?
>Personality disorder #3483-b
Is pretty much how it seems

Avoidant for all but what good does getting help for it do? I'm still going to hate myself and focus on every slight error I make, it's always been that way

Holy shit OP I drew that image, where'd you find it?