Finally get to go on date with chad

>finally get to go on date with chad
>we eventually start talk about naughty things.
>we get into a conversation about sexual fantasies.
>he mentions something like "a girl giving head to her man in a public place... Thats wife matierial"
>we have a great time, dinner, movie, mall
>I am so into him
>offer to give him a blowjob at the mall somewhere with no people...
>we find a place
>he unloads his seed in about 4 minutes of sucking
>great first date :^)

>chad never talks to me again...

well shit... I fell for the chad meme guys...
so much for "wife material."

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He wanted the bj in front of people.

thats fucking insane, not even a literal prostitute would do that.


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well that sucks

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kill you are self dumb whore


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Well done, everyone here now knows you are not wife material and should be used as any man here sees fit.

Dogs > roasties

Lmao chad is the man

Pic related are people who don't realize that this is low tier bait

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Don't fall for this low quality bait brainlet fags.

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>OP hasn't specified own sexuality
>sucking the dick of chad
just avg Robot fantasy

Don't give up! Sometimes you need to blow a lot of frogs to find your prince.

>generic reply about you how are naive if you think women don't do this

What if I know it's bait but still want to be angry? Wat if I enjoy recreational anger?

>Thinks roasties posts on r9k

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They won't be posting about it in here you brainlet cuck.

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>Thinks women don't post on r9k
>Thinks all fembots aren't roasties

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Hell I'll be your bf if you want, you don't even have to blow me in public.

are you chad though?

i only want my dick sucked on hiking trails. gibs contact pls

Roasties don't post here.
"Fembots" don't post here.
Get it into your head you dumb nigger.

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I'm 6ft with, a long cock, also Jow Forums but I'm on Jow Forums. I weigh it out to normie I guess.

What did he say when you offered to blow him? What about during? Was he rough? Did he pull your hair? Did you like doing it?

I won't get it into my head because it's objectively false. I've met confirmed girls on here.

Full on public blowjob during the first date, huh. Not even after... Damn Chad really has some other kind of control over sluts like you, huh? How does it feel to be Chad pump n' dumped? Did you text any orbiters after?

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>actually stupid in a delusional naive way.

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What does that "chad" term mean to you?

>putting a dick in your mouth
Disgusting, I wouldn't even want to look at you after that.

God you fuckers are dense

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for get the dick, she got sperm all over it.

Thats pretty hot, bait or not

lol. devilish

I actually know a girl whos told me she fucked a dude off r9k.

>give Chad everything he wants
>Wonder why he doesn't want anything anymore

>instantly sucking dick
Pick 1

Lmao so these are the new larp threads

>chad pulled the bullshit test
>Women falling to their own trick

You just need to get better at giving head OP. They always come back for me. There is a guitarist for a regional band that texts me every time he's near, he even wanted me to follow them on tour, which i did for a few weeks.

t. chad

busted bruh

I actually dated chad for a few months but I wasnt ready to be his tradwife and I have too many mental issues so we had to part ways

t chad

busted yet again bru

I hear Jow Forums is nice this time of the year.

Get pranked
I guess that will teach you to talk to people