If you could go back in time to any point in your life and restart from there with all the knowledge you gave have now...

If you could go back in time to any point in your life and restart from there with all the knowledge you gave have now, when would you go and what would you do differently? Chaos theory applies, so assume you can't predict the stock market or major events as they will change from what you remember.

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id go back to when i was an embryo and terminate myself

I'd pick up different hobbies and not make as many shitty decisions. Also take better care of my health. Maybe buy some crypto and wait for the time it potentially booms.

My downward spiral started in elementary school due to being called ugly every day. I'd probably go back there and resolve that somehow. I doubt it would make much of a difference in the big picture of things though.

>Born ugly

There is no fix unless you push yourself to become some kind of hyper scientist by inventing fidget spinners.

Eh, here in the Balkans attractiveness is judged a lot more through charisma (and money/status of course). I know a bunch of guys from high school that are not particularly attractive, maybe 5-6/10s and get tons of girls just cause they have no insecurities at all. I'd say I'm not much uglier than them so I could also probably get a gf if I wasn't socially crippled as a result of the bullying. Might be wishful thinking I suppose.

i wouldn't fuck my life up so much and actually spend time with my family

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I will improve my life to unknow limits, pretty much achieve everything that I couldn't due to me being naive.
still they'll take me for a genius minded kid and also steal many ideas I know on how to build in order to make myself rich and then live my life as a neet.

>socially crippled as a result of bullying
I know the feel user, my parents put me in dance lessons when I was seven years old, didn't really give me a say and they raised me to obey so I did. I was too scared to quit so I stayed in it for seven years and endured horrible bullying as a result. I went into high school hoping for a new start but I didn't realize how traumatized I was, so if I could go back in time I would probably go back in time and outright refuse to go to these classes and join some other extra curricular instead, maybe martial arts and something respectable like baseball. Then I'd use my superior intellect to steal the virginities of high school girls after some years of social redevelopment.

Probably 2-3 years old. However if I can't predict any events there's not much I can do with my accumulated knowledge except being better adjusted in general. Living with all the memories of an erased future must be hell, though.

I hate to blame other people for my insecurities but I could only dream of what I would've become if I wasn't spat on and slapped as a kid.

Things will get better, but it will take time to be on par with other people.
I don't know how I could've dealt with all the bullying.

I'd just relive my life from like 3, be Chad, invent Facebook or some shit later on and just live comfy.

Why should I even do it if I can't go back and buy bitcoins? I am too much of a pussy to fix my life so no point to go back for that.

Go back and actually try to do something with myself, also not let myself be depressed and scared because of my family.

I'd go back to when I graduated high school
I let a lot of how I was treated affect how I treated others. I was a shit person to basically everyone because I was constantly on the defensive and I was used to manipulating my way into safety. It served its purpose in high school itself, and that attitude probably did save me from a lot of potentially traumatic experiences, but it became obsolete once I graduated and I didn't realize it. I think I would also pay more attention in my relationships, take them more seriously.

I would still do drugs but I would slow my roll a lot. I might also take school more seriously but I'm not sure. In reality, probably not, especially because I'd be frustrated that I'd have to repeat all of the things that I had already done in school. I'd think more about forging a sustainable but very lazy existence for myself.

Oh yeah and I'd make backups of backups of all of my data. I've lost way too much of it over time. And I'd have to memorize a list of music that I like to take back with me because my taste is different than it was then.

I'd go back to 2009. It's when my favourite game came out (TF2). That way I could play it even earlier than when it went free to play.
It's also when I started a new school, so I can avoid doing the things that got me into trouble or were cringey. I'd love to relive my life at that school.

id go back to some point during my 2.5 year relationship and do things different to try and make it last longer
"but what if it keeps failing"
then i'll drive myself insane with time travel

Do I get unlimited retries, I've got a bunch of critical moments in mind that I would ideally like to experiment with safe in the knowledge that it isn't permanent this time

i would go back to 2000 so i could take part in all the online events i missed

You only get to do it once, and you don't get to prepare for it

well even then i'd still use that one chance to try and make things turn out differently

Tell my dad to take his fucking pills so he would not have died of the most unluckiest brain aneurysm.

Definitely around 12 years old I'd say that's when you start making any decisions that really have an impact on your life. I'd basically just try a lot more actually do some school work get good grades get awards actually try at sports actually try at university basically just not be so damn lazy and actually achieve some things.

assuming my mind and memories only transfer, and not me myself, i'd go back to when i was 8, as that's where everything began going wrong

I would prolly go back to being 3 years old and try the socket thingy