Voices keep getting more and more real

>voices keep getting more and more real
>told the old lady fuck you when she greeted me at the gas station
>in a patience deficit with no way out
Who else /loosingit/

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bro go check yourself you might have schizo

Yeah, great advice, dumb normies won't put him in a fucking asylum and fuck him even more with drugs so he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone for sure.


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Fuck getting checked
I dont want anyone trying to fucking medicate me again
Im sick of fucking night terrors snd people who think they fucking have the right answer or know it all

Me too

Everything makes me agitated and angry

Only being alone do I feel safe

fuck off dumb tinfoil faggot, I have a friend with schizo and only meds help him you dumb moron

It only helps to make a vegetable out of him. I bet you believe lobotomy helps too.

Everytime i get close to snapping my body just freezes up and im unable to really do anything but just stand there
Happened at a McDonalds and i just wanted to hop over the counter and bash this bitches head in but i just froze
Wasnt sure if i was scared or legit paralyzed but i just stood there in silence for a good minute or 2 before i finally calmed down and left
My knuckles are all raw from punching shit and i just start yelling at the top of my lungs when im alone

When you go on your killing spree pls ONLY KILL WOMEN

Why would you want to increase competition and also spare a chance of getting killed? It looks like a lose-lose.

You need to increase your auric defenses so these spiritual creatures stop agitating you, become more self aware, you need to have a defense field like the earth has when solar radiation hits it. You cant be asleep when you are asleep, dont let them attack you in your dreams.

thankfully the voices in my head only argue with each other about dumb shit, i mean there's the occasional one trying to convince me i need to kill myself but i THINK that one is fairly normal amongst robots

tfw Alex Jones now has to post on Jow Forums due to censorship

ironically my dreams are the only place I am safe and feel powerful


Lad, you really need to follow up I know you had a couple bad experiences with (professionals) but for your sake and to get the voices to stop FOLLOW UP

I have had many issues like this, as far as the voices go they are self created by you, just as when you have conversations with yourself in your mind.

Some words of wisdom for the sufferers in this thread:

Being in your head makes it worse, feel your body, get your emotional body worked up.

There are negative entities that influence us and want us in a trance state prone to suggestion and self created illusion and deception, instead of being horrified by your condition, wether it be negative thoughts, fears, or night terrors, listen to the subtle reaction beyond your reaction and the negative vibes, observe youself reacting to yourself and you will realize you are OK, beyond all the illusion and deception your still there.

Negative entities and creatures thrive in cities and settled places because they are chaotic and full of sad and evil thoughts, settled places are farms for them because humans are disconnected from nature there.

If you feel you are getting closed to losing it, get out into nature for a while, being near someone close to you helps, like a pet, their auric field will help strengthen yours.

Even if you feel your situation is hopeless you can always live a crazy life out in nature, the trees and plants will naturally attune your vibrations to be good, so while you might be crazy and paranoid you wont be having negative evil thoughts, you will have good ones.

Besides, the real life is out in nature, everything in human society is fake, you arent missing out on anything by embracing who you really are in nature.

Computer screens, cell phone towers, wifi fields are electromagnetic fields meant to cause a trance state in human beings, this is all to manage us like farm animals, everything is fake, everything in human society is managed, they put fluoride in the water and other chemicals because they are trying to destroy the pineal gland and make it smaller over time so they can control us easier. By 30 the pineal gland is almost fully calcified.

Its all fake, all of it, scientific research, progess, is an illusion, a lie, its a carefully placed prop meant to make humans feel empowered like they are in control

Try cbd oil 15%

you using any drugs? are you having psychotic episodes?

Sexual propaganda and sexual control is extremely important in the war on the human spirit, the sexual energy is connected to the heart chakra and the two are very interchangable.

The human identity is alot centered around sex, as sex is a dualistic concept, alot of concepts in morals are based around sex and love in general, by warping the two genders and seperating the the two genders from one another in a basic unity the human spirit becomes warped and corrupted, this allows unholy spirits to penetrate the auric fields of individuals and warp their minds.

Overtime the generations die and the old information is lost, you forget why you chose to act the way you do today, and so tommorows modus operandi becomes based on todays set of actions. And so slowly the goal posts and playing field is redefined and information becomes more corrupted, this is how it is with everything.

The demons are preparing humanity for mass sexual control and degeneration, mass race mixing and loss of racial identity, preaching false doctrines of genetics and racial superiority to inflame conflict.

Humans are susceptible to this because they do not have the full picture, so they are told lots of lies and pretty stories which encourage them to do stupid and bad things to each other.

All the false philosophies and empires built upon the sweat and toil of peasants, who has had to build those great monuments to far off concepts? We have.

You only have one life, and almost all of it you have been told you must achieve something, that you are not already full. These are the deceptions of the false self and the demons who want to keep you locked in deception and time wasting, they want you to waste your time pursuing illusion, they want you to work and get married so your children can work and get married, but where does it end?

Where is the fulfilment, where is the final destination? The fool doesnt see that he works to rest and rests to work, he only sees the rest but not the next day, the work.

How much longer will you allow yourself to get older and watch the bounty of life to fade away before your eyes? Its all before you if you will only see you dont have to do anything to have peace. The society you live in now is designed to keep you from the truth as long as possible, if at least until the point you are too old and weak to become independent and do something about it.

Trust me OP, those people on street are trying to get you. Get them first.

>told the old lady fuck you when she greeted me at the gas station
Why does this make me sad?

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>t. Kevin Wendell Crumb

>wasted a few hours having a moment, staring wide eyed at this flash game I was playing while listening to music thinking the same way I do when I'm on acid.
>have no desire with my future other than to be homeless
Kinda wanna document myself so people can see how the transition into Terry Davis mode happens.