Those pics where who's more impressive isn't quite clear.
Here we got Ike Catcher and Davy Michaels.
Ike is clearly taller, but Davy has a bigger torso and thicker bones. Both are equally muscular and definition.
How do we call ambiguous moggings?
Those pics where who's more impressive isn't quite clear.
Here we got Ike Catcher and Davy Michaels.
Ike is clearly taller, but Davy has a bigger torso and thicker bones. Both are equally muscular and definition.
How do we call ambiguous moggings?
Guy with bigger dick wins
theres not much of a muchness if they were the same height they would be more then likely pretty much the same
Since one is a nigger and the other aryan masterrace, I'd say the case is clear.
idk though the black one probably has the bigger penis. They are like 2 or 3x bigger than whites
the whole point of mogging is to assert yourself over a weak beta male or someone being much bigger or good looking than someone else to the point where its a joke. if theyre both good looking or someone looks slightly better it isnt a "mog"
This. It's not supposed to be ambiguous at all.
You got any source for that ?
>comparing which guy you think is hotter
I thought that was the whole point, someone better looking, bigger and more dominant. To me the white man seems to exude all of that in this particular picture.