Day 3 of nofap

>Day 3 of nofap

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just jerk off user, its heathy for (You)

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Day 66 of noporn why the porn jews temptations getting stronger??

Day 24. Record is 29. Wish me luck, bros. My temptation to see an escort is through the roof.

>day 42
>have absolutely 0 sexual desire
>wake up with morning wood but haven't had an erection in weeks

i'm starting to get worried lads.
i've had 165 and 160 day streaks and my libido was very healthy through both

i'm thinking it's because my cortisol levels are too high because university + too much cardio + constantly fighting with my mother.
also i managed to convince my brain that every sexual thought/act is bad because that way I don't have urges or wet dreams. now I can't have a fucking erection.
just end me lads

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Break contact with your porgenator. Threaten to drop out if she doesn't leave you alone.

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Same here, bruh

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Great going op

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Found the kike

I’m about to finish day 1 no fap