I wear cheap slim fit jeans, a basic neutral color t- shirt, and white shoes and girls in my uni think I'm "fashionable" ( i assume due to muscles and metrosexual hair).
probably because people in college really only care about dressing well when they go to bars or for a night out
I dress in normal blue jeans, black shirt and black military boots. Some movie buff at my college said I look like Stallone in the fourth Rambo movie (including the long hair). Kinda made my day.
Jace Ward
all you have to do to be stylish is not dress like everyone else. literally just try to Incorporate different elements from basic clique fashiobs and don't dress like a mall mannequin and you'll have style.
I wear single color Nike dri-fit polos untucked and slim straight jeans to class. The polos are flattering to the arms and shoulders, and the jeans are flattering to the legs without feeling tight around the waist. A watch doesn't hurt, either. I wear a Fossil Q Explorist, and it's pretty easy to customize the watch face to accent your outfit.
Oliver Rodriguez
>fashionable >nike polo
pick your favourite, but only one
Zachary Hall
"fashionable" just means clothed and attractive. Prove me wrong.
Luke Evans
I dress in fabric. Sometimes these fabric just happens to have a cleavage the size of Titanic, but you know, it'll keep me warm.
Ryan Edwards
Tucked in Brooks Brothers polo or long sleeve, Michael Kors linen pants from Steinmart because they're cheap af and fit well, whatever shoes go with the pant color, nice Tag watch I got from family for graduation a few years back. Blazer if weather necessitates.
For non-work, I just replace the linen pants with chinos, MAYBE un-tuck my shirt. Jeans and boots if I'm taking some slut to go two step (le Texan). Dressing nice as you get into your mid-20s is an instant pussy magnet.
Carter Lopez
It really does. Certain clothing items look good because the people in them look good. If you're fat and acne ridden it doesn't matter how fashionable your clothes are, nobody will consider you fashionable.
Nathan Long
Black crew neck, black ripped skinny-ish jeans. literally all you need
Robert Bailey
I wear gym shorts or bathing suits every day because I live on a beach. Even if I don't intend on swimming that day I wear a bathing suit. Even to bars.
Jason Cox
I'm but totally agree, from April until early September I'm swim trunks a weekend long. Live near South Padre Island in Texas so nearly every weekend is the beach or someone's pool. What are you go-to beach shoes? Under Armour makes some fishing shoes that don't look half bad and are extremely versatile. Look great on a boat, beach, or everyday weekend stuff