>everyone on r9k claims to have a 130+ I.Q
>somehow everyone is poor and from a poor family.
Everyone on r9k claims to have a 130+ I.Q
Everybody wants to believe they're some hidden genius underdog.
They've taken these online IQ tests that sets the global average as 100. I.e. 63IQ niggers in africa gives them a good score for being around the white average.
rich from rich family here. most important thing i learned from it is that money has no value. There is absolutely no need for it. as long as you have a home/food you can live a good life.
I have taken three IQ tests over the course of my life for school and other such reasons, all given by certified doctors and psychologists. I have gotten between a 131-139, with the 139 being the latest one I got at 17.
I come from a wealthy family that has been supporting my Neetdom up until now. Ill be getting a job through nepotism come next year at a warehouse or something. Most people on r9k are stupid, but if you make an IQ thread youre going to have people that have been tested show up. You rarely have people of average IQ tested, so it would make sense many would claim to have high IQ, they probably do.
Only retards fall for this one, you need to do better.
See Literally being an average white person gives you 125+IQ from these tests.
NEET from a rich family
141 IQ, officially tested and confirmed.
Anyone stupid enough to spend 70% of their life working deserves to suffer.
oh i see materialism makes you a big brain huh goy? you do lots of consuming again today? good goy... good goy...
this. look at the iq of europe (by country) and by native population. is hilarious.
We're talking about actual tests though
But most people mooch off of their families. Can't really do that if they're poor. Anons are poor because work is unfulfilling and school is a debt trap
There is a huge difference between a real test and an online one, which you would know if you have ever been tested.
A real IQ test is impossible to do online. It requires timed reaction to audio and visual stimulus. The ability to think on your feet and reason logically within a short period of time. To have a grasp on complex memorization.
You also need a real human being testing you because a good portion of the test is you explaining things to them. I remember the one I took when I was 14 the tester had me come up with a story off the top of my head with named characters doing things and then half an hour of unrelated testing quizzed me on what I said to see if I could remember who did what.
Something like that would test your comprehension and memory skills in a way a robot wouldnt be able to. Do you understand now that what im talking about is not what that user was talking about?
Also ethnicity doesnt effect testing in that way. If it was built to give 'white' people better scores they wouldnt be beaten by other races consistently.
>Implying doctors do not use the same methodology
There is nothing wrong with the methodology per se, it's just misleading because it makes people like you think that you are special snowflakes.
In the past the white average used to be set as 100, some researchers like Flynn still use that, but today 100 is usually set at the global average.
>online tests and the one I did in military put my iq somewhere between 135-145
>grandparents were semi poor
>parents educated themselves and became middle class
>I have a semi well paid, semi low effort job
Actually, the US has an average IQ of 100 (thanks to niggers, no doubt). 115-120 is nothing to brag about though, it just means you can do college. Someone with an IQ of >135 is way more intelligent than the average man. Think about it, he's the same amount smarter than an average white person as an average white person is to the average nigger.
First of all, regular progressive IQ tests are just fine for getting a rough estimate of someone's intelligence, they are especially useful for judging larger groups of people since the results tend to vary somewhat between each test. In other words they are not as accurate as more lengthy and thorough testing done by specialists, but there is nothing wrong with them. They are "good enough" for most intents and purposes, there is a reason why the military uses them.
>Also ethnicity doesnt effect testing in that way. If it was built to give 'white' people better scores they wouldnt be beaten by other races consistently.
Average IQ averages by race, that is not disputable. Whites are only beaten by East Asians in IQ, but outscore all other races.
This is the internet. For every one person claiming to have a high IQ there are 30 people not typing anything who might otherwise post in another thread
The average IQ of the US statistic comes from Flynn's reasearch which uses a different 100 benchmark than most reasearchers, also the statistic is sorely outdated if I am not mistaken, coming from the 1970's when only about 10-15% of the US population were non-white.
I never said they where bad they just arent real tests comparably. If you want to leave the information up to a worse tester thats up to you, its just a number after all.
Ethnic jews also outperform 'white' people on average. Its not a stat that shows up often because they are so small compared to groups like 'asain' and 'black' which encompass billions of people versus just millions.
>mfw 80 IQ from a middle class household
>I never said they where bad they just arent real tests comparably. If you want to leave the information up to a worse tester thats up to you, its just a number after all.
They are absolutely real tests, and what they measure has good predictive validity. For what is being discussed here they are good enough.
>Ethnic jews also outperform 'white' people on average
Ashkenazi jews are often lumped into white people in IQ research.
They arent real tests because they arent given by a real tester. Thats my metric for a real test.
This is probably true but shouldnt be done in my opinion. They are not what I would consider 'white'. But then again im a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to race and ethnicity. Their informed opinions probably mean more then mine.
Not only am I retarded, but I also have a learning disability. I should have been smothered in my crib, really.
they are nof different from pic related
they are not smart at all, just some arrogant little shits with a neckbeard bigger than my asshair
>120 IQ but that isnt worth shit because muh smart but lazy meme
>live in a functional, upper middle class family
Wealth and IQ don't correlate as strongly as you believe. That's just what (((they))) want you to think.
>literal brainlet unironically fell for the IQ memes
You do realise that IQ tests were created by the Jews, right?
From what I understand the original test was created by Germans, if you have some evidence to disprove that id be eager to see it.
If you do not believe in the IQ system then how do you measure intelligence? Your opinion of a man?
>Germans cant be Jews
Holy shit you are a genuine retard.
im from a high iq family but the roll of the dice gave me a low iq in the 80s probably
Ethnically speaking they would be predominantly one or the other. Unless you're talking about their religion? In which case I have no idea what religion the men who created the test are. If they are jewish im not sure why it would matter anyway. Do you have an actual point or do you just want to post stale memes?
>If they are jewish im not sure why it would matter anyway
You are fucking retarded. Thank you for admitting defeat at least.
Kikes can larp and pretend to be from any white group, but they can't really be from any group that isn't theirs. Do you feel me?
I havnt, I said if. You have yet to prove anything or even make a point. Are you just hoping ill be too insulted to respond? Whats your agenda? Besides attention.
What? Jews actually fight IQ tests thru the history
Having a high iq predisposes one to being a robot. I simply can't relate to brainlets. I can't comprehend how to see the world and interact with it. It's alien to me. Also, high iq people suffer mental illnesses at a much higher rate than morons so that's a factor too.
Also, I'm not really rich but am upper middle class and have no money worries
150 and autistic
didn't ask for this
I have an IQ of around 130. My parents are millionaires and I make 270k a year as a doctor
>higher predisposition to mental illness
Can we get some sources on that? The only illness I can think of that has a correlation with IQ is autism. Most others have a negative relationship.
not to mention lazy but smart trope bulslhit
I don't care about IQ and if you do you're retarded.
What matters are your field skills.
My memory is unmatched in college. I can memorize an entire medicine book about anatomy and replicate its exact words in the test
I seriously doubt many people here have been IQ tested except the autists. I was tested for other reasons and scored 141, whereas I usually got 150-160+ on free online tests.
Not poor though. My parents are really wealthy.
I'm fairly certain memory is a factor in IQ. You care more about than you're aware of. Also, IQ is probably very closely related to "field skills" and/or developing them
Lmao, sounds more like you're the brainlet who's just not smart enough to learn how to socialize. Feynman and Hawking were both popular and great at functioning around others while Einstein had multiple wives and tons of friends.
Not really. Memory is one factor. It's possible to have shit memory and high IQ, vice-versa. You would be impressed to see how many high IQ people I know that have a shitty memory.
In the same manner, I've seen people with low IQ Accomplish pretty huge feats.
Stupid people can do impressive stuff too
Just takes them to put their minds into it or just "snap"
Would people do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
If he makes 270k as a doctor just means he passed a shitty residency program anyways
Clinicucks always on the 200k's
Obviously, I don't think anyone has ever claimed that a high IQ is a requirement to accomplish any sort of feat. Its simply our best general measure for success, along with conscientiousness. I use the term measure loosely there
I took an actual IQ irl and was in gifted class. I don't know what I got on the test but being in gifted means 130+
to me that sounds like entitling yourself
The best measure for success is success itself.
I still think the ability to reason and problem solve is important, but if you take IQ and expect something from that alone then yes, you're entitled. If your IQ is high you won't do that though
That's a pretty standard salary for a doctor, if not on the lower side
They're not conscientious.
This is why they're poor.
>IQ 100 is global average
No it's not.