Your age and gender

Your age and gender
Your job and income
Your networth
Your city
Your hobbies

Post em

Attached: 1534497514985.jpg (750x937, 104K)

19 Male
University 0 USD/year
~1500USD (no debt)
Not happening
Vidya, hunting

Here you go mister dataminer

Give me a job at the fbi I can truck anons.

I'd wish all these date miner would at least name the cause for getting these specific data.

19, male
Student, 3960 Euro/ year
6000 Euro
Somewhere in Germany
Programming, bodybuilding, Internet, trading

Want to know what typ of person is on r9k

That's enough motivation to gather the upcoming data?
You know most of the underage kids here will troll you?

Aga twenty one
My only hobby is reading

No income

>Underage kids

Attached: 1d5.gif (367x265, 558K)

25 and male
$15000 - $16000 USD
I live in Florida
Music, composing music, playing piano, reading, exercising

Age 25
Gender male
Job blue collar gig
Pay 1600 a month
Edu barely highschool

Please just kill me now i missed out on uni and am stuck working blue collar gigs with super long hours

29 male
Postal clerk 19/hr
Fortnite netflix and Jow Forums

18, m
Unemployed, soon starting university
around 10000$, thanks to my car
Germany iS mY cItY
Programming, playing piano, not being a virgin

>data entry, $11.25/hr
>$2k in the bank, no debt
>nice try
>music/songwriting, vidya

But why
No one cares about anything I post here anyway

>20 male
>Student / Paperboy 12 euros/h
>A negative number
>Somewhere below sealevel
>Videogames, history, politics, philosophy

27, Male
DoD Contractor in Saudi, 108k/year
Honestly close to a million.
A semi-shithole
Vidya, reading, normie shit

Sharing is caring rich faggot.

Attached: 1531233712105.jpg (1387x702, 85K)

I do man, I give my mom at least an extra $30k a year since there's fuckall to spend on in the middle east.

Good good. Don't spend your money on useless Ferraris and shit.

24 male
process technician 60k euro/year
20k euro
anime, fitness, sport

>22 male
>medicine student 3 year. 1k/month because of parents
>no networth :((
>world of warcraft, alcohol and masturbation

how fucked am i?

i hope you get this per month. otherwise you are fucked.

18 - male
collage ~
5k euro
programming, anime, reading, listening to music, watching movies