h.test thread
H.test thread
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How is looking at girls you aren't actually going to fuck high test?
some thing something I like fat ass
I don't know how I feel about pinky's whole fart porn thing.
The brain sees no difference between a picture of a girl bending over and an actual girl lowering herself in a position that invites your cock. Both will give a temporary increase in test.
One brap and it’s all over for us.
>do figure drawing
>lillias right has some sets done for a drawing website
>have to wank before i draw or else i keep getting distracted
wew she is literally perfect
>fat thread
So wait if you just look at porn all day but don't fap you will have higher increase of tes?
Im confused... This is a fph thread, right?
It is now
Who are you replying to, dumbuck?
Reminder these threads are made by landwhales from tumblr looking to propagate their BAES agenda.
Shame on you fatty fuckers.
whats this semon demons name
Imagine taking this photo
>tfw no qt pi very high test jungle asian gf
Its a shit meme, high test = post landwhales
This whole "attraction to fatties equals high testosterone" narrative is just a cheap way for chubby chasing losers to justify their bizarre fetish.
If anything an attraction to overweight women is objectively indicative of a beta male mentality.
>doesn't get it
>low test settling for fatties thread
If she aint 480, she's not a lady
After dating a nigress it pains me to know that all of this beautiful hair is fake
Sir this is a blue board. Tread lightly
The more weight I lose, the better shape I get in, the more I crave these fat hoes.
I was under the impression that indirect naughty bits weren't a problem.
>at indirect naughty bits weren't a problem.
Pushing the limit, methinks.
Sometimes. And sometimes it's real, but texturized.
The nips were barely visible. You might as well disallow this image.