H.test thread

h.test thread

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How is looking at girls you aren't actually going to fuck high test?

some thing something I like fat ass

I don't know how I feel about pinky's whole fart porn thing.

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The brain sees no difference between a picture of a girl bending over and an actual girl lowering herself in a position that invites your cock. Both will give a temporary increase in test.


One brap and it’s all over for us.

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>do figure drawing
>lillias right has some sets done for a drawing website
>have to wank before i draw or else i keep getting distracted
wew she is literally perfect

>fat thread

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So wait if you just look at porn all day but don't fap you will have higher increase of tes?

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Im confused... This is a fph thread, right?

It is now

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Who are you replying to, dumbuck?

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Reminder these threads are made by landwhales from tumblr looking to propagate their BAES agenda.

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Shame on you fatty fuckers.

whats this semon demons name

Imagine taking this photo

>tfw no qt pi very high test jungle asian gf

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Its a shit meme, high test = post landwhales

This whole "attraction to fatties equals high testosterone" narrative is just a cheap way for chubby chasing losers to justify their bizarre fetish.

If anything an attraction to overweight women is objectively indicative of a beta male mentality.

>doesn't get it

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>low test settling for fatties thread

If she aint 480, she's not a lady

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After dating a nigress it pains me to know that all of this beautiful hair is fake

Sir this is a blue board. Tread lightly


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The more weight I lose, the better shape I get in, the more I crave these fat hoes.

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I was under the impression that indirect naughty bits weren't a problem.

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>at indirect naughty bits weren't a problem.

Pushing the limit, methinks.

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Sometimes. And sometimes it's real, but texturized.
The nips were barely visible. You might as well disallow this image.

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