Some of us will never have that, some us will never have genuine affection, love or ultimately sex...

Some of us will never have that, some us will never have genuine affection, love or ultimately sex. Meanwhile there are people in this world hardcore loving each others to the point of being mutually involved in bestial performances like sucking, deepthroating, cumming onto others, rimming each others, threesomes and any other kind of sexual behaviours, all while being completely socially functional and wealthy. On the other side of existence, some men on this earth are simply destined to not experience even a genuine hug and to drift away into the agonizing void until death or madness consume them. It's just how the aleatory case of life works in the universe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

please brap on my face

this bitch used to stream on liveme wasn't she?

You are envious of normies. You are a failed normie.

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actually looks gross because she is 3DPD.
im so 2D pilled

Reminds me of this song

Life is naturally cruel like that. It's even harsher in the animal world. Western society and Christianity actually tried to free us from this by imposing strong moral values and monogamy, and even succeeded for a long time. That time is now considered evil and oppressive, even though women have never been unhappier than now. So now it's back to the natural order of the jungle. Expect this to become even worse. You will experience chad harems and the legalization of polygamy in your lifetime.

Those dimples above the butt are my favorite part on the female body.

The key is to not take it all so seriously. We will all be dead soon, no matter how much you lived your life. We go back to the void and hopefully never come back. I would even recommend dropping out of society and doing heroin. None of it matters in the end, might as well feel some form of pleasure.

This has to be the best robot description I have ever seen.

Just go with the flow, find joy in other things. If you're feeling extremely down, look into determinism. That's how I coped and eventually got laid and such. In the end it doesn't really matter, so prepare to be disappointed.

>Some of us will never have that, some us will never have genuine affection, love or ultimately sex. Meanwhile there are people in this world hardcore loving each others to the point of being mutually involved in bestial performances like sucking, deepthroating, cumming onto others, rimming each others, threesomes and any other kind of sexual behaviours, all while being completely socially functional and wealthy. On the other side of existence, some men on this earth are simply destined to not experience even a genuine hug and to drift away into the agonizing void until death or madness consume them. It's just how the aleatory case of life works in the universe.

Thinking like this is what happens when you're isolated, withdrawn, and watch porn.

Nope. Learn a thing or two

>some us will never have genuine affection, love
doesnt exist from women

>e there are people in this world hardcore loving each others to the point of being mutually involved in bestial performances like sucking, deepthroating, cumming onto others, rimming each others, threesomes and any other kind of sexual behaviours, all while being completely socially functional and wealthy.

this reveals your true desires: you want all of those things, exactly as you wrote.

Does anyone seriously find that attractive?
dude it cannot compare to anime girls.
I just fapped to amazing ecchi, why would anyone want to fap to 3D pigs?

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>failed normie
Everyone on this board is a failed normie

if you eventually "got laid" then you're a fucking normie and can't understand anything

>tfw Wretched wraith

>someone tries to give you advice, having com from the position you're in

take it from me dude, 2005-2015 I was drawing big ol dickgirls ( and all else, kissless, handholdless, shit I was hugless unless you count platonic hugs, I was the 'where my hug at' dude before I realized what I was becoming and just decided to abandon women

now I've got a fiancee and shit, banging all the time, getting my dick sucked, its crazy.

now it was about 99% luck, and shes like 5/10 at best until she loses the rest of this weight, but since shes low self esteem and stuff I can kind of just bully her around to make her

I don't feel like I love or have the need to love anyone at all.
>Inb4 cope
Seriously, I just don't feel it. I know I'm not a psycho but I definitely have low empathy. Maybe a socio with narcissism? Help me out anons wtf is wrong with me?


nice projection, retard

I'm more like the wretched wrath
>constantly angry
>deep hatred for humans
>I'm an angry being
>I don't like men
>women neither
>children? fuck them
>elderly piss me off
just leave me alone is what I always say
>tfw you realize you have the lives of every single person in this planet in your hands, you can end anyone at will

Attached: this no longer crazy.png (411x358, 235K)

abstaining from sexual relationships really avoids a lot of potential problems, logically speaking
virgins build up the sex act as some holy grail, and their perception of it is distorted by watching porn
>deepthroating, cumming onto others, rimming each others, threesomes and any other kind of sexual behaviours
sounds gross

My gf is dead originally.

Unless you're 30 and above, you might be a normie as well, just don't know it yet.

i just turned 30
you literally said nothing dude

I mean, I left out the middle part but I did explain to you that I was a khv, and now I am not, I was only trying to explain to you that you're fucking childish if you really think that someone cant break out of being a robot.

Try getting a job and not living off of neetbux, or you know, actually have a desire to talk to and fuck girls
Honestly if you're 30 and have had multiple jobs and still cant even talk to women, its because you don't want it bad enough and you're just getting scared off every time your 1% effort doesn't work, maybe thats what you think is a 'true' robot, but to me it just sounds like you're treating this like a weird version of the sour grapes thing where you think you're better than people who eventually made it out of here, because you're still bitter and lonely.

look man
its not that fucking great
women complain
they are needy and annoying
sure the cuddling is nice, the sex is good, but its all temporary
it isn't that great man, take it from someone who's married
theres a reason why our ancestors realized that the true red pill was becoming priests and being celibate

if you really want a girlfriend though man, jjust improve yourself
work out and better yourself
be a man that a woman would be proud to be with
its not that fucking hard man
look man , for the most part, most normal couples keep it to vanilla sex, and don't go into threesomes etc
you'll find a woman someday
and you';ll look back and cringe when you remember writing this tryhard garbage
women don't like fake intellectuals
just be a good person man
be interesting enough to be a good man
be strong
you don't have to have a lot of money to fuck , nor do you have to be a chad ( just look around man, plenty of sub par men have wives)
start by not pitying yourself, get your head out of your ass and realize that your life will NEVER improve if you don't first take steps to get out of this slump
i'm serious, work out (or if not , at least eat healthy- you'll lose weight wonderously believe me from a former big guy, i lost over 130 pounds)
, get some hobbies (non of this anime garbage or video games, real hobbies)
make shit with your hands
explore the outdoors
and lastly actually make an effort to meet women
sure, tinder is full of shallow whores
go to church man, go to book clubs, go to concerts
you'll meet people
and most importantly just don't be a fucking autismo who pollutes this board with your Jow Forumsiamverysmart post OP

t. failed normie in denial

I love this kind of baot

always had a job, never been on neetbux, also have my own side business, can talk to women just fine

it's called being fucking ugly, something you can't understand

I've seen some butt fucking ugly people with rings on their fingers dude, they're just shackled to equally ugly women

you're not a robot, you're just not going to settle for someone as ugly as you because you think you're somehow too good, you're basically a fucking roastie

also when I say ugly, I mean these guys are missing enough teeth they can stick their tongue out at you without opening their jaw, these are some advanced north georgia inbred ugly motherfuckers

>its not that fucking great
I know this post is well-intentioned, but nothing annoys me more than this statement, and I'm sure others agree. It shows a complete lack of empathy for lonely virgins. It doesn't matter if it's true. What would you think of a financially successful person telling a poor person "Money isn't that fucking great. It comes with all these new responsibilities, and you have to pay higher taxes, and your former friends get jealous of you, and you don't live in constant bliss like you might imagine." That's all true, but would you expect the poor person to stop caring about money after hearing this? Anyway, the rest of your advice is fine, but I just wanted to say that, since I see people say this shit all the time and it really bugs me.

>Jow Forumsiamverysmart
On an unrelated note, can we not rely on reddit references on Jow Forums? It's a fine site, but I think we should keep them separate.

>"its not that fucking hard man"
>tfw too autistic to even speak to people beyond two sentences.
Spoken like a true neurotypical

it isnt bait at all.
I just dont find 3DPD attractive

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What do you do with a 2d waifu apart from jacking off to an image desu? Legitimately asking.

its an emotional thing.
when I get to anxious I hug my pillow and think of her also makes me feel better thinking of her.
I get my Dakki soon so I can sleep with her

looking at her now makes me feel so much better.
2D is so pure

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>doesnt exist from women
Virgin cope field activated!

This guy gets it. All this "hurr durr muh redpill superior intellect" you inceltards are always spewing is nothing but a desperate attempt to look less pathetic.

Delete this picture of my waifu right now or die in agony

>go to church man, go to book clubs, go to concerts
>you'll meet people
not if you're a ugly fuck

I deleted the whole thing by accident.
sorry fren

I dont mind people seeing my waifu but otehr people can get upset :(

I unironically want her to sit and brap on my face

>Some of us will never have that, some us will never have genuine affection, love or ultimately sex

Some of us don't give a shit.

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More or less the best description.

>Some of us don't give a shit.
Of course you don't.

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I have literally never loved or wanted to have sex with anyone. I see literal fuckers as brain-dead wastes of energy. An ideal society would have almost literally everyone chemically castrated at birth with artificial wombs picking of the slack.

On an completely unrelated note, I'm graving meatloaf and gravy like a son of a bitch, holy shit.

>I'm graving
I'm craving*
Freudian Slip, if ever there was one.

All you have to do is not participate in discussion on how sad you are about dating normie stuff, focus on something else, and you'll be fine. These people all caught up on something that makes them miserable all day reminds me of my high school years, and it's kind of sad.

>have great body
>ruin it by giving yourself a downsy sped haircut

why do women do this?

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>putting your hair in a bun is considered a haircut
what's it like literally having autism

I honestly don't give a shit, people are trash desu. You can believe whatever you want, but I'm only here for the lulz.

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>You can believe whatever you want
I do, but thanks for your support and affirmation anyway.

I'm talking about the fringe, you turbo-brainlet

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it deeply disturbs me that this image makes failed normies an enemy but not regular normies. i honestly feel like failed normies are much better company.

it's true

a failed normie only feels like a failure because sadistic normies want him to

there is literally no way to tell what her hair actually looks like down, you literal retard

Attached: ugly-bitch-wouldnt-bang.jpg (640x480, 117K)

Do you really think a girl who poses like this and posts it on the internet is capable of genuine love and affection?

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the statement? sure, failed normies aren't the cancer though, and also you can't lump everyone who complains into failed normies, seriously.

>I do, but thanks for your support and affirmation anyway.

No prob

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you can plainly see that her bangs are cut

I can't help you, get your eyes checked and if they're fine then you should kill yourself because you can't comprehend simple shapes.

it's LITERALLY almost all pulled back into a bun, you LITERAL autistic retard

that's right and it's also completely irrelevant

B-b-ut you have a lot of free time for your hobbies and stuff, lol!

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>that's right and it's also completely irrelevant
nigga, what are you on about
why can you just enjoy ass like the rest of us

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please...please. PLEEASSSE SIT ON MY FACE!

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I don't know, perhaps anyone have different perspective on how to give love, probably she has her own; maybe by sitting on your face and letting you eat her anus gently.

Failed normalfags are actually much worse because they harbor so many negative emotions and are usually very resentful. They are a pain to be around and I would rather be around a fluffy normalfag than a 80 IQ jaded annoyance (if I left my house of course).

I'm 27 and I used to believe all of this was true. That you could literally pull yourself up by your bootstraps and people here (including me) were just lazy.

Now, I've done all of that. I've hanged out with different social circles, I got fit, I improved my clothing, I was more outgoing, I made more money, I even had a cooler job than most people my age. I had solid future prospects. I had literally everything on paper you'd need to have women show interest in you.

Guess what. Not ONE. O-N-E woman didn't show interest in me. My dudebrah squared jawed super wide shoulders neighbor instead not only has a cute loyal gf who deals with his bullshit and is in it for the long-term no matter what, he has literally every town's waitress texting him out of the blue. He doesn't do anything, women just want him.

There's fucking crackheads and drug dealers and criminals and just about most of male population getting SOME kind of female attention.

BUT not me or my circle of friends (the ones I feel that are genuine anyways). Let's not even make this about me. I've been to prostitutes, I've been to strip clubs, I screamed obscenities at women, I drove druk and had a crash, I failed at a lot of things, I did a lot of stupid shit that actually makes me a somewhat shitty person. Now my buddy has a well paying job, doesn't drink, is the most reliable good-natured person in the world with no ego. He is genuinely a great person with great future prospects, he doesn't get ANY attention from women. At all.

There is SOMETHING. I don't know what it is, but there is some gene, some behavior cue, some visual cue, some combination of these that make some men invisible if not repulsive to women no matter what they do, and some men attractive to women, no matter what they do. I don't know WHAT it is, but it's there.

And if after 10 years of trying I've learned anything, is that "just do it bro", "improve yourself", will NOT work. I've done it, it doesn't work. Sorry.

Sorry if this sounds dismissive, but that something is probably the same thing that makes you post depressing rants on Jow Forums. Honestly, sorry things didn't turn out the way you planned dude.

And if you don't believe me. Just consider for a moment how fucking stupid it is to lay out a multi-year improvement plan so one of those plain average girls might finally have some time for you, when I bet there are multiple guys you know who are complete failures of human beings, that get pussy handed to them on a silver platter regularly.

Do you REALLY think you need a 2-3 year improvement plan just to MAYBE achieve 1/10th of what your local overweight retarded low-level drug dealer accomplishes without doing anything? Do you realize how humiliating you are to yourself to claim that you need to a multi-year improvement plan to reach the level of THAT guy who basically has nothing going for him? Maybe...maybe you should consider that there is either something he has that you don't that isn't improvable with some kind of plan OR that women simply prefer making retarded choices. Or both.

And why do you want a smelly bitch to complain along your side everyday?
I have never had a gf and I think i will never have because is just a waste of time, you can do great things when all the time you have is for yourself.

Not everyone can pull themselves up by the bootstraps. It's just a meme to help justify why successful people are successful and poor people are poor, by suggesting that everything they got is solely a result of their own actions
But that's not to say you shouldn't try, and then get help.

Also I bet your posture sucks

>tfw the robots rarely comment so failed normies thing they dont exist

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how do you know that the people who have all that hardcore sex experience genuine love? you can't be certain that anyone experiences the kind of love that can fill that agonizing loneliness. do you think you'd be capable of loving someone to that same extent and if not, then how can you be sure that anyone else can?

genuine mutual love is probably just an unrealistic sham. don't spend your time being so down about something that likely doesn't even exist.

>Not ONE. O-N-E woman didn't show interest in me.
get out chad

>how do you know that the people who have all that hardcore sex experience genuine love
how do you know they don't? Not OP

This is the final redpill

PUA bullshit and "self improvement" fags can't fool us anymore, we are not that stupid, you can keep lying and making a fool of everyone for so long

and YOU can grab a gun and end it for them forever

pretty cool

I have access to this and it disgusts me that the universe is so unfair.

When will euthanasia be legally normalized into our society? Why our society wants people to suffer and agonize to the point of brutally murdering themselves without any dignity and humanity?

how Jow Forums are you really? stats?

that's a fair point. most normies i've known who are in relationships still cry about being lonely in some form or another, so i'd assume people are just kind of shit at loving each other. obviously the definition of genuine love is also really subjective, but i assume that the kind of love most robots want is something that 99% of people are too self-absorbed to be able to convey.

>but i assume that the kind of love most robots want is something that 99% of people are too self-absorbed to be able to convey.
I think this is true
But I think another thing that's true is that the type of love robots seem to want can be, often times, unrealistic

dude. go on tinder. go on grinder buy a hooker its not hard its incredibely easy you can have sex in 30 mins work trust me for god sakes

>the kind of love most robots want is something that 99% of people are too self-absorbed to be able to convey.
No, that idealized love only exists in themselves. They set themselves up for failure and that is why they always seem to fail.

what you're talking about, the 'gene' is just charisma
you can have the whole world, but if you dont have charisma and are not likeable, you won't be
you need to practice and work on being likeable senpai
get charisma

>the kind of love most robots want
>implying its anybody other than failed normalfags that incessantly seek attention

>Meanwhile there are people in this world hardcore loving each others
They just fornicate because it feels good. They only care about their own pleasure or interest.

Don't you dare insult love by saying that.

>used to fap to 2d with vigour and fervour
>had first sexual encounter in 3d
>first hand experience the warm physical closeness, the feeling of touch reciprocated, the feel of the flesh and ridges inside of her vagina
>the smell of her hair, her body, her sweet perfume, the taste of her skin and saliva and juices
>first time I ever rally felt like a human
>things end
>go back to 2d, its all turned to ash, mere drawings and crude representations of women often drawn by men who have them self never known the sensual touch of a woman. like an entire world turned to cave paintings upon returning to the cave or returning to your childhood room as an adult

appreciate the bliss, virgins. for you can never return to ignorance

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How do you get that? Girls are attracted to me at first but then they tell me I'm boring or too quiet. I admit I have zero personality and zero charisma, I might have slight autism. I find it very hard to talk to women and children, I'm like a robot.

Typical Jow Forums thread right here.

fringe is god-tier you plebeian

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Based anti-flesh pig women poster

You're fucking stupid. Historically speaking, religion is an expression of faith because mankind needs purpose to justify their existence and in times when terrible disasters, famine, war and disease could not be scientifically, morally or rationally justified, religion helped millions to prosper. Religion did not seek to free us, however, not in tge conventional term. It, rather, sought to trap us into dogma and oppression and shame. Argue however you want that the kind of control it imposed on families and people was for the better, but it is merely a matter of opinion. Objectively and historically speaking and we are talking facts here, the church was known to ve ungodly corrupt and using sin as the boigeyman to terrorize people into submission. The church never cared for a moment whether you are a pillar of morality so long as you pay taxes and support whatever effort, be it war or else, the the church pursued. This lead to great famine and disaster.

This user gets it. Good job!

Shit comes out of there, by the way.
Don't fall for 3D whores, they literally have shit in them at all times of the day.

I don't understand why so many people dismiss this sort of thinking as just "stupid nihilism"
Are they in denial? We will all die, and nobody knows what happens next, but this probably doesn't matter.
>inb4 "12 year old having his 1st existential crisis
This is true in the end, and nobody wins.

Thats why, look like tarzan play like Jane.
http ://
Read this, and gain some self respect.