>Alzheimer runs in the family
>dad forgot my name today
its over bros, isnt it?
>Alzheimer runs in the family
>dad forgot my name today
its over bros, isnt it?
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I have no words, user. I hope I never have to experience this.
Being there for your mom is what a man would do. Life can be really tricky sometimes, but it will eventually pass, especially if you support each other.
thanks user. means a lott
Well, if you want to share any feeling, here I am. My lack of vital experience doesn't allow me to give good advice, but if it makes you feel better I'll gladly listen to what you have to say.
I'm so fucking glad my family-line is mainly healthy, having a close relative forget who I am would hurt like hell.
>grandmother had Alzheimer's
>constantly got her daughters mixed up
>thought she was 40-50 years younger than she actually was if it ever came up
>died a few years ago
>it'll probably happen to my mom
>she's incredibly scared of the almost inevitable disease she will develop
>I'm too young to worry about it but it will probably come for me too
>be me
>cancer runs in family
>learn ketosis cures cancer because cancer cells can't run on ketones, only glucose, so keto starves cancer to death
thanks for the laugh bucko originu
>tfw work in an Alzheimer's unit
>know how bad these people can get
>grandma is starting to lose her memory
Make it stop
Let me share my wisdome with you
Is caused by aluminum
The aluminum levels in water are high right now. Why? Chemtrails.
You waste your healthy years with work while destroying your body and then you forget everything the older you get.
And this is what some people call life.. pathetic
sociopathy runs in my family. i'd say for every 5 people in my family, 2 of them are full blown sociopaths. i think i'm good though.
I cant help. For what it's worth I love you user. Your dad does too.
>Absolutely no cancer or Alzheimer's in my family
>All my grandparents, one aunt and one uncle died from heart disease before 75
Works for me
>3 of my 4 grandparents died in their 50s
I-it's just because they lived in the soviet union, r-right guys?
>watched my grandpa deterioriate mentally to the point of being below an infant in terms of cognitive ability
he died when not long after forgetting how to swallow, choked on his food and vomited while laying on his back. consequently he got pneumonia and died by drowning in his own lung fluid
dont live with your grandparents whatever u do
>see your old future self
>withered, frail and decrepit. Mind wasting away
>"save...me" is all he can muster
>"I will make sure this never comes to pass"
>*pulls trigger*
Die young. Die free. Die by no ones hand but your own.
At the end of his life, my grandfather didn't know who I was anymore. He thought I was my uncle.
He choked to death on his own slime.
I don't want to grow old, guys.
Then don't.
Greet death on your own terms.
Unafraid. In full control.
No ones victim. No helplessness.
That's what I plan to do once I reach a certain age.
I'll enjoy these earthly pleasures then make sure I end with a bang. Not a whimper.
>"just drink tap water, it's good for you!"
I use a Britta filter right now but is it enough or do I need to buy it by the bottle or jug?
>father's mother has Alz
>mother's sister has Alz
>I suspect mother is starting too
Help. I am in the middle. Both families have this issue.
>grandma had Alzheimer's
>it's just me and my mom now, no other family whatsoever
>she's getting up there
This is nonsense, what am I supposed to do when shit starts going down?
buy some adult diapers and get ready for a fight
I'm not going through that shit again, fuck that. Hopefully I won't be around by then.
Is that you, Matt? Seriously.
No user that is not my name.
My grandma has alzheimers I stopped visiting her cause it hurts a lot seeing her mind her personality all that makes her the woman that raised me when my mother wasn't there just disintegrate I know I should go visit her before its too late but I just can't bring myself up to it I only wish there is a heaven because she earned it.