Alright, help me out here guys.
Anyone who's used running or other forms of fitness to quit smoking and other bad or addictive habits, give me your success stories, I need motivation.
Alright, help me out here guys
>be me
>start running
>my knee/hips and ankles hurt constantly
>stop running
>pain goes away
I've used running to quit smoking, but I don't know what else I can tell you about it. Just totally focus on getting better at running, and put everything else (including smoking) aside. It's about flipping a switch to a 'whole new you', and that you doesn't smoke.
>Take mushrooms
>Fully perceive that smoking is disgusting and you're slowly killing yourself
>Quit easily and without hesitation
works every time
>works every time
You don't quit smoking by running, you quit smoking by not smoking.
Read Allen Carr's book (The Easy Way to Stop Smoking), take 3 days off work, throw any cigarettes you have away, shut yourself in and don't smoke at all.
But read the book because you have to have the right mindset.
7-8 years ago I wanted to stop smoking, I stumbled upon a thread on Jow Forums in which everyone recommended this book, I read it all the same night (night shift) threw away my rolling tobacco and stopped smoking.
I had been smoking for 8 years at that point.
No. I only quit drinking out of sheer willpower. I literally was (am?) an alcoholic. I drank a quart of whiskey/gin/whatever and beer until I passed out every night. I eventually just started buying it, then pouring it down the drain. That was the only way for me to recover.
I still smoke, but honestly it's because I enjoy it and it makes me look unironically cool. I don't vape, but I occasionally partake in pipe tobacco but only in my garage because I don't want to look like a fedora.
Long story short, no. Running and lifting won't cure your bad habits. I think it will eventually help you get to the point where you realize, "wow my drinking is ruining all my lifts." among other things.
not even memeing
mushrooms have something like 80% success rate for quitting smoking. which is way more than any medication, patch, or pill.
You wanna quit smoking? Take atleast 400 ug of LSD and sit in a dark room for the duration of the peek, then go outside and walk around your neighborhood at night.
The people suggesting psychedelics are honestly not memeing. Although to anyone please don't take 400 micrograms of LSD.
Psychédéliques especially shrooms IMO, won't necessarly change your life around, but they will certainly allow you to reflect on many things that are happening in your life, it will make you reflect on "why am I doing this?", "why haven't I started doing that, if I've been thinking about it for a while?", "why is my day to day routine this?", "why am I having X opinion on Y subject?", etc. It allows different points of views that you might not have seen before, and gives motivations to start new projects, to fix yourself new objectives.
Quitting smoking is just getting over the first 7 days.
You can feel like shit for 7 days. And after that it get's really easy as long as you don't have nights out for another 2 weeks.
This is bullshit. The next 6 months to a year can be a living hell. Even after the physical sweats of nicotine withdrawl stop, which can take weeks of very gradual diminishing, there will still be directionless anxiety and a need to do something with your hands for months to come. It's about how you channel all this excess energy. There is no point where you've made it and it's over, because addicts don't get healed. They just replace their fixations. Quitting isn't about making a single decision and getting past a point of safe return. It's about making a decision and continuing to make that same decision every 5 fucking minutes of your life until you manage to distract yourself well enough to move on.
>works every time
why do you have to quit multiple times?
>Fully perceive
You perceive it the same amount. It just hits you on a deeper emotional level. Stop attributing superpowers to drugs and get a job.
I guess it’s different for everybody. I just quit after 12 years of smoking. 10 months now and after the first 2 weeks it was smooth sailing. Good luck anyways.
>inb4 he gets mad and tries to discourage you
I used to dip A LOT but I noticed lifting heavy weights gave me the same type of buzz that the nicotine did. I increased my workouts by 30 min everyday to include more stretching and lifting and i have been 4 months nicotine free
Used to smoke a pack a day. ran 3 miles in 22:58
starting juuling to ween off ran 3 miles in 20:23
got off juuls 5 months ago, best time ever at 18:42
and i dont feel like coughing a pound of tar when i lift anymore
Just quit lol
Oh no I'm 4 years off cigs now but thanks. Congratulations. Every time I hear people talk about how easy quitting was I assume they never really smoked much in the first place.
Ye of little faith.
No, you perceive it more deeply because your ego filters are gone. In the same sort of vein, you'll look around you and feel like concrete and industrial architecture are disgusting and unnatural, stuff that has been around you for so many years that you no longer think about and take for granted come to the forefront. I didn't say anything about superpowers, it's just an altered perception.
>same amount
I told myself constantly I'd quit "one day" (20-24)
I realised how much money I was spending, and that it would ruin my quality of life if I continued
So I stopped
This was several months ago
I still want a cigarette occasionally
I don't have one though
Once you seriously reconcile the fact that you're paying money to kill yourself faster, it becomes pretty easy to give it up.
Just say it out loud: I'm paying money to kill myself.
You might tell yourself, "i can reflect on my actions sober," but honestly reflection under psychedelics creates a deeper connection for yourself. Its kinda like ppl who go through a traumatic experience and change.
Also first time i did lsd, or any psychedelic for that matter was 500 ug.
One of my family members works in a hospital. One thing that people who are overcoming 'extreme' addictions over hard drugs or whatever have to get involved in something else extreme to distract themselves from it. Maybe it is running ultra marathons or skydiving or something else to get a rush
Shrooms aren't for everybody, but I stopped smoking weed after doing shrooms for the first time. I've only done shrooms one other time after that.
I beat an opioid abuse problem and a xanax problem, separate of eachother, tapered off, and now am getting my masters degree. I'm only 22 tho so I'll attribute it to my youthful resilience.
I lift and run, but did those during my abuse cycles of various drugs
I smoked cigs while on my shroom trip, then smoked more the next day.