Best place to visit for sex tourism

Best place to visit for sex tourism

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Mexico, Brazil, Thailand

Yer mum's house

Brazil is a great place to get murdered and robbed.

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Yeah desu I'd stay away from Brazil and Latin America in general. Thailand seems like the best bet.

Jamaica is also tempting but for different reasons.

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Amsterdam is a no brainer

Literally every place known for sex tourism are great places to get robbed and murdered. You're going to poor countries and taking advantage of the desperation people in poverty find themselves in. What the fuck do you expect? You've been to American ghettos more than likely, just take what you've learned here and apply it to other countries.

i can personally attest to thailand. i'm assuming that the rest of south east asia is pretty good as well like vietnam cambodia etc etc. if you're a decent looking white guy its like paradise

what about europe
netherlands isn't exactly poor and desperate

but that's boring, i don't want to see a bunch of tall snooty white people when i go to get my dick wet

Thailand or Thailand unless you want to die a painful death

Yeah, I could recommend all of you to stay far away from any popular sex tourism spot. You will most definitely get flagged/asked about why you're going. If you're by yourself and look even slightly incel, you might have a tough time.

Go to Amsterdam. There are about a hundred girls there behind the windows. It costs 50-100 Euros per fuck.

Since I live in Holland I've been there quite a lot.
You can find every type of girl there. Most are from eastern Europe/Russia. There's also an entire area full of South-Americans that have huge asses.

If you want to be crazy there are also trannies, short girls, tall girls, fat girls, extremely thin girls etc..

Besides that they get tested and you can walk out, smoke a joint and go find another for round 2.

Atlanta gas station @ 3am, bring ten dollars and wave goodby to your virginity

Or Amsterdam I meant

What about deseases
Are they clean?

>Are they clean?

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thx user

Might take a look
Do they also have "younger models"?
Whats legals sex age there

>Do they also have "younger models"?
>Whats legals sex age there
Bumping because I want to know too.

Good taste my fren

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European countries that harbor brothels are going to be more expensive for "sex tourism". Like someone already stated. You're going to poor countries filled with Desperate poor people. Depending on where you live it can still be easily thousands of dollars to go on a sex safari.

i hope u a get aids and die in a hole ur all gross pedos and should take ur own lives

xoxo brooke

Don't come here. Stay on your side of the wall.

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Stfu pedophobe normie

Definitely not South Korea. I was stationed there for a year. Yeah I got laid a few times but holy fuck are they stingy about fucking foreigners.

Sorry but Americans drop by Tijuana for coke and pussy all the time. You should be thanking us, we're putting money into your cities. We go to your nightclubs, rent your whores that work there, fuck them in your hotels that we paid for.

>i fund illegal activities in your country xDD you should thank me
Stay out, pervert.

Why so harsh, larp-brooke?

i'm into fit tomboys
does amsterdam have a section for them?

What if I want a tall snooty dutch girl to domme me?

you absolute faggot. I banged the hottest woman I've ever seen, a serbian girl in her mid 20s with great natural tits, the cutest face and the sweetes personality for like 60 euro. This was in the red lights district, and it's been one of the best experiences in my life.

Men who live in third world nations aren't allowed to have opinions

surrender your women, beaner

>implying prostitution is illegal in Tijuana

>stay far away from any popular sex tourism spot. You will most definitely get flagged/asked about why you're going. If you're by yourself and look even slightly incel, you might have a tough time.

Can you elaborate a little on this?

I'd fug loli you Brooke

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why don't you guys stop killing each other so i can visit and fuck latinas in peace

Explain the meaning of this pic, please.

not that dude, but Amsterdam really is an adult's paradise. If you're a horny dude who wants to bang hot chicks and have fun, go there.
What he meant is that other sex tourism hot spots are not regulated and are operated by crime families and shit, namely Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia, etc, so if they see they can take advantage of you they will and there's nothing you can do, whether if it's scamming you, overcharging you or straight up beating you up.

Enjoy getting beheaded
