Why is this place nice to black people now?

why is this place nice to black people now?

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Influx of normalfags and women

bussyfag degenerates want to fuck black dudes. Very very disgraceful

because i hate the chinese and indians more

i thought most women where secretly racist


vidya comics the internet now even anime apparently

They want nothing to do with you, but can't keep themselves out of your business either. In essence, just more normalfag bullshit

There is nothing inherently wrong with being black

go back
race is real

>go on Jow Forums racism seems to be ramped up and every thread turns into racebait
>Suddenly there's a drop in racebait and racism
Well this is real interesting.

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Is it above robots to not be completely assholes every hour of the day?

>Cacs crying about bbc
>Cacs racebaiting in every thread
>why is this place nice to blacks

The mind of a cac

Having a certain skin color doesn't automatically mean you're a bad person you braindead retard

when you are the lowest of the lows you can't really by picky

>Faggots stop calling you a nigger at least a few times minimum in every thread
Wow it's getting real great

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ghetto gang kiddies and long term welfare recipients give black people a bad image, but white people can be just as bad.

black folks is ok too i guess.

Shut your nigger mouth

It's not. It's pretty much the same, only the people who used to spout nigger every other word are getting older and less juvenile. Doesn't mean that their opinions have changed much

imagine thinking that the word nigger has any meaning in 2018

Suck it cracker heheheheheh sooo funny
It's annoying when it consists of almost every single goddamn fucking comment.

they are, thats why they want to fuck tyrone while you watch and cry

hey brah, I too have a 23.5cm cock which is why I respect you, despite you being a nigger. high five, fellow big dicker.

Jow Forums is the blackest board of all. Blacks are the most likely to be robots.

>why is this place nice to black people now?
What? There has been a massive influx of racebait on Jow Forums, hell we're in a racebait thread right now.

Here is the format for every thread
>Some manipulator faggot writes a post like the OP to solicit a certain response from people
>Brainlet posters reply predictably ie "Meta discussion on the meaning of the word Nigger"
>Psuedo-intellectual Jow Forumssubhuman shows up and writes some long drawn out post outlining his theory to why x is happening
>Manipulator (the OP) is laughing his ass off at the meaningless discussion and mental retardation his has prompted
This shit is called bait for a reason. Anyone who's posting seriously in here is an absolute retard

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R9k didn't give much of a shit about race before the 2016 election. A regular poster used to be a black guy who would post pictures of his very black hand on video games and ask robots which one he should play. There were very few racist responses.

The racism started after a few mass shootings and Trump's campaign, which all attracted edgy normies and Jow Forumsthe_donald to the board.

You can tell who came after 2015 by how obsessed they are with race. This board was full of greentext stories about being an autist, not racebait, interracial porn and infographics. Yeah there were always racists here but r9k was never a racist board.

rosemary 035

"black" it's called NIGGER.
>got it?

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How do racists even cope knowing there are nonwhites who make more money in a year than they will make in their entire lives? It seems to contradict the blanket policy they throw over every thing.

>how do they cope
You see it all the time on this very board. They blame it on the Jews. Jews are the White Man of white people.

>Most people with superiority complexes also tend to suffer from inferiority complexes
/Cuck/s like you literally can't exist unless you're constantly trying to start conflicts and shit on someone else. Racists are textbook losers. Look at the average anti-semite or KKK member. Fat middle aged white guy who never went to college and works as a day laborer (a literal surf) and at night he plays dress up with an autist men's club filled with similar individuals.

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What do you expect out of people who have built an entire identity around one emotion?

>the nigger faggot

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>standing up for the chinese

i thought summer was over already?

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Hey look what we have here.
It's the gayest leftist faggot ever.
>Welcome to Jow Forums
>now fuck off

>The loser who's only means of expressing himself is through edgy words and vectors on 4chin.
>Movie gif
Not an argument pleb

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The best part about this is that you can't even refute my arguement, you can only attempt to attack me personally.
>So right that all you can do is use meme buzzwords against me and prove my point

You mean, your a faggot? Right!?

chink sympathizer coming thru got they asses!!!

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I can't tell if you're baiting me, or if you're actually mentally retarded
>Never heard that one on Jow Forums before!

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nigger don't be a nigger my nigger

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Laugh my fucking ass off

I hunger for black pussy

nigger nigger chicken eater

A collective case of jungle fever.

i knooooooooow, so here is what you guys realy want to see.
>flexible negro sucking his own cock

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>Be edgy teens
>"Niggers XD"
>Few years go by
>Most people mature and grow up
>The ones who don't: "why isn't everyone racist still, faggot niggers amirite guys XD?"

this fugin thread again
>black lives doesn't matter

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the real reason is that the left current holds most of the high iq scientific beliefs

people online like to stroke their ego, i know a lot of people who becomes leftists not out of any kind of empathy but because it's a more brain-stimulating position to argue

>complains about others using ad hominems while using ad hominems to smear them in the first place

Most of the racism on this site has never been ironic past or present, unless you think Jow Forums was created as a genuine satire board.

>Most of the racism on this site has never been ironic past or present, unless you think Jow Forums was created as a genuine satire board.
I mean pol is just the anonymous version of Stormfront, but the site as a whole? Yeah, a lot of it is/was ironic posting. Jow Forums has always been contrarian and what's more contrarian than posting racial slurs?

>Argues screenshots
>Thinks BML is still a big thing
Are Jow Forumsacks really this disconnected from the world?

>Cacs till pretending to be black online

How can life get that sad

What's going on here?

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BBC posting jannies are around now
So they get rid of any non BBC thread

>When you have an inferiority complex you compensate by posting edgy XD images from a saved folder you have onto an anime website

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getting mad when people casually use the Nigger word is the stupidest shit ever, if it really bothers you just ignore it. But i think this place should empathize with black people, in my experience they are much nicer to people with robot qualities vs neurotic ass white people who will make fun of you

>the absolute state of baiting