Someone gave me these and said they are magic mushrooms. I have never seen them before. Are these legit?
Someone gave me these and said they are magic mushrooms. I have never seen them before. Are these legit?
Yeah they look real
Yes, now eat them all amigo
yeah they look like mushies m8
have fun
don't do that shit it's illegal and if you take a drug test you will fail
Those look legit to me.
FYI they are going to taste awful but its fun to do.
Fur sure do it!
>illegal and if you take a drug test you will fail
Because we all take random Drug test? I mean if you are taking a drug test in the next 2 weeks dont take it but otherwise enjoy
lol those are toxic you thick fuck
Put them in some lemonade for a half hour then drink it. Lemon juice strengthens the effects and makes it kick in faster.
Post your name address and I'll send someone over to verify it for you.
Nah they look legit actually. You ever seen magic mushrooms?
Anyway OP dont eat them eithout a sober person you trust to trip-sit you. If you freak out its nice to have someone level headed to calm you down. Enjoy your trip you lucky fuck. Dont listen to anyone in this thread about what mushrooms are like, its an indescribable experience.
>implying we have friends
Ignore this normalfag just be somewhere safe and you'll be fine
>needing a trip sitter
lol OP just make sure you don't have anything you need to do for 24 hours
Psychedelic research chems > shrooms. 4-AcO-DMT is basically shrooms without as much nausea and risk of eating a poisonous mushroom.
that shit will land you in a psych ward. don't trust RCs
Yup. Those look noice.
May I bother you with a littlebit of unsolicited advice, which might or might not hurt you?
Allways keep in mind that these mushrooms are virtually non toxic. The amounts you'd have to ingest in order to even harm your liver with active substances contained in them would be ridiculous. Impossible to even consume on physical level. That's a thing, which allways pops in first timer's mind. Really burn this information into your consciousness.
Another thing. The allmighty Lemontek AKA how to make shrooms super powerful with much more colorful and sharp visuals. Simply chop up those badboys really fine, or blitz them in coffee grinder. The smaller particle the better. Then soak this stuff with just enough lemon juice to make a mush. Wait for at least an hour, but no more than 12 hours. Then you can dissolve this stuff in honey sweetened tea or just eat it like that. What happens is the active substance in shrooms (5HO-DMT) reacts with citric acid creating citrate salt, which gets absorbed by your digestive system much much more rapidly and effectively, causing you to trip total dick from as little as 2G.
Anyways enjoy your trip and stay safe user :)
How do people even take shrooms? They just eat it? Looks like they taste like ass.
The declaration of Independence was illegal.
They do. It tastes like chewy, leathery crap witha strong smell of fungal wood decay. It gets wedged in between your teeth. You burp rotten crap if you didn't eat prior to the trip.
Best way to mask this crap is making a mint tea with those shrooms. Some honey and lemon in there (explained lemontek above) and you're good to go. Mint masks the smell perfectly, plus it soothes nausea.
That's one way. Always preferred grinding them into tea back when I used to do psychedelics.
The benefit being you don't need to ingest the fungus itself but get all of it's effects
I'm allergic to mint, what do?
Well. Pick some other strong tasting tea. Or just honey and lemon. Everything is better than straight up chewin on shrooms lol
I've never seen magic mushrooms in my life. I notice my coworkers and classmates would sometimes talk about them but no one ever offered me any or anything. DARE made me think people would be offering me drugs every other day.
Do not use heat on them, user!
Drug tests cannot detect mushies you dumb faggot
Really makes you think hmmmnmnm
From personal experience I can tell you that you can use some heat on that stuff without noticeably losing potency. Like simply pouring hot water over it to make tea is no biggie. But generally you're right. Prolonged heat exposure destryos the active compounds.
Yea those are shrooms.
Get a scale and start with around 3g of them
Be aware they will block your ego. You will be able to look at yourself from new perspectives without your ego in the way
Visuals are fun not as good as lsd or dmt but decent.
Thing will get brighter a little waveyer
You may feel neausous of you eat them. Esting them on raw stomach makes them work faster.
Look up shroom tea of u want can help with neasea
Gl user have fun
do you put the shrooms in the tea?
3G or an eighth as some are suggesting is definitely a strong dose for a beginner, the lemon tek is also not the best advice for a beginner either. I know you guys are probably hard heads but come on, be reasonable. A half eighth is fine. Erowid lists a common dose at 1-2.5G
inb4 the heroic dose mafia shows up
yeah. you can either just pour hot water over them (hot, not boiling) or lemontek them and just stir the lemon mush into warm tea - which is even better.
Can you OD on shrooms?
OP take them all at once and buckle up
my tea recipe: ginger + shrooms, boil for 10 minutes, strain and add tons of sugar/honey/whatever and a baggie of green tea. Let it cool down and enjoy.
Tried and tested method.
Shred em and toss em in some choco pudding, experience the universe
Nah. You'll put your brain through the psychedelic equivalent of one of those high G force training machines they use on pilots and astronauts but you aren't going to die from taking a bunch of shrooms.
Eat them whole op.