Everyone was invited to your coworker's birthday party except you

>everyone was invited to your coworker's birthday party except you
Best lifts to deal with this feel?

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they probably figured you were too busy with your training

dont lie to op

just admit it OP, you're a janitor and you overheard that there was a party while you were elbow deep in human shit. Get help.

>Run into qt coworker from my old job from earlier this year.
>she didn't remember my name
>didn't even realize I left

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Heartbreakers x 20
All alones x10
Crywanks x F

Heavy bag x30 mins
Circuit training

Attached: 1492557533413.jpg (1024x807, 148K)

That sounds like heaven to me, I wish all the brainlet coworkers would just stop interacting with me altogether, they are all absolute NPCs

Lifting a gun to your mouth.

>caught lying to my gf about another girl I was seeing
>caught lying to the other girl about the gf I never told her about
>other girl has a complete meltdown when she finds out and proceeds to beat the shit out of me while I'm driving the car and also destroys my cell phone in the process
>everyone fucking hates me right now
I deserve all of this. Going to lift tonight until I can't feel anymore.