>everyone was invited to your coworker's birthday party except you
Best lifts to deal with this feel?
Everyone was invited to your coworker's birthday party except you
they probably figured you were too busy with your training
dont lie to op
just admit it OP, you're a janitor and you overheard that there was a party while you were elbow deep in human shit. Get help.
>Run into qt coworker from my old job from earlier this year.
>she didn't remember my name
>didn't even realize I left
Heartbreakers x 20
All alones x10
Crywanks x F
Heavy bag x30 mins
Circuit training
That sounds like heaven to me, I wish all the brainlet coworkers would just stop interacting with me altogether, they are all absolute NPCs
Lifting a gun to your mouth.
>caught lying to my gf about another girl I was seeing
>caught lying to the other girl about the gf I never told her about
>other girl has a complete meltdown when she finds out and proceeds to beat the shit out of me while I'm driving the car and also destroys my cell phone in the process
>everyone fucking hates me right now
I deserve all of this. Going to lift tonight until I can't feel anymore.
It doesn't matter dude. You're going to try and save one but now you realize that you are the one that really needed saving all along.
>Plot twist: You are the only person who can save you from yourself
Take out the trash tonight. Go lift. Read 15 pages of a good book then go to bed. Tomorrow is a new day. Dog bles abon.
Aww I’ll invite you to my bday party
>Have oneitis for a coworker
>Try to ignore her, but only make her more attracted to me
I want this feel to stop. How much weight to I need to squat to forget?
The girl with the perfect ass and cute face at my work has a faggot husband who dresses like a 13 year old stoner. And he has dreads. And I am about a foot taller than him and much stronger. I make her laugh. She has given me looks. I deserve her more than him.
Just go for it
What about not shitting where I eat?
seeing the kind of pictures that get posted here i'd say there's a pretty good chance your "perfect" girl is actually some fat piece of shit dating an equally unattractive man so it all makes sense
Just settle for cumming on her instead
>tfw only social interaction i get is with coworkers
Don't shit where you eat.
If you need that job to pay the rent don't shit where you eat.
If that isn't the case go for it.
>she didn't remember my name
Why does it hurt so much? Even my high school teaches would forget my name
the one thing i have when it comes to my job is that at least people would definitely know i left. i dont know if they would necessarily be sad if i left, but i feel like it would definitely leave a hole there, at least i hope so