Is becoming a trap the only way for robots to finally be happy

is becoming a trap the only way for robots to finally be happy

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the answer is yes how could you not be happy being a cute girl desu senpai

I think so user, are you becoming one?

Damn wish I could but I past the good age to start and I'm rather mannish so it would never work out.

The only way for them to truly be happy is for then to grow some balls and stop being beta faggots.

>are you becoming one?
I already am one :)

how old are you. there may still be hope

23 yo and with my wide chest and shoulders as well as definitely man face it is a no go

won't know until you try

>high frequency of regret, painful surgeries, and a 50% suicide rate

Nice, I've been seriously considering becoming one but idk if I really should.

it'll either make you happy or it'll fuck you life up sufficiently to convince you to end it

No, I considered it but I cant lie to myself.
I would make a horrible trap.

They're happy because the depressed ones kill themselves

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I mean I guess but still it would be a lot of hard work and maybe. Don't even want to be a trap just wish I was a girl.

It's possibly possible

Man sign me up for some of that am I right?

Oh I remember this. I was featured in that lovely video but I wasn't even part of the "tranny cult" just shitposting and making jokes. It was such good fun.

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Just be a twink
There's a reason people post 2d anime girls in these threads, lying doesn't work

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yeah but you have to be OK with being in gay relationships. 97% of girls wouldn't touch trap dick with a 10 foot pole

I doubt being a trap would make me happy.
I still have shit self confidence, anxiety and trust/paranoia issues.
I won't get any better just because my appearance changes.

t. has never been to a fucking con

no but the only way for you to be happy is to kill yourself