Why do so many women have eating disorders?
Why do so many women have eating disorders?
because being thin is literally all they have to do to be happy
it's their one responsibility
Don't they know about nutrition and exercise?
uh why
fasting is all they need if they aren't athletes
Woman with eating disorder here
I myself am anorexic, I have a BMI of 15 and I haven't had a period in 1 year.
Honestly, I do it for really silly reasons. I think I just want to have control over something but I am always looking for justifications.
For example I recently went on a 4 day water fast because I saw this image of Pepe. In it his fingers are thinner than mine. I spent the time staring out of the window in this exact pose so I could compare my fingers. Other things that have triggered me on Jow Forums alone include the gap between the / and the letters on the board list (so where it says / w / wg] I got triggered that the gap was bigger than my thigh gap between the slashes and the w) and some of the adverts.
So they don't look like half-dead auschwitz prisoners. Thin stacy who works out and eats right is infinitely hotter than a skeleton with skin.
Becayse society expects women to be pretty so they're all self conscious, or something.
because thinness is valued in women and I'm trying to attain some degree of value
I also want to show people that I have more willpower than they do, look at me you sad fucking fatasses I bet you wish you had this much self-control
t. ugly anorexic femanon
You need to be institutionalized, you crazy bitch.
well your personality could use a bit of work, but the "ugly anorexic" vibe is unironically my thing.
The bit about fatasses is mostly the ED voice talking
I don't actually think non-anorexics are fat
But they are all fat lmao
Society expects men to be perfect too but you don't see us puking out food to get skinny.
lol stop trying to feel sorry for yourself you stupid cunts
>I think I just want to have control over something
it's been a while since i talked to any anorexic on a meaningful scale, but this is the most common reason i was always given for why girls turn anorexic. it's one of the only things they feel they have control over
It's a complicated issue. I never had an eating disorder but many of my friends do. The most common argument is that it's reflective of cultural beauty standards and how beauty is often the only measure of worth for women. I've also heard that eating disorders manifest as a result of truama (ex. Rape) as one attempts to micromanage and control one's body to an extreme degree. Many of my friends with eating disorders have informed me of histories of abuse.
However, I am not entirely satisified woth either of these theories. I know there were religious instances of anorexia - almost exclusively in women - throughout the middle ages. Maybe this means there is something inherent in female biology more condusive to starving oneself? Maybe the religious anorexia was an entirely different thing (a Christian revulsion to gluttony) manifesting itself with the same symptoms as modern day anorexia due to chance. Who knows.
It's a fascinating topic nonetheless. Check out Manic Street Preachers 4st7lb.
t. fat chick
Yeah, I guess they believed the "all sizes/shapes" are beautiful" movement, what idiots.
Society doesn't expect every man to have an 6 pack, most people don't care for that really.
People expect you to not a be a fat slob, though.
I sadly know of people who tried to starve/stuff themselves so they would be unattractive and no one would try to sexually abuse them again
that's not so bad then.
>most people don't care for that really.
Women do. They don't outright say it but look at Connor Murphy's videos.
Why can't they get over it like a normal person?
Yes women like muscular guys, but they will still date guys who aren't super ultra bodybuilder-type muscular.
Most guys aren't that muscular, they only go to the gym maybe once a week and do some minor stuff, just to keep in shape.
>get over it like a normal person
>just get over rape
>just get over child molestation
sure, user. I bet it's that easy.
There are millions of people who have been raped, molested, or abused who get over their traumas and carry on with life. Eating disorders are a lazy and immature way to deal with trauma, just like drugs and alcohol.
You do realize no one chooses to have an ED, right? The number one predictor is genetics. It's something like 80% heritable.
I used to be anorexic.
Now I eat too much.
I think it's because I've started to become cute and it makes me feel bad, so I eat too prevent myself from being cute.
It feels bad to be beautiful.
I try to see psychs but they just tell me to exercise instead of helping me deal with my issues.
I'm scared I may be developing some sort of ED by water fasting
I'm scared to come off it and I feel guilty when I have to refeed, so I'll eat very little and try to burn those few calories I did eat by going running
So you're vain
That's your "big problem" you need to vent on r9k for, you're vain
I've got a solution, wait 10 years
You should go to a clinic that specializes in eating disorders.
I just want to say if any fembots are having issues with anorexia, call me and i'll feed you all the semen you need to be a healthy weight. I'm here for you :)
It's literally the opposite though. Men's metabolism is often fucking ridiculous in their teenage years and twenties. Maybe you were just born to be a fat fuck.
yeah i'll help you with your issues what's your address
Usually if someone says I'm pretty, i tell them I'm disgusting and run away
It's ridiculous throughout their lives. Some guys in their 50s are still skinny while their wives are obese.
They're trying to become 2D and attract alphas
it's got very little to do with metabolism you retards, it's how much you eat
it's not that complicated
Not really, I fast too so I have the twink build (bi), it's why I'm even lurking around this thread. The fat distribution means girls keep their stomach flat for longer too (turkey arms are pretty bad but thick thighs is a genuine preference for a shitload of men).
You can't build muscle mass without good nutrition, that bulk isn't really needed for girls. Girls that do bulk up tend to get a shitload of hate even from guys who presumably want to avoid looking gay.
Recovered bullimic, currently anorexic here. I get a sense of high when I don't eatfor long periods of time, probably due to lack of nutrients (I snack of sweet things and black coffee) but also due to the feeling of being in absolut control of my body/desires. It makes me feel strong(er) on an emotional level, ya know, being able to take the pain and don't break and the classic rethoric.
>thick thighs
my biggest turn off. foreveralone desu
gay. Shes fucking gorgeous and i bet shes tight as two coats of paint. mega hawt
He didn't talk about that girl though
Like she doesn't have thick thighs
Also you're a girl you aren't really in a position to judge what guys find hot
its sad because you probably see yourself as a tragic hero, and not as the pathetic retard you actually are.
>He didn't talk about that girl though
correct. i was talking about the comment in the text. the post mentioned that thick thighs were a preference among many men, and i was pointing out that i was not one of those men. when you are looking for thin thighs, you see that it's a rather rare trait among women. hence the foreveralone.
He's a bi guy who's fasting to get to twinkmode, not a girl
I'm not even the guy who posted the picture. I thought you meant that the girl in the picture's thighs were too thick, my mistake.
A faster metabolism goes hand in hand with a higher appetite. Therefore, a fast metabolism does not necessarily portend healthy weight. Not to mention that fatties often destroy their metabolism, insulin resistance, hormones, etc. by becoming fat, such that they create a positive feedback loop of fatness and unhealthiness. Fatness is one's own fault, in the vast majority of cases.
Because most of them don't have any real problems so they focus on "Muh Body Image"
Women are retarded.
The real question is: How come when a person has anorexia, people straight up tell them that the image they have of their body is wrong, but when someone claims they're trans, we're supposed to support their crazy views?