Had an autistic breakdown in public

>Had an autistic breakdown in public
>Punched an old man in the face
>Now im getting charged with assault

My court date is next week. Should I kill myself?

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You get away with anything if you're unironically autistic, use it to your advantage

Is it your first offense? If so you'll get off with a slap on the wrist, probation at worst. Bonus points if you tell the judge you're an autist. There was a guy in jail with me that was autistic AS FUCK. Said he burned his families house down and trashed their car, wasn't even his first offense - apparently he was already on probation and violated the shit out of it. Judge went super easy on him and gave him a PR bond because he told him he has the tism.

just spaz out in the courtroom like how you did when you assaulted the old man

Im not autistic enough to get away with it

Its not my first offense. I was arrested in the past for
>getting angry in a restaurant and flipping all the tables over, kicking a girl in the crotch
>punching a random guy in Walmart for cutting the line
>breaking someones car window

I obviously cant control myself, should i suicide?

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sounds like you need to control your violent outbursts. that sort of repeat offense will land you in prison

Oh well nevermind. You're a violent sperg and will hopefully be chemically lobotomized by meds this time.

If he already has 2 assault chargers like I'm assuming not even counting the window, that's probably where he's headed now.

Yeah sure why not it saves a lot of energy than going through with court and shit

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Did you get a lawyer?

here is a serious advice. go to a doctore and let him diagnose autism on you. so you will be fine.
guess u are ameri-mutt. so its your licence to do everything you want.

I didnt choose to be like this you faggot

I didnt get charged just locked up those times but now i probably will get charged

Fuck fuck fuck why does this happen to me

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pfffhahaha fucking retard. i hope someone videoed your tantrum and put it on youtube cunt

>I didnt choose to be like this you faggot

Free will exists and you made the choice to act out on your anger. Stop making excuses for your poor behavior.

This. Dont be a fucking snowflake faggot. You know you sound just like those queers who say they didnt choose to be dick sucking homos right?

You are the only person capable of controlling your action, and you are responsible for the result of those reactions. YOU CHOSE TO FLIP THE FUCK OUT LIKE A RETARD!

If you really cant control yourself then do the whole world a favor and KYS

I'm literally diagnosed with autism and I know better than you what ths heck

Any time I feel raw anger I just grab something long like a broom and beat my mattress

Do what I do and hit your bed

Fuck you. Its not my fault

I was angry because the bouncer at the bar i tried to get in to said i was banned for a prior incident. But he wasnt reasonable about it he was screaming at me unnecessarily even though i didnt do anything. So i swore back at him. And then this old man starts fucking scolding me calling me disrespectful. I had a breakdown from all these people shouting at me at once and then just screamed ILL SHOW YOU WHATS DISRESPECTFUL YOU OLD NIGGER and punched him in the jaw. I wouldnt have done it if he didnt keep fucking yelling and NONE of it wouldve happened if the bouncer just told me calmly to leave rather than yelling

Apparently the old man was a quarter black and i didnt realise so now im getting charged for racist assault too because i said nigger

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I'm pretty sure this is a LARP but if it isn't you need a couple months in jail and some powerful medications my dude. Also, fuck you

>Fuck you. Its not my fault

That's exactly the kind of attitude that's keeping you from progressing as a human being.

Too bad you had to ruin your troll with such an unbelievable story though.

You could have walked the fuck away, but you chimped out. YOU are the fucking nigger!

Doesnt matter if a person is disrespecting you, you dont fucking hit someone over words you dumb animal! These are things CHILDREN do! And niggers! You are a stupid, man child, nigger and you deserve to be put down like one!

>prior incident

Wtf made you think you could go back there??? You mean to say you did something before?? Its no wonder they yelled at you, you probably had it coming! You sound like you arent respectful to anyone and you dont take responsibilty for your actions! WHY IN COCKS FUCK SHOULD ANYONE RESPECT YOU?

What the fuck is wrong with the law system.

>kicking a girl in the crotch

kill everyone in your path and make us proud

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Fuck you fuck you fuck you

I cant control my emotions. Autism literally prevents me from responding to things like raised voices and aggression like a normal human being. Everything is fight or flight

The prior incident was the window smashing, i smashed the window of a car outside the bar. But i didnt think i was banned cause i ran away after that. Apparently the cctv got me and then they decided to ban me even though it wasnt on the bar premises???

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nice LARP bro but it needs some work

nah bro. just get a good lawyer and try to make the plea that you have some serious autismo.

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You may not be able to control your emotions, but fucking news flash NO ONE CAN.

I have autism too, and whenever someone yells at me, i want to hit them too. Guess what i dont do though? Fucking hit them cause im not a nigger! Dont bullshit me with that whole "i cant control myself" shit! Yes you fucking can!

Now do your time with dignity you dumb bitch! And maybe reevaluate yourself while you are locked up! Stop playing the victim! You arent a victim, you are a fucking criminal cause you chose to act like one cause you listened to your feefees!

Be a man! Take responsibility!

I hope you get jail time you fucking idiot

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Hope you die niggers

Fuck this gay earth

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user quit trolling baka.

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We'll die in good time nigger. You on the other hand should kys as soon as possible. You are beyond saving.

You deserve to go to jail and get butt fucked by tyrone

Mankind's greatest sin is lack of self control. We were given intelligence so we didn't have to bow to animalistic instincts. Every single human with an IQ above the retarded is capable of this control. To give it up is to become less than an animal, because at least they aren't intelligent enough to help it.

I absolutely fucking despise the weak willed, their only vocabulary is "I can't" when presented with even the easiest problem. Either kill yourself or fix your shit life, if self control is too hard for you, choose the former.

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I punch holes in the wall. Thanks for the advice. I legimitimately Keller when I imagined some scrawny robot beating his bed with a broom


Do you have a diagnosed disorder? If you don't you're fucked
You lawyerd up?

You probably have baby reflexes. I still have a strong Moro reflex. It puts me in fight or flight mode 24/7. If I can't solve a problem I just run from it and if I can I do it at all costs. Just dealing with things isn't in my vocabulary.

>free will exists
nobody tell them

are you in UK

Already happened.