Who else here /racistparents/

who else here /racistparents/

>watch some 2018 hollywood movie with my dad
>suddenly some black guy appears on the screen
>he turns to me and says "who let this nigger out of the jungle?"
>we both have a laugh and drink some beer

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>watching dragon's den
>black entrepreneur enters the den
>"ha, I'd never do business with a black one, that's my rule that is"

jesus christ, racism is not okay and I honestly respect my father a bit less for doing this

> mom gets raped by niggers
> father kills them
> beta son (you) begs that Jamal and Taylanvius are spared
> father digs three graves that day

my dad has some moments of racism and it's hilarious because my mom freaks out whenever it happens
>mom watching some shit housewives show
>white woman with a huge ass (obvious implants)
>mom is like "look at her butt"
>dad goes "looks like a nigger's ass"
>mom gasps and dad pretends it was an accident

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>tfw you bond with your parents over your shared hate for blacks

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>Stepfather hates Injuns

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>their minds are as twisted as their hair

thanks grandma

>racist idiots for parents
OK, this is epic.

Go eat some Smegma, you huge faggot.

BASED OP's dad.

>asian appears on the tv
>dad says 'ching chong yellow man has a small wang'

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If Injuns weren't rapists, child molesters, selling drugs, shitting and pissing in public and beating their wives MAYBE my stepdad would like them more

>beta dad scared to speak freely unless its just you and him
>literally turned and looked around the room to make sure the coast was clear

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>literally turned and looked around the room to make sure the coast was clear

he didn't even say that. Learn to read you illiterate coon

>I'm happy to have backwards braindead inbred parents
nice, bad parenting

what is with the amount of subhuman normalshits in this thread?
go back to fucking facebook already you morons

Autistic incel whining like a little pussy faggot. Break your neck on a fucking rope worthless faggot

You can be smart and hate niggers, that's what they never tell you in uni.

>mom got angry with a Latino at the laundromat
>wanted to tell him "this is why Trump doesn't want you here!"
>sister agrees with the idea that Latinos think they own America and can do what they want
what the fuck is their problem, they're black

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faggot. I wish i had a based dad.

>dad constantly shitting on nigs and spics
so fucking fun

we were in line once at black friday and were behind a pack of nigs in line and he very loudly exclaimed "boy why does it smell like shit around here?" and all the whites laughed and the nigs didnt know lmao

>Autistic incel
nice projection you fucking subhuman failed normalfaggot

More stories about your white-trash life plz?

Wanna know how I know youre all from the bumfuck Midwest or the incest Deep South?


This is why your country is shit

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what the fuck who are these people? triggered blackbots or sjws?

My dad isn't really racist but has turned into an ultra boomer as he ages, antifa are terrorists, cops are good, thank you for your service, what about white lives matter, etc
My mom hates the chinese, my grandma hates Russians

>dur dur if you don't love blacks ur dumb
pic related was obviously a racist farm owner. so glad that POC did this and reclaimed their land (that they obtained after genocidal war with a neighboring tribe)

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Pereday privet to your babushka.

>he turns to me and says "who let this nigger out of the jungle?"
Based. As some people get older, they just stop giving a shit about what comes out of their mouth.

Your fellow whites falseflagging for (You)s

This thread makes me feel like something vital is missing from my life.

t. leftist parents

She's Finnish so she's hated them all her life

My mother literally texted me "Wir haben jetzt einen schwarzen Brieftraeger" with a monkey emoji following the message

(Wir haben jetzt einen schwarzen Brieftraeger = We now have a black postman)

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It's called inference you dimwit low iq hairless baboon. His dad is a confirmed Pussy who only speaks freely when hiding of course you relate

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>at friend's house planning to go bowling
>talking about if the bowling alley will be crowded
>friend's dad goes "bet there will be a lot of pollacks there"

(apparently polish people like bowling)

>be in car with dad
>he lives in a poor neighborhood
>sees a pack of blacks walking on the streets
>says ''DAMN NIHRS'' with a redneck accent
>we're actually not racist at all and just like racist jokes

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>we're actually not racist at all
Actually user, all whi*tes are inherently racist. Get a fucking clue.

Nice damage control, you retarded shitskin. You can't infer anything like that from the post. Keep embarrassing yourself.


>haha passive aggression is so alpha

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>having this little self awareness

Typical cac. You think you did something surprising, I knew when I made the post some low iq subhuman 56er would whine and say exactly what you said because you're oblivious to how much of a caricature you are. It's very easy to infer you dumb animal. The simple fact is the people who talk like that (you included) are pussies without fail and keep their mouths shut in public, you take a wimp like that and here this story and I immediately know he made sure the coast was clear before he had the balls to speak his mind. Now return to your urine bottles you orc

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>tfw unintentionally have been redpilling my own mother about race realism and politics while having conversations with my father
>not really sure how I feel about this because shes such a sweet woman and i think i'd prefer her bluepilled and happy
>me and dad stop talking politics if she comes in the room now

women are unironically like children. their opinions are just molded by the men they surround themselves with.

>*beats chest*

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There are websites like cuckbook and twatter for retards like you to whine and bitch about it

>we both have a laugh
This is the bit I find funny, you actually laughed at that remark. Usual dad humor is funnier than your dad is.



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my dad has told me that a white person dating a different race is like them saying "i couldnt find a white spouse because Im undesirable"

>racist parents
>BOTH sisters are fucking niggers while their white son is a virgin

Makes me think

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Why is the negroid talking about IQ?

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Who let this nigger put of the jungle? How many illiterate monkeys do they have whacking at keyboards to simulate a black user?

>Tiny IQ virgin incel 56ers SEEEEETHING HOURS LATER!!


Lmfaooooo kill yourselves your family is exhausted you're a burden

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My dad is racist as fuck, even more than I am. I just think that all niggers should be sent back to where they came from, he on the other hand thinks that niggers should be genocided and calls me a nigger lover sometimes when I say that genocide is a bit over the edge. My mom isn't racist and doesn't like when my dad sperges out against niggers.

You should go back to talking about your dick, everyone knows negroids have the intelligence of a retarded chimp.

>begging for them to be spared after they're already dead
I'd kill my son too if he was this retarded.

You're right I'm sorry for insulting the intelligent and innovative black man. After all, you invented peanut butter and... um... what else? How could us whiteys hope to function without your amazing breakthroughs.

they use square balls in an attempt to stand up the pins
t. 1/4 polish

>low IQ caveman tears

You should go back to your gay porn spam you weirdo stalker sissy lmfao your family is ashamed of you and you have no friends no girls nothing to live for but 4chin memes and your pee bottles

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You have poo skin. Stop trying.

made me audibly chuckle

Your posts show the imagination and originality of your race, primitive and incapable of creating anything new

The typical incel.