And people say intelligence isn't genetic.
Good fucking god.
Other urls found in this thread:
>The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be from a range of 110-115, significantly higher than any other ethnic group in the world.[5][6][7]
>In 1954, a psychologist discovered that of the 28 children in the New York public school system who had an IQ score of 170 or higher, 24 were Jewish.[12]
I mean that doesnt say much since your only options are kikes, niggers, and spics
In 1954?
>good looking
>has a father in his life, good relationship with him
>smart as fuck
The ultimate recipe for a successful man, lucky motherfucker.
Wow jewish psychologist discovers jews are the smartest and the goyim are subhumans comparatively. Who would have guessed...
You pathetic white nigger, I'm ashamed to share a race with you.
Kind of seems like he's trying to live vicariously through his son
I guess that's just dads in general though
Forgot the most important ingredient
>is a jew
It is BECAUSE he is a jew, that he has a good father, good looks, and intelligence.
>Same race as me
Sure thing rabbi
It's not all genetics. Upbringing plays a big role in shaping up any person.
Teach your kid to be a good thinker and debater and you will have one.
Let your kid do anything it wants and you will still have a kid 18 years later.
it's about 70% genetics and 30% environment iirc
>people say intelligence isn't genetic.
Nobody says this lol.
how is he smart he doesn't explain any of his thinking and most of his ideas are memey and basically the same things we all believe. is that why he's smart, because we agree with him?
There is a reliable formula for calculating an estimate of how many people there are in a given IQ range if you know their average and how many of them there are.
There are roughly 6.1 million Ashkenazi Jews in the US, and about 741 of them have an IQ of 170 or higher.
There are roughly 187 million non-Hispanic whites in the US, subtracting Jews, Arabs, et al, and about 743 of them have an IQ of 170 or higher.
This is very important data if you wish to understand the world you've woken up in.
If Ashkenazi Jews were as numerous as gentile whites, there would be 22,990 of them with a 170+ IQ.
lol you goys are mad
if you think about it, Jews have always basically been established in society because of usury being illegal in medieval Europe.
Any other migrant group throughout history who settled in a place (like the USA) did so through opportunities at the bottom in skilless and low-paying labor.
Jews never had to experience that because there was an open niche for them at the time they arrived in the west.
Normally success is multigenerational, so once your family has "made it", it is very difficult to end up poor and unsuccessful again.
If you look at it in this way, Jews are really the most privileged ethnic group in the western world.
>vocabulary is genetic
no this is not true. Most labor and construction companies are owned by Jews and italians who started from the bottom.
>Blacks have low iqs according to studies
>blacks respond with blaming whitey and saying they're lying or the tests aren't suited for them and that whitey cheated
>Jews take same test
>Beat whites by 15 points at least
It's like pottery, really.
Yeah i didnt say that tho
But they didn't even start from the bottom. They may have come to our countries as refugees but they came with skills and educations that boosted them to the top of the economic hierarchy.
No one says they cheat though
Asians and Jews having a generally higher IQ is actually good for the right wingers you hate because it lets them argue for IQ being race influenced without it being brushed off as a white supremacy argument
>jews are smart
>but the average IQ of israel is 95
>those are not the real jews, you have to test this small segment of the the jewish population that lives in expensive apartments in New York.
There are some meaningful caveats to this. Whites (and East Asians) perform significantly better than Ashkenazi Jews on the spatial reasoning sections of IQ tests. The strength of Jews lies in their verbal and mathematical capability.
It is perhaps why Jewish architects have a penchant for producing buildings that look like this.
>thinks iq is 100% genetic
Do not believe (((their))) lies
this whole thread oh my god
he didn't say anything intelligent, are you just so enthused by big words from a 13 y/o?
If your mother had an iodine deficiency during pregnancy, it could have decreased your IQ by 10-15 points.
it's probably a shilled video tbqh
why would somebody post these literally whos unless because it's one of them wanting sweet sweet youtube pennies?
Personally didn't watch the video.
>Asians and Jews having a generally higher IQ is actually good for the right wingers you hate because it lets them argue for IQ being race influenced without it being brushed off as a white supremacy argument
it also means they have to conveniently ignore the fact they're calling other races inferior while being inferior themselves and no nazi incel would ever accept their own inferiority
>parroting others ideas
>somehow different that trumpfags and sjws
the only difference is that this little kike uses more grown up words :O
There were tons of Jews who showed up dirt poor without even knowing English who died wealthy, though. J. Robert Oppenheimer's father, for example, only spoke Yiddish when he arrived in New York City in 1888. He got a job at a textile factory and later ended up owning the factory.
desu most israelis are mizrahi jews who are genetically not much different from arabs. askhenazi jews pretty distinct genetically
>for producing buildings that look like this.
>building looks like a fucking nose
My fucking sides.
Youve sure got a grudge against us goys, dont you Moshe?
>He got a job at a textile factory
a business known to be dominated by jews
Traits like religiosity and nationalism are also negatively correlated with IQ. Any Western Jews who would want to move to Israel were likely high in those traits to begin with. And I'd imagine lots of high IQ Israelis end up moving to the Europe and America for more a better quality of life. Whereas a Jewish doctor in America is probably never going to want to move to the Middle East. For these reasons among others it doesn't make sense to compare the Jewish population in Israel to the Jewish population elsewhere.
Yeah I get it. You should only do IQ tests on the small segment of upper class Jews who live on the East Coast. Anything else is a pure holocaust.
most soviet jews were dirt poor.
>smart jews gtfo europe
>all the dummies stay behind and get cucked by hans
mystery solved
no, you but you should iq test mizrahi and askhenazi jews separately, just like black and white americans are tested separately.
israel is considered the west
the iq will raise eventually, most ashkenazis and mizrahi intermarry these days and israel puts a high priority on education.
Why stop there? Test every individual family seperately, then pick the one with the highest average IQ and proclaim the superiority of the Jewish mind to all the jealous goyim.
Jews have a good culture of education, this along with wealth and therefore access to the best educational establishments has gone on for generations and has enabled them to develop a higher IQ average.
That's not how evolution works. That has to be a selective pressure, ie. the stupid Jews would have had to have died off.
you're being argumentative for no reason. mizrahi and askhenazi jews have been distinct ethnic groups since the times of the roman empire. despite having the same religion they can hardly be called the same people.
iq is genetic
what are you talking about lyl
they're all mixing put now anyways . Hard to find any new zoomers in israel that are pure ashkenazi like in the states. Most are like half polish half iraqi or some other mix
Pic related is a much more plausible explanation imo
Of course they would, if it let them get back at the uppity niggers
>forced into finance
tl;dr: It basically says European Jews were precluded from agricultural and other work during the Middle Ages and limited to jobs involving finance and math, and that this fostered a sort of eugenic fertility that compounded over generations.
how could IQ not be genetic when Down syndrome exists.
You are a fucking retard OP.
When will the crimes perpetrated against these poor people end?
they were . English kings would force Jews to finance and scummy jobs that would take from the citizens just as a falesafe so when a war emerged they would spread anti semetism and steal all their assets that they collected from the general public. It was a tactic they would use to take more money from civilians without actually taking money from them. This occurred all throughout Europe.
Really want to stomp out this pretentious kike family.
I know youre predisposed to schizophrenia, but that is quite a conspiracy theory. Even for you, Chaim.
only 50% of jewish millennials have two jewish parents compared to 87% of their grandparents
Down Syndrome is a chromosome disorder. It's not genetically passed down, but is always the result of a mutation.
The wife is a poo.
>no, you but you should iq test mizrahi and askhenazi jews separately, just like black and white americans are tested separately.
Ok this argument would be better if you separated whites into the numerous small racial groupings. Or blacks into the numerous small racial groupings.
Black Unitarian Universalists outperform both whites and Asians on the SATs.
The big problem with these tests is that the sample size is very small and the bigger it gets the smaller does the supposed IQ gap also get.
Yea seriously. Arent ashkenazi jews all like 30th cousins or something like that? If we split whites into groupings of 30th cousins, how many distinct groups would there be for whites in the us alone?
It's not a secret thing you retard,
I found it refreshing, even if that's true. He might have potential, at the very least he's probably not going to grow up a normalfaggot. His poinions did seem rehearsed, don't really know if that's because he's so confident in them or something else. Either way i'd recommend he constantly challenge himself and his ideals, follow the truth not your feelings and all that.
>To finance his war against Wales in 1276, Edward I of England taxed Jewish moneylenders. When the moneylenders could no longer pay the tax, they were accused of disloyalty. Already restricted to a limited number of occupations, Edward abolished their "privilege" to lend money, restricted their movements and activities and forced Jews to wear a yellow patch. The heads of Jewish households were then arrested with over 300 being taken to the Tower of London and executed. Others were killed in their homes.
Topkek, he doesn't even look a single bit like his father.
The only thing they have in common is the hair...
>How do you do fellow Whites
I'd like to add that the whole convo between the two now started giving off vibes like the dad was "talking down" to his son, in a way, not talking to him like an adult and with that cold "i realize and respect your opinions, even though i disagree with them" some people have. He could use with putting some emotion in the conversation. They both could.
maybe in America but Israel has a booming birth rate . Probably one of the highest in the world. and the only western country thats actually having enough kids to replace their parents.
This is because a record number of Jewish women are taking Arab husbands.
Nevar forget, China has always been friends with Jews.
>israeli racial bonus +2 INT
>homeland is godforsaken desert
>only place in the middle east without oil
>running out of water
>wants to keep it though
Must have low WIS.
>be so evil that the king of england needs to keep you from engaging in predatory lending at insane interest rates
>omg these antisemites are just awful
That hardly happens. It's because Israeli media makes Israeli secular men horny like no tomorrow and the culture makes people marry early in life unlike in North America where everyone marries in their 30's.
That and Religious Hassidic Jews have like 30 kids each.
Why didn't he just outright ban money lending then?
probably a really attractive mother, dad just needs to be rich
They're not going to spare you, Chang.
These are the type of people who love the sound of their own voices. They tend to ramble on and on about absolutely nothing. So many words with very little to no meaning at all.
because the kings and princes bought into the money lending, the jews owned most kings by the end of the 16th century
Nobody said that you literal retard. Nobody ever said "all Jews have higher IQs." The phenomenon is unique to Ashkenazi Jews, or the Jews of Northern Europe. Ashkenazi Jews are a minority in Israel, so obviously the national IQ of Israel isn't going to reflect the average of Ashkenazim. The stormfag strawmen really get worse everyday.
lending rates set by the kings. There is a reason why every financial transaction by every Jewish businessman was recorded by the kings. They wanted to know how much assets they had in case they needed to take their money.
> Richard I established the Ordinance of the Jewry in 1194 in an attempt to organize the Jewish community. It ensured that mandatory records would be kept by royal officials for all Jewish transactions. Every debt was recorded on a chirography to allow the king immediate and complete access to Jewish property.
Funny how the IQ also goes down when the sample size increases. Don't think about though, do a study of a 100 people, I'm sure no one has any motivation to produce specific results.
no, ashkenazi jews are jews who traditionally lived in northern europe and slavic countries.
and yes they have an average IQ of something like 110.
don't be like a butthurt nigger and call all the facts false and a conspiracy.
The fact is that there is a racial heirarchy of average intelligence.
ashkenazi jews > north east asians > whites > niggers
The real reason is that Jews used to work as cashiers and accountants and over the years the Jews jewed all the King's(ie. the state's) money and rewrote history to make it seem like they always were the rightful owners.
I already responded to this you dimwitted kike.
That's what happens when you force an ethnic group into going into the single area that gives them control over your economy.
imagine if weinstein's sperm was used to impregnate thousands of women in brazil...
>Noah Smith
That doesn't sound like a typical Jewish name.
they were literally called the court jew and they were just the most powerful banker around. there was a rothschild court jew, fun fact.
I think it's an American thing. They always wanna show off their kids and talk about how early they were reading this and that, and how they had a vocabulary of 200 words when they were 2 years old.
>Funny how the IQ also goes down when the sample size increases.
Or, you know, factor in tests of non-Ashkenazi Jews and claim it's a test of the Ashkenazi Jewish population.
>Don't think about though, do a study of a 100 people, I'm sure no one has any motivation to produce specific results.
Lol its hilarious how you Nazi retards take the results of blacks and Hispanics and face value to show the supposed superiority of whites but as soon as Jews score higher then it's a big conspiracy. Cry harder, stormshit.