What is the most fucked up thing you've ever seen on the internet?
What is the most fucked up thing you've ever seen on the internet?
gore on /b/
Probably that kid candyjunkie killing himself live on stream on the misc. Everybody goaded him into it next thing you know he's really dead and the police kicked in his door. He killed himself on webcam before it was a thing, a true innovator.
A 5 second clip of Daisy's Destruction that some faggot posted on /v/
you're a bullshitter and you should kys asap
I got lucky and was never exposed to anything truly gruesome first hand online
seen cp but that isnt that fucked up when you think about it.
probably animal abuse, I hate animal abuse but watched a ton of human gore to point of it being boring.
pic related who got his torso cut open while he was alive and had organs cut out
Not sure if it's the most fucked up thing I've seen, but a week ago I saw a video of a cat in a small cage being doused in gasoline and lit on fire.
Saw a video of some ISIS people raping and torturing two women, pretty brutal stuff.
>cp add a few years back
>that video where some guys from a drug cartel flayed some dude alive and pushed a hammer in his mouth till his jaw broke (there was some happy music playing in the background which made it even more obscure)
>lots of gore on /b/ rekt threads
>gif of teratoma tumor being cut open
I feel you man. I mean it's not like it fucked me up I have seen a lot of shit, most of it irl but... I don't know that kind of violence on a child. It's different.
dude, I was on a hentai site and seen this ad taht looked like cp so I clicked it and it looked like actual kids being fucked.
really weird
that video is fucking real? Jesus Christ thats awful
im pretty sure ill go to jail if i even mention some of the shit that used to get posted on /b/
Seen a few people get their heads cut off by terrorist or whatever.
Seen a few on gif, one on the "Run the Gauntlet" thing.
I've seen a buncha shit and nothing really threw me off, desu.
The Grifter. Nothing even comes close to it. Avoid like the plague if you value what's left of your humanity.
it was a video on DR where these subhumans (south americans) kidnapped some guys daughter who was like 19, stabbed her multiple times and tore her head off, i know that in itself isnt too bad but the sheer terror and confusion on her face, and the screams when she got stabbed, it was something else
>he thinks creepypasta tier videos are scary
cmon user you can do better
l......link user
actually wait, one of the worst ones was the dude eating worms out of that chicks ass, i can talk about that one at least
yes robot friends do share your experiences with fellow Jow Forums users
Thi s video is pretty fucked up to me, and I dislike women
fuckin newfag
whole lotta stuff
a ton of gore, execution vids, a few anons dumping CP back when mchan was still a thing, that video of a guy shitting on a baby, animal abuse
last time I mentioned that by name I got banned for a week
thread status: derailed
everybody go home
wow user you have truly seen some shocking things, huh? now this is epic (not even memeing haha) you can't say you haven't lived your life to the fullest, new kids will never get this, am I right or not?
That shit fucked me man
some guy putting bugs all over his erect penis and you can see the bugs going into his hole.
kid getting put in a windowed dryer by an adult as porn
Saw it on the tumblr of a blog that was following me when i was like 12
It's awful and she's struggling the whole time while being burned alive
A woman in high heels naked stamping on little bunnies. It was a livestream and even worse someone fucking paid her to do it.
Little European girl naked surrounded by muslims on /b/. I hope it was a shop but I guess it doesn't matter.
Someone on Jow Forums telling me that my waifu has a crush on someone her own age and that I shouldn't care. It's a wild world out there.
A guy eating a live hamster. You could see it pop in his mouth. I get sick everytime i think of it
fuck1ng hell.....
Daisy's destruction, fun for the hole family...
a lot of /b/ gore...those cartel torture videos are always the worst though.
nah, i'm good.
I thought that was a meme like the grifter. Was that actually what it was until the real thing arose?
I've only ever seen gore really. I was only truly emotionally effected by animal abuse videos. Lucky enough to have never seen Pizza.
It's fake and staged and gay ok
>Lucky enough to have never seen Pizza.
he doesnt like to see cunny
yeah never seen pizza but the thought just makes me sick.
I'll admit that I'm morbidly curious because I can't imagine what it looks like. The idea of it is just so inherently wrong. Of course I'd never actually actively search it out, but it's such a weird concept to me.
what is this "pizza"
Cheese Pizza. CP. Child Porn.
why not just call it "cp" like any other functional retard?
Pretty much this:
Imagine watching someone dear to you get grinded like that in front of you. I'd probably go berserk and kill as many people as possible related to the incident.
>nothing in this thread arouses me
Wasn't fake at all. The dude who made it got arrested and sent to jail in the Philippines.
Bloody hell!
I don't know if it was real or not, but on a mk ultra video there was a guy castrating himself with a pair of scissors in a bathtub.
>they step in it again, multiple times
>don't even bother to warn the person the mother holding a child that is coming
I wish I could live in the souless mind of a chink for a day
My curiosity just got the best of me as I thought of Daisy from Mario after you mentioned /v/
I was wrong. Oh so wrong.
>It's awful and she's struggling the whole time while being burned alive
Holy shit user stop! I can only get so hard.
CP I seen didnt look that bad its just kids getting fucked desu
Holy fuck go back
Is Daisy's Destruction really as bad as anons say or is there worse shit here?
I'm so relieved that I'm disgusted by everything in this thread and would never do any of that
whew lads, it feels good to be wholesome, even if its "Boring"
11 year old girl hanging herself
It's child torture porn. The little girl who was in it has permanent damage and will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life iirc.
oh my gaaaaaaaaaawd I have to call it the cool 4chung word for it XDDDD fucken normalfags
I know I know, it's longer and takes more time but they're starting to recognize and also fuck da polees
Chesse Pizza = C P = Child Pornopgraphy
You're really defensive. You're the one who asked what it meant, somebody told you without calling you a newfag, then you still acted like a newfag.
Fuck man stuff like this keeps me up all night its so fucked up, with that said Im curious now could you describe what actually happens?
No, I didn't ask what it was, this was my first post in here It just baffles me how pathetic boomers can be when trying to speak Jow Forums lingo and act in Jow Forums culture as much as they can. It REEKS of desperation, you aren't even able to grasp how lame you are. For all I know you're the one witha plebit account trying really hard to cope with the fact that you couldn't contain your urge to browse that
Your first post in the thread was getting upset about a phrase that people use. In a thread where you knew that phrase was going to be used.
3 kids, toddler (like 14 months or similiar), 12yo girl and i think 9yo girl, toddler gets killed by 1 of the guys female assistants, were talking brutal mutilation, then left to die, one of the older kids got fucked for life, i think she was supposed to die as well but they found her before she did so, idk about the last girl
Holy shit why do people do this? I feel sad now
Webm of a toddler getting pissed and shat on. And pic of a subhuman arab putting his dick on a baby's mouth. What has been seen cannot be unseen is not a meme
why do you feel sad?
Learning about the video and what happened to the poor grils. Imagine being a loving father father of a 1 year old baby who gets kidnapped and is later featured on best gore
that shit is waaaay more fucked up than anything you'd find on bestgore. which probably makes you sadder, sorry.
Can't find the full video but there was that guy collecting his shit and semen and took a bath with it. This guy was a special kind of degenerate
just made me chuckle. thanks user
>just made me chuckle
Sincerely relieved you shared that user, I was worried my curiosity would do me in, now I know I don't need to see it yikes
scully (i think hes called like that), operated from philippines, which is one of the worst child trafficking countries there are, every single third world shithole has dens in slums with online children being pimped to whoever pays, the things you dont see (but are still happening) in your country are desperation and low quality of life, they are animals
what's that?
And the worst part is there are just as bad if not worse things that are happening through out the world in those 3rd world shitholes
because almost everyone here knows exactly what people mean when they say cheese pizza on Jow Forums
Funnel chair!
>gore threads are enough to scare your ass
for me its psychological dread threads
There was this one video where some lady got shot in the head while her children were around
The screams and cries stuck with me and I didn't go on the internet the next day