This is the surface of Jupiter. The surface of another planet, one that makes the Earth look like an ant in comparison

This is the surface of Jupiter. The surface of another planet, one that makes the Earth look like an ant in comparison.

On said Earth you are less than the size of an ant, by comparison.

Yet you are sitting here worrying about stuff that's mostly all in your head, like height and dick size.

How sad for you

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looks like op went to jupiter to get more stupider

>hey goys there's like big planets and stuff in the universe so yea just fuck your life because you're tiny and shit

op just delete ur thread

Hahaha I'm so funny and not gay at all white power on Jupiter go go go Xb lmao

Rong. I fap for Jupiter regularly.

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Jupiter isn't even inhabitable you fucking moron. Are you even trying to make a point?

Who the fuck cares about Jupiter, it's our lives here that matter
>we're just a rock hurtling through space mang xD
I get that you're 14 and just discovered nihilism but muh "our lives are insignificant" isn't meaningful at all

looks like cheese pizza, pedo ring secret base in jupiter confirmed


>haha I'm bigger than you
>now stop worrying about size, earthgoy

Yeah, but Jupiter doesn't have to worry about dying a virgin and alone.

Ive never seen a more retarded thread, good job OP. You are the next neil degrasse tyson.

Not OP
Jupiter slings asteroids (life ending ones) frequently in Earths direction. One is due to impact in 119 years and its been my job to work on mitigation efforts. It would be cheaper to just let it slam into Earth and deal with the tsunamis and seismic shocks that will probably incinerate the crust/mantle sufficiently to kill all humans.
Ok robots id say my work here is done, greetings from JPL.

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>hurr durr its da joos

>all those holes
juniper confirmed roastie

how will OP ever recover after this decisive blow?

Holy shit btfo, how will OP recover.

Frankly I'm concerned by how I affect people interpersonally, as in actual hurt or doing something that will result in controversy if I did it, something inherently wrong
I'm self-aware and working on it though
And there's some weirdos obsessed with me in particular, ew, why would you orbit me if you hate me? orbiting is only okay if you actually like the person, those guys should think of the OP too and ignore me, [This isn't bait so don't reply, I don't know who they are either]

>O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a. king of infinite space - were it not that I have bad dreams.

forgive me of a banality but we all are bounded in the nutshell of our brains and the size of the place we live in barely matters to us

Jupiter is just a big hot rock with gas in its atmosphere. There are more jupiters in the milky way than humans on earth. We are far more special

Looks like pizza mmm

And you cared enough to post this thread. Or is that irony lost on you?

and heres this nigga acting like hes gonna be exploring the stars and shit when all he's gonna do for the next 5 years is shitpost on Jow Forums

Yeah but Earth is where we live and where stuff that matters to us exists. Jupiter is a roiling mass of various gasses out in the vastness of space.

And, while Jupiter, and many other things, are far larger than us and the Earth, there are many things that are smaller. Thus is the nature of existing on a scale of size.

Also, Earth doesn't look like an ant compared to Jupiter, more like a tennis ball.

everyone knows saturn is kinkier

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>how sad

pick one brainlet.

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>hurr you are really tiny compared to giant masses of matter which aren't even sentient
>somehow this makes you and your problems inferior

>it's really big so it's more important
Is there a worse form of brainletism?