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Find a flaw.

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you aren't a lion

>eat 2kg of pork belly
>get fat

theres your flaw you faggot

>no calorie counting
>no vegetables
>no spices for whatever reason

pretty much everything except no sweeteners and drinking water/coffee/tea

>he thinks milk won’t kick you out of ketosis

How many carnivores you know drink milk and and eat cheese

i thought it was steak and eggs

do people bulk on this shit?

>no fiber
>constipated for eternity
>lack of plant-based nutrients
>bored with all meat diet in three weeks
>expensive compared to other diets
>still need to count calories because that's how physics works

Pls just stop.

>I'll eat a diet with absolutely no fiber, antioxidants, or any food groups proven to reduce risk of heart disease and cancer because Jow Forumsketo rejects told me it's a good idea

Carnivore diets should be avoided simply because shits without fiber are shits not worth having.

can someone on a meme diet like this not simply supplement fiber?

fat makes you feel full
so you wouldn't be able to

Sounds like you’re poor and have a weak asshole

Broccoli is a god tier food and should be eaten whenever possible. If you combined cruciferous veggies with all meat you’d be fine

I literally can't

jesus christ. sure, go ahead die early i don't care more young widow pussy for me.

Probably defficient on a shitload of things, no antioxydants, higher concentration of heavy metals, insecticides and other shit that tends to accumulate in the foodchain.

Oh, and let's not forget the estradiol.

BASED, nothing like a cup of Twinings Earl Grey to turn you into the apex predator


1. you're not a carnivore, you're an omnivore. don't try to deny it.
2. do you know how often a lion catches a meal? every three or four days. so unless you're planning on chasing deer around your backyard until you manage to catch one, shut up with the eat until you're full bullshit. you'll get fat as fuck
3. you're dumb, you're dumb, you're dumb

>just peterson my shit up senpai

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Livers and other offal are full of nutrients. But yeah where's the fiber?

Strawberries are packed with fiber.

How many retarded diets can Jow Forums promote within a 1 year period?

Raw carnivore + fasting, while drinking their own piss

unironically people do this

Oatmeal + Meat + Fruit + nuts

basically my diet right now and I love it

>tfw been on carnivore diet since age 5
I even drank milk straight from the cows

If you want to do this diet correctly search 'Frank tufano' on youtube

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Eat liver
Even more liver

>infused planta

Fiber is a meme. Go 0 fiber long enough and you'll never get constipated.
Some Australians did a study. They were shocked by the finding etc. since it practically makes no sense.

>eat when hungry, stop when full
I'd remain a skeleton for the rest of my days

How long would it take to get market fresh strawberries?

What is the point of excluding vegetables? Stop fapping, take cold showers, and eat your damn vegetables kid.

>fiber is a meme
>the nutrient found, beyond a reasonable doubt, to decrease risk of cancer, heart disease, improve gut health, and is just generally found in anything healthy is a meme

Do you or anyone ITT have a single study showing a single benefit of a carnivore/no fiber diet?



What are molars for?

Not sure what Australian study he was talking about, but I do know that vegans tend to look progressively unhealthier the longer they remain vegan.


idiot if you don't go overboard with amount of calories then you will shit like hot fudge...

>find a flaw
no vegetables or fruits. that was absurdly easy.

Fiber is actually very important for other things than solid shits.

Like what? Colon scraping?

>die at 40

It absorbs and removes waste products. Shit like estrogen.

will it remove testosterone dripping from my asshole?

Semen actually contains more estrogen than testosterone.

not mine faggot

Speaking of ketosis...

I’ve just finished a 3 day water fast. What should I eat this evening coming out of the fast. I’ve followed Tim ferris’ plan and he basically says eat whatever you like the night you break the fast to enjoy yourself. However everywhere else online seems to say to ease out of the fast with keto meals. Thoughts?

Can't. Have gout.

You can get some great cereals with lots of fibre... but don’t expect it to be the tasty shit like fruit loops

>no veges

>What should I eat this evening coming out of the fast.
a bullet

Not if you exercise, you dumb zoomer

>pesticides and sugar

I don't remember the name of this documentary but it showed a deer that had a child be eaten the wolfs drinked its milk when they ate it. It does happen but not always.

vegetables are memes, fruit and berries provide everything you need

flaw: you will stay dyel and have shit athletic performance

Prove it.

keto tards should be shot for their stupidity

the flaw is that literally almost nobody - not even you or the original faggot who made this memediet even have done it for longer than a week if at all - and those SCANT few that have done it at least a month tops are the same larping autist dyels who listen to scandinavian death metal and pretend to be a viking on the internet

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Ah, yes, the Coca Cola defense

> No vegetables

Prove me wrong retard. Pretty much any respectable athlete eats high carb
especially bb/powerlifter the athletes Jow Forums worships

Keto is just for lazy fat faggots to retarded to cut normally

have you tasted yours lately?

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I alternate between 4 weeks of this and 4 weeks vegan.
I'm pretty sure I'm dying.

I'd fucking under eat and never make gains if I didn't count calories

Carnivores only eat meat. Meat products don't count. Think a dog can eat cheese?

Too much of protein will kick you out of ketosis you dumb fucks

Even if you went 0 carb, never eating carbs that does not mean you are doing keto: too much protein will always kick you out of ketosis this is a fact

Ketogenic diet is extremely high in fat, moderate in protein and only trace carbs

based retard

Shhh Just let them eat their three pounds of bacon and six eggs every day because it's "healthy"

>posts photo of wolf, know omnivore


Fiber is a meme, faggots. High fiber diets have been demonstrated to cause constipation while people on zero fiber diets have been shown to have regular bowel movements.

Nice try. After my Hemmerhoid I started eating a high fiber diet and now I don't even have to wipe.
But I still do because like... what if I'm wrong one day?

>wolves sucking doe teats

depends on the type of fiber

We have the same stomach as lions. Vegans want to be sheep, but sheep can digest grass we can't.

>no fish/ shellfish
>no organs
>no eggs

dude heart disease lmao

You make a good point. Could this work on a 3 to 4 day fast?

>do you know how often a lion catches a meal? every three or four days. so unless you're planning on chasing deer around your backyard until you manage to catch one
Don't question my power level, user

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Currently following the diet although worried about the blood work results. Sean Barker had low T and some other chaps who did it also had low T results...

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Dogs can and will eat cheese you dumb fucks

I'm nearing 30 and god damn you guys are young and dumb, try reading a bit before you exclaim shit like nutrition deficiencies on a carnivore diet or that you need fiber.

Stop preparing for a winter that never comes by eating candy all the time, you get fat and dumb

If you want to gain mass you should eat animal mass

All plants have defences, they do not want to get eaten, they contain anti-nutrients that ruminants have evolved to tolerate but we do not tolerate these as well

Meat contains everything you need, including vitamin C

And stop eating oils other than animal fats and olive oil, PUFAs don't activate your hunger response and act like a 9calorie carb

Yeah and a fuckton longer digestive track than any carnivore. Back to high school biology class thx

>An insignificant difference
>Of an imperfect comparison

Four stomachs vs one stomach. Very easy to understand, except evidently for retarded people and vegans. Oops that's the same group. (Stay vegan)

You must only poop twice a week. Do you eat organ meat? You better, you need vitamin C. Also, not seeing an exercise component, so I can only assume you'll die of cardio failure by the time you're 40.

Diabetes, poor cholesterol, low T, etc...

>minimal spices/seasonings

I'm on it right now. I supplement fiber though. Just powdered psyllium husk.

Keto is THE zoomer diet.

You first said we aren't comparable to lions then said that if we don't space meals like lions do we'll get fat.

we really don't tho. our stomach acid isn't as strong as carnivores either.

lmao drink vinegar

Keto is the only diet which cuts big time. Take some sarm on top of the 6 week diet and you won’t even have muscle loss. Maybe even come out of the diet heavier in muscle mass, not even memeing, it’s incredibly effective

all meat/fat was good for me when i was 30% bf but down around 22% i had to add carbs since my workouts were suffering. anons need to be flexable and listen to yor body. why does it seem like every thread in Jow Forums is an all-or-none mentality contest ?

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i did this type of keto for 6 months strong. You underestimate what fat in your body does. lubes everything up. My shits slid out like DQ perfection.

t. sheep

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it's not meat or dairy, fag

Aloe is a natural laxative