
WE NEED YOUR HELP R9K, help by expanding the flag further to the right!

Attached: Capture.png (1185x755, 157K)

nypa fagotini

Would have been better if it was the holy flag of the USSR

an edgy little Jow Forumsack you sure are.
Now get back to Jow Forums

tumblr getting btfo

so where are the coordinates
holy shit that wall is pure AIDS
>huge MLP collage
is this the power of autism?

Its right at the center (0,0)

50 and 50 you wil see it

no one fucking cares you pathetic neo nazi faggot

Attached: 1534357853085.jpg (456x420, 31K)

you cared enough to reply jewboy

You cared enough to comment

Attached: killallniggers.jpg (800x450, 23K)

cut your wrists fag

Attached: 5178.jpg (750x796, 64K)

lol cringe
which discord did you find that on

Do you know what they say about OPs?

kys nazi

True robots are communists

robots dont work, how could they be communists

Like going back in time seeing drawball threads, awesome!

Most robots are robots due to two things: mental health issues, and alienation within the capitalist society. Under socialism/communism, mental health services would be much more efficient, as they are not something that can make a profit under capitalism, and as such there is little incentive to improve these services past the bare minimum. Hell, unemployment is an integral part of capitalism; it serves to devalue labor and work towards the class interests of the bourgeoisie. If there are thousands of people starving without jobs, the worker has almost no bargaining power, allowing a larger amount of surplus value to be extracted from the worker. In times of increased employment, or shortages of workers in skilled fields, the difference between the wages paid to workers and the value they produce decreases. This is the modern-day presentation of class warfare.

In terms of alienation, you see hundreds of threads here decrying wage slavery, with the idea that NEETdom allows for an escape from this. If systems of wage slavery are eliminated, and mental health services are increased, wouldn't more robots work?

After all, robots are almost entirely an unfortunate byproduct of capitalism.

did you just type out that whole essay? go work on spreading communist propaganda where it matters, comrade

I'm making a Khorne sign in ancap flag, anyone wanna help me?

not to mention if you bolshevik kikes came to power you'd put a bullet in the head of every NEET as a counterrevolutionary parasite

Where do I find this? I wanna join and ruin the day of tumblroids


Honestly, I think that robots (excluding those that have fallen headfirst down the Jow Forums rabbit-hole) are a group that can achieve class consciousness relatively easily. Compared to the general population, a VERY low percent of robots own any of the means of production, or invest heavily, and as such, the perpetuation of capitalist society is against the class interests of almost all of them.

It would depend on how such a revolution occurs. Revolutionary movements are shaped by the material conditions of society, and as such, can take many forms, while still being "truly" socialist. Socialism is simply a mode of production, much like capitalism. While there are many similarities between different socialist societies, how such a society would look, and thus their treatment and view of NEETs, would vary wildly, similarly to how capitalist societies can vary widely, despite retaining the same mode of production.

Yeah it sounds like a good idea. What could possibly go wrong? Do you know what the definition of insanity is?

You commies failed, time for Natsoc to make a comeback also Jow Forums is Jow Forums already. You're welcome, gommunist gomrade.