Tfw the mods and janny's are useless

>tfw the mods and janny's are useless
>tfw you're one of the only real robots left
>tfw the board is polluted by failed normies, edgy normies, kids and discordfags
>tfw discord has developed a bad stigma and anyone who just uses it is immediately labeled a "discordfag" by ignorant boomers
>tfw you're gay but gays have a bad stigma on this board due to 99% of them being insufferable whores
>tfw the beta orbiters who put pussy on a pedestal think they're better than the obnoxious gays just because they're straight
>tfw 0 friends and 0 acquaintances online and irl
>tfw entire family hates you
>tfw most of Jow Forums opposes you
>tfw the only person I've ever cared about lied to me and manipulated me since the first day we met but I actually believed him
>tfw finally get to end it all soon

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this is all true and sad to say relatable

Don't take it too personally, Jow Forums is just full of bitter contrarianism.

>tfw planned suicide
>tfw feel the need to make a post about it every single fucking day until the day comes
jesus fucking christ man are you sure you're not an attentionwhore

>tfw the mods and janny's are useless
They deleted your thread a few minutes ago and that's enough for me

I'm scared and lonely I just want to talk to people before I go.
No, newfriend. I deleted it because I wanted to add more to it. That's why I was able to repost in less than a minute.

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>tfw you're one of the only real robots left
fuck off, retard

Why did you decide to be the worst tomoposter instead of the only poster of another girl? Kinda sad...

I know these feels, OP, except for the gay stuff..

Take the fag bit away and you are pretty spot on.
I can link you to an active discord with plenty of robots if you want but I don't want it to look like shilling

>scared to die
yeah thats, thats kind of the thing isnt it? you're not supposed to want to kill yourself. it pisses me off everytime i see your threads because i know you wont give anyone a shot to try and be your friend and maybe make you feel like you dont have to fucking end it all
you'll just ignore us and continue to say that you have to die and your life is pointless and god fucking dammit user

It was good until this
>>tfw the only person I've ever cared about lied to me and manipulated me since the first day we met but I actually believed him
then I realized it you, you fucking retard again. This board is trash already, but you're contributing to it being even worse, spamming these threads every day. I hope you kill yourself soon, you fucking faggot and I hope the person that left you will spit on your grave you useless piece of garbage.

heres a hug chaotic

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What's so bad about me?
The gay stuff is just personal feeling everything else is just fact.
It's still true even if it's gay feels. I don't join servers it makes me too nervous and it's borderline normie.
I have been responding to everyone, I haven't been ignoring anyone.
I won't lie to anyone and tell them they might be able to save me because they won't be able to.
I always wished I could find someone nice to comfort me while I die though, maybe wear a gas mask while the CO kills me lol. But I would never trust someone enough for that.
No, I'm right, and you just don't like gays because of this
>>but gays have a bad stigma on this board due to 99% of them being insufferable whores
You're ignorant and ignorance isn't a robot trait it's a normie one
No sorry but not him.

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Fuck off notmalnigger
You're all shit tier friends in the first place who play their whole card at the beginning and turn out to be failed normie mental health support associates or annoying shut ins who think anyone really cares about their problems
Like i dont have my own fucking issues to fix
Kys scum
Filled with 16 year olds talking about nothing

Go be baselessly mad somewhere else.

I don't give a care about gays, how did you gather that from my post? I said I hate you, because you post everyday and I'm tired of seeing this thread everyday, that's why you should kill yourself, and stop spamming this board. No one minds here if you vent, that's why we're all here, but if you obnoxiously make threads about it everyday, people do mind. Just go fucking end yourself, no one cares, and the person that left and used you cares the least about you, I hope he spits on your graves you useless piece of garbage.

You seem nice and cute, OP. Trade your life for parsa's instead.

Okay so just stop coming in here if it gets you this upset.
Idk who parsa is.

>LOL OP you're right but fuck you

What did we mean by this?

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>I won't lie to anyone and tell them they might be able to save me because they won't be able to.
you wont even give it a chance though, you were hurt by someone once and now you have it in your head that no one out there can actually truly care about you

Just look at this thread, everyone hates me even if they think I'm right on some things.

Because you post the same thread everyday, like a little attention seeking bitch. If you didn't do that, people like the guy above wouldn't hate you.

chaotic wouldn't gaf what some undesirable beta think
get some inspiration

I'm not a charismatic Chad that everyone likes I'm a broken down beta everyone hates who's ready to die.

>tfw the mods and janny's are useless
So did you apply to the openings?

The part about being gay hit me hard

I'm NEET but I still wouldn't do it for free.

>tfw discordfag thinks they're one of the only real bots
>tfw the best way to recognize a true robot is becoming that they don't try to pull no true scotsmen shit and that strips of us our ability to call out normies
so this is how the board finally dies

I'm not a discordfag at all you literally just proved my discord boomer stereotype.

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i dont even hate you user, you make me angry because ive been in your fucking place and even then im still too much of an angry piece of shit to know what i can do to try and pull you out of it
im not even trying to sit here and say "lol just be MY friend haha"
i just want you to realize that because there are so many stupid fucking people on this goddamn planet means more than 1 of them can have a profound positive effect on you and make you feel like life is worth living
and im not some stupid fucking normalfag who has their life together and a girlfriend or whatever im a dumb cuck with no friends paying off college dropout debt with a fucking delivery boy job
you said something about making this suucide date the middle of october to spite someone in a previous thread, but you dont have to kill yourself to spite them, if they dont give a shit about you then it wouldnt do anything anyway, just find a better friend who will actually care about you as a human being for no reason other than wanting people to care about you, you're allowed to fucking want that for yourself

inb4 "lol look at this beta fag with his blogpost"
shut the fuck up people are allowed to fucking care about eachother and im not going to stop just because bitter cucks on r9k tell me not to

i'm not sure how i proved anything you said by assuming you were a discordfag because you defend discordfags, why do you defend discordfags? or did some robot friend reject you because you have discord on the side or something?

Sorry I cry when people are nice to me and idk what to say I just get confused I just miss him I just want him to be truly sorry for what he did to me I wanted him to save me but he used me and manipulated me and for some reason I will always love him even though he came back a few days ago just to lie to me more and hurt me again I will always love him for what he helped me through and made me realize even if I hate him deep down
I don't defend discordfags but you can own a discord account and use it for 1on1 dm's and still not be a discordfag. And btw I don't even do that, I deleted my discord over a month ago.

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half the catalog is trap threads. fuck this board why dont they just make it blue? theres no fucking reason not to make this a blue board. fucking pathetic niggers

i didn't lie and manipulate you

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I want to give you a hug
no patronizing intent
i just need one and want to express how relatable your situation is

I know this isn't you but he did and it hurt really bad. I could give a million examples of his lies and manipulation, even though they are just the same examples happening multiple times because I kept falling for it.
No one hugged me since 2011 and that was because a family member died. The thought gives me anxiety.
At least you have a job I think that's good for you.

it is me we just talked a few days ago and i told you to stop posting about me

Stop pretending to be him.

i wish there was a way to filter posts that had anime pictures in them. you're not special for being pathetic, you create your own problems and you enjoy the suffering you masochistic retard. eat my boot

why are toga posters always the most pathetic dregs on this board

im not pretending, i just want left alone this isn't good for you

No if he wanted left alone he wouldn't be on Jow Forums.
If this is you then you could easily prove it but it's not.

im not pathetic just lonely

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you are pretty pathetic and a piece of shit from what op says
>pretending to be someone who's a massive piece of shit

because they're edgy 14yo's who "identify" with the character except unironically

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how can i prove it?
i guess i am pretty pathetic but im not pretending

What month is your birthday what's your favorite color

it's at the end of october and purple

No he told me is was September but nice try.

you're remembering wrong

Maybe wanna be my friend?

What is your goal from this
I know he loves attention
I can't

i don't love attention, there's only one of me and I don't have a goal

If you absolutely nobody wants you, try to fit in, become a hermit or off yourself.

You could play single player games and study maths and physics on your lonesome for the rest of your days.
Maybe do some stop motion.
Earn a buck with programming

Or wildly alternative you could join a monastery and become a servant of God.

I could tell by his reactions every time someone talked to him that he loved it. The first thing we ever even talked about was a lie but I ignored it and gave him the benefit of the doubt when really I should have left there.
If you were really him then this would be really cruel to come in here just to lie more and about your birthday too.

But desuarchive says you're someone named anna soooo.