"Um, user, can I be honest wichu? This date was borin as hell and, no hard feelings...

>"Um, user, can I be honest wichu? This date was borin as hell and, no hard feelings, but I don't think we're gonna work out...

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>Can I at least pay you $50 for your socks?

Attached: 1527040408757.png (729x638, 154K)

yeah, I wouldn't be around someone who talks like that

Order the most expensive food in the menu
>Bye bitch

Attached: tmp_9514-15330592146807295295998459927926.jpg (480x480, 19K)


Nice fag opening

she doesnt look like she would talk like that though
at least pick a ghetto looking black girl

>eggs and bread is the most expensive item

You don't go to restaraunts often do you?

>Nik racebait thread with black woman pic thread #8 of the day

That is the whitest black chick I've seen in ages what's with the nigger speak

I thought his name was Tenda?

>A bowl of eggs
>Not macaroni

You're too fucking picky, and you'll never get laid unless you're willing to accept the fact that you cannot get the "ideal" or "perfect" partner. Lower your expectations some, virgin.

then you don't mind splitting the check, right?

Macaroni isnt an expensive pasta either m8

She wouldn't be bored because she'd want to fuck me.

>french toast with a side of macaroni

I'm alright. I'll keep believing in my soul mate and if I don't have the luck to encounter that person I'll just live life my way as I already do.

I appreciate a girl that's honest. I'll be taking that food now.

Shut the fuck up you stupid ass nigger I didn't want to date you.

broken record post #9009080780
we get it, you don't like seeing black women. Fuck off.

God I dread this situation so much
How the fuck do people even survive their first date?

Attached: 212.jpg (600x480, 49K)

Do something cheap and be engaging. If she's still bored, at least you didn't pay much.

(((who))) could literally be behind this date?

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I get better looksmatches with non-white women. The white girls I land are ugly af or old. Forgive me for wanting to date a good looking woman near my age.

Why did you go on a date with me then?

Look at the image you posted.

Getting super wasted at a bonfire sounds like a fun first date.

Sober talking..ew...dinner date talking about your boring lives...ew...same cliche topics come up like on every first date...ew...

Dates are so unnatural.

Why would any restaurant serve fucking bare bread with two sauces? Are you supposed to just put them on bread or what the fuck?

Absolutely based and originally redpilled

I read your post as "thanks for the free meal loser, don't talk or even look in my direction or else I'll cause a scene in which multiple people will attack you to defend me"
Fuck I feel so broken to even think like that

>be engaging
Fuck that makes it worse


What image? Not everyone in this thread is the same person.

>I feel so broken to even think like that
But it's literally the truth

you gunna eat that french toast tho?

can i get an order of the big bread please.

Did I aks for your opinion doe?

This is why you split the bill on first date. Fuck that.

Oh yah? Look at those thick drawn on eyebrows. Yah she talks like dat

I wish it was me, even it turns out to be a bad date. I just want a date.

No feamon here would take me out on a nice dinner.

This is how sheltered robots view the world. Been this way for years on this board. It's funny and part of board culture. Way too normies here lately.

Well if you pick something like golf, pool, or an arcade there are plenty of opportunities for stress-free interaction, plus you can get watered up while it's their turn.

Fuck off, cunt. I like everything comfy.

Take a closer look at the fountain m8

Attached: the star of (((coincidence))).png (733x800, 1.22M)

Not going straight for the panties and used tampons on a dark alley.

user i...

That's cool. Obviously a Jew is trying to steal your soul with this post.

>k. Let's finish this breakfast (?).

Like it would interrupt me from eating my meal, i would just eat it, pay my part only and then leave.

I was thinking maybe a baseball game or something but I'd have to get a date first

I guess that would be good but not too interactive. At least you get to see a game if she leaves.

It's not racemixing because I'm black too and darker than her.

>drawn on eyebrows
>a literally wig
She's straight nigger

That's not being picky, that's scanning women for basic fucking grammar so your eventual children can be spared from stupidity.

>onest wichu? This date was borin as hell and, no hard feelings, but I don't think we're gonna work out...
good, you insisted in meeting up and i really dont like chimps

Are we in fucking Israel, Le$hondraw?

>excluding whole ethnic groups and regions of the country
Yeah, this is why you're a single virgin

>colloquial contraction via accent

Off yourself

Most black girls speak like that. Not all ghetto black girls look like shit, idiots, a lot of them look like the pic in the op.
Her hair looks real. Black girls can grow hair if they take care of it.

Accents aren't grammar. It's pronunciation.

Yeah I can agree, ghetto girls aren't much fun even in bed

>drawing doesn't even follow the lines of what is visible in the picture
Yep, we got an incel Jow Forumstard here.

The average american black IQ is 85. Why would I even bother?

Goddamn it Latifa, I try to treat you like a real woman instead of the hoodrat that you are and this how you repay me? Go fuck yourself.

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She looks part gypsy. She'd eat the meal first before ditching.

That's not ghetto speak you dumbass.

As a blackbot this is my worst nightmare. How the fuck do I git gud at dates when I never have anything to say?

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Wow. You couldn't pay me enough to do that shoot.

Can we just shoot cucks already?


>trolls defending gay shit just to troll newfags on here

hey hows it going, under aged dipshits? has school started for you all yet?

"oh sure thats cool"
*waitress comes around*
"yes separate cheques please, thank you"

britfags btfo y'all always put extra letters in shit that have no reason to be there

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It's clearly 8 pointed, you moron

good, niggress

Honestly this.
Either I'd agree that the date wasn't what I was hoping for, or say it's a pity but fair enough. Either way I'll still be eating my food and make the most of it.
At least she mentions it before food is done so we can actually go Dutch on the food, rather than waiting for me to pay first.

Thanks for the input Cletus.

this reminds me I have a date this weekend, I wonder where we should go...

He's probably a yuro, give him a break

>like oh my god, user, you have to accept anything or else you will die a virgin

Cringe and underage.

Right? Now tell him to go back to Jow Forums, user, show him who's the boss here!

Jesus Christ man, nice work. You trigged an ass load of sjw cucks. Not sure why these nigger lovers are on this website but yeah kudos

same tired old bait

>implying me or anyone from r9k would go on a date with a gorilla sheboon

>realizing that people have different accents
>accepting anything
There's a huge line between one and the other. Not like we said you had to accept any club slut who gets fucked in alleyways, but to call a woman stupid because she pronounces "with you" as "wichu" then have the nerve to say that this is a grammar issue, is fucking retarded and the reason why you'll never get anywhere in life, because you can't accept facts as simple as some people having different accents.

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>unironically calling anyone sjws, cucks and nigger lovers
Wow Jow Forumsthe_donald get out

So what about the blackbots then?

>thinks there are niggers on this board
They are too busy "hustlin" or busting caps into eachother for gang related bullshit

You can still go on Jow Forums between those activities.

she wouldn't talk like that. the only blacks that use ebonics are the hood rats and she looks like she's from middle class or higher and she's biracial
im an expert on the hood, being basically eminem but i don't make shitty raps

Nah go back to your boyfriend faggot libcuck

>implying anyone from r9k would go on a date

Still dont believe it

>busting caps
>still using late 90s/early 00s gang lingo


"oh thank god you said it first, lets split the bill and go"

i've unironically had a girl tell me this. First and only date ever been on and it was more painful then being turned down a million times.

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