How the fuck is Kylie Jenner's net worth almost 1 billion and yet I'm broke and live with my parents

how the fuck is Kylie Jenner's net worth almost 1 billion and yet I'm broke and live with my parents

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You have no marketable skills or talents. You have no business network.
Kylie doesn't sit in her basement all day.

>Implying this triple decker roast beef C U N T has skill or talent

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her talent is being smart enough to use her only marketable ASSets.

because you don't have the business acumen, intellectual capacity, ambition, or personal following to make a billion dollar start up.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you aren't some lazy genius. You're painfully average. That's why you haven't accomplished anything.


do you live under a rock? you know kylie jenner is a man, right?

She's worth a billion dollars because of her network and celebrity following. It's like Zsa Zsa Gabor or Frank Sinatra. Image and "who you know" are valuable.

>Image and "who you know" are valuable.
leave her alone in Johannesburg, Detroit or Camden USA and see how well she fares

I don't even know what this post is supposed to mean.

Post Kendal

>implying this brainlet roastie got rich by her own doing

Why do all the kardashians date black people. I know the answer to my own question. Its because these people think being ghetto is the epitome of being cool even though they are rich and not really ghetto.

Sinatra was a great singer.

She's famous and "successful", you're not.
Simple enough, don't you think?

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a man's face is his autobiography. a woman's face is her work of fiction meaning

Because her sister fucked a nigger on tape. Try to keep up, OP

Nigger liver cancer

There's millions of good singers. Sinatra got where he did by connections and being a good face.

Niggers gonna originally nig

She was born

non sequitur supreme edition

I'm really not sure what your point is. What does black people have to do with success?

Was your half-sister's father the lawyer of OJ Simpson's case?

And did your half-sister suck cock on camera to get famous?

If no, then that's why.

It's because they had body types that weren't attractive to white guys before. Kim Kardashian said white guys used to make fun of her ass.

You're not from a rich and famous celebrity family. If she was a regular girl with no celebrity connections, she wouldn't be where she is. It's crazy that people aren't acknowledging the fact that she was born into what's essentially American royalty. She had a huge head start.

she was born into it nigger.

This is absolute obsession if you ask me

go fuck a rich hollywood nigger and watch the money pile up

It's cause her family supports the propaganda brought about by the Kelloggs, they support all the gential mutalation of young boys in hope that they don't diddle themselves. So fuck her and the corn flake society

>actually believing a person who's that young and that rich isn't just an old bankers consciousness transferred clone