How does this work? If she has 1 pussy do both girls feel it? Does the guy brag about having a threesome ebery night?

How does this work? If she has 1 pussy do both girls feel it? Does the guy brag about having a threesome ebery night?

Attached: 7ABF3036-F30C-4325-B81D-60DDA6662784.jpg (604x453, 56K)

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I can still remember the satisfying feeling of getting a multicast on fireball with aghanim's scepter.

literally how can there be a god when this shit exists? like wtf

this fucking blob of monster flesh gets two (2) people to love it and sleep with it and sex it and emotionally support it and i get literally no one at all. fuck this gay earth.

I'm dying because they've got two tits.
Can boyfriend #1 touch tit #2, or is that boyfriend #2's tit?

yes boo hoo very sad upvoted on reddit.

Looks like you answered your own question, retard.

Are both the guys involved when they are having sex or just one at a time? Would you be jealous if you knew your gf was getting fucked by her sister's bf?

They can't even make video games with as easy a difficulty as life for women

okay, literally how can there be a just god when shit like this exists?

If boyfriend #2 takes his girlfriend (#2) out, is #1 technically cheating on her boyfriend?
If they all get food poisoning at #2's shitty restaurant, which head vomits? #1? Or #2?

Alright r9k, think about this.
Would you honestly want to be that monster, or your own self? I'd pick the latter.

Please tell me they aren't boyfriends?

This is how they gobble.

Attached: gobble from a two headed demon.jpg (475x533, 59K)

Wasn't there a show about them on TLC or something last year?

If one of them breaks the law do they both get sent to jail?

Is this real? Im reading that one of the girls is getting married. I have no idea how that works since the husband would be fucking both of them. Does that mean one girl respects their privacy when the other is blowjobbbing?

The defense attorney would have a field day.

It's been floating around for 4+ years.
The man having his dick sucked isn't any of the guys in the photos.
Surprisingly, these two sucked a stranger's dick when they went clubbing.

Even demons from hell can get laid.

holy shit DUDE WEEEEED

Attached: 1515987636837.gif (250x250, 222K)

>be chad
>go to club
>get your dick sucked by conjoined twins

If you have a moan fetish this shit is the peak of moaning fetishes.
Double the moans and only one hole to please. No extra work to put in and double the reward.

They both eat separately but shit out the same asshole

Attached: 3F5DD7C6-C5FD-4B39-8C13-63935917F552.jpg (222x400, 38K)

You would always have a great story to tell if you hooked up with these chicks. I don't think it's weird or unfair they can get laid easily.

>left one is a slut
>right one has to watch her shenanigans
I wonder if left swallows but right doesn't.
If one of them swallows 2 whole loads of semen can the other one smell it if she burps?

top kek
bruv this is funny

Attached: 6a2.png (292x292, 220K)

>one of them breaks the law
In the UK we have something called "joint enterprise" meaning you can be guilty of a crime if you just helped in some other way.

Imagine if only one girl could feel the pussy but fools the other one into thinking she can feel it.

that is concerning

Attached: 535979.jpg (200x200, 7K)

This is not real. It's photoshopped. This will be the last time I spoonfeed today.

I wonder if they DP it, or run a train or if they doublefuck its vagine. Thatd be pretty gay.

Look at OPs image.
The right one clearly takes it in the ass.

This. She's not real. It's photoshopped, duh. I won't spoonfeed anymore, either

What if one tried to talk the other out of it? Would she be a hostage?

It must suck to be sideways head.

I think the girl is real though

Think they both control a limb each so if they commit a crime they both do it.

What if one of them suddenly stabbed someone. The other one wouldn't be able to stop it.

the two guys are connected at the penis

The other one let her grab a knife. So under UK law they'd both be sent.

>left head falls asleep
>right head is still awake
>right head hacks into the NSA and gets caught
What now?

They're American.

ackshually, they're women, so under UK law, they would be free to go

Attached: Untitled.png (665x834, 730K)

There are no cases of one conjoined twin committing a crime, mostly due to inability, rarity of conjoined twins being born, most dying at really young ages, and the fact that they can usually exploit their rarity for money meaning they typically never need to. Depending on the severity of the crime they may be sentenced in a way to compromise one's freedom. EG community service most likely. But yes, they can both be sent to prison, though if you live in a country in which juries choose rather or not you're guilty, juries may vote irrationally to spare the innocent one.

And here I was having a less than shit day and user comes along to ruin it by making a point which is hard to ignore.
Thanks user.

his point is that there isn't. dummy

one vagina though. I wonder if she can give birth

That made me laugh imagining their long penis and the twins using it to jump rope.

I simply need to know how the nervous system of this works.
This is genuinely like being able to find the real answer to questions about scifi

Why does this mean God doesn't exist he just created a woman with two heads it doesn't make their quality of life worse she eating good in a country and time where she's accepted has a loving family and plenty of people to support her why does her existence mean God doesn't and just because you can't understand how other people would enjoy their life with a deformity does not disprove the existence of God

Listen to the way they talk in this interview. They occasionally say the exact same thing simultaneously, including inflections like 'um'. I'm fascinated to know whats going on with their brains.

They have separate brains, so the language peculiarities are probably down to them never having left each other's side (literally) for their entire lives. Also desu the whole them cutting into each others sentences seems a bit like a gimmick for the camera.

These fucking chads and their two wives had 22 kids all in all.
Maybe you'd be more desirable if you had a gimmick.

Attached: chang and ang siamese twins.jpg (1160x1446, 132K)

>These fucking chads

>the two-headed girl
>gets to live like any other teenage suburban kid except for lucrative talk show spots

>spider sisters
>when they were born their entire shitty pajeet family quit their jobs and now they have to support a household of 30 asshole uncles

Attached: spider sisters.jpg (450x338, 70K)