Ate alone at uni again today

Ate alone at uni again today.

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Sounds gay was it gay? Asking for a friend.

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He who has anime is never truly alone.

I did that every single day last year mate, it never gets better lol

where you at m8? Let's eat together tomorrow

>all my classes end right before lunch time
dodged a bullet right there

It's the uni way

Just put in some music or podcasts and don't make eye contact

Just don't eat in public places, unless it's like a hotdog or something.
Lunch doesn't really give you energy or anything, the hunger feeling will fade if you drink some water.
Also, >tfw no lunch user friend where we can sit in complete silence and eat together.

Join a club and make friends. IT'S NOT HARD CHRIST

Why do you care? Idk how it is for you guys but at my uni tons of people sit by themselves in the cafeteria, particularly males. You won't stick out or be notices or even really looked down on if you do so. In fact I prefer to eat meals by myself desu.

A few days ago a couple girls asked if they could sit down at my table, I'd have said no if it was socially acceptable but oviously I had to say yes to avoid conflict. They tried to make conversation with me, asked my my age, asked if I liked the pasta (it was just macaroni and cheese its the definition of mediocrity how the fuck do you answer that?), I gave them the briefest answer possible everytime and went back to looking down at my food immediatly afterwards. Luckily I was already almost done when they sat down so I didn't have to stick around to talk to them for long. Showed those dumb roasties not to get between a robot and his food.

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Based? Yes.
Redpilled? Certainly.

>girls try to talk to him
>you don't take this as an opportunity for a way out

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>tfw its a true story too

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Yeah, join the anime club

Its not the first time, I'm ok looking and get decent rates on /soc/. I'm a junior now in college. I haven't made a friend since freshman year. I only socially interact when I go home and see my highschool friends during break. At this point I've just socially fucked myself up so much I don't even care anymore, and I'm gonna turn 21 in 6 months and alcohol was the biggest reason I wanted to make friends in the past.

Also what would I even talk about? I'm too autistic if I actually tried I'd probably just ask them about their classes. I don't really do anything normie tier, I basically only play paradox games and watch anime for fun, I mainly listen to rhodesian folk songs, I guess I could talk about working out but that seems like a weird thing to bring up.

Basically I'm a lost cause and I've already given up for myself so if any opportunity arises I don't even care.

And eating alone is much better than with annoying people around.

I go to the cafeteria between major meal times. I actually want to eat alone.

people eat alone at uni all the time, even people who have friends sometimes just need to get a quick bite at the cafeteria because you're schedules don't always align.
but if you really never have friends then shit man theres something wrong with you, it should be easy as fuck in uni

heroanon blowing roasties catastrophically the fuck out, never to recover, how does he do it?

Sounds like me, only I'm beyond 30 years old already and don't watch anime, doubt that I'll ever unvirgin myself, couldn't care less though.

Starting my senior year next Monday and still no friends or internships. How fucked am I?

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You had an opportunity to make some friends.

I had friends and would rather eat alone
I like to eat and not talk, plus when we go together we come back together and some people there are slow eaters
holy fuck how I hate people talking near my food

Alright, where do you guys go to school? I'll be back in my hometown for a week, and I'll sit and eat with you.

>graduated, still haven't started internship process

you still got time

Should I intern during school or during the summer? What do I do about my blank resume (0 side projects)?

intern during school if you have time to. i also dont really have any side projects either. Still trying to figure out what to do

Well obviously you should
>make relationships with professors for letters of recommendation and potential jobs
>do side projects where the skills are specifically related to what you'd like to get a job in
>start looking now for jobs, reach out to adults you might now
Or you could just watch anime and not care. Then you can get a kind of shitty but passable job, monkey work that requires a brain