Is there any point in lifting as a robot?

Is there any point in lifting as a robot?

Been doing it since 2012 and nothing has changed besides I have bout 20kg of muscle added to my body.

Pic related is why I started, I legitimately thought I'd lift and slowly morph into a out-going normalfag, never happened though, infact I am probably more isolated and withdrawn than ever in my life

Attached: this cunt.png (428x407, 244K)

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the point is to be strong because strong is better than weak
simple as

I get that but I question myself

For the last few weeks I have been thinking about ways to bring my calves up, and I just realised, why am I caring so much about this? Why am I putting so much effort into "bringing up my calves"? Why does this even matter? How did I get to this point where the only thing on my mind is calf muscles.

>lifting baby weights

There's nothing more important to women than how brimming with natural social confidence you are as a person. Everything else is secondary.

There's a fine line between being a loser that starts practicing good posture, smiling, and attempting to act confidently and up-front around people than being somebody like the guy in your pic who just does it naturally. Women absolutely know how to tell the difference between a guy who is just "trying to be this way" and when it's just some Chad who handles it like a natural.

This, if you don't have natural social confidence you will always be a loser.

As a short, ugly, austistic asian, lifting and general fitness helps not feeling like a dying sack of shit in the morning, and the sex workers I use seem to enjoy servicing me much more than when I was a pudgy chink. Much more as in a noticeable order of magnitude more. But outside of professionals, no female can stand to even look at me, much less socialize with me.

You sound like a fat power lifter

I just want to add in a small caveat - this isn't just women. This is most neuro-typical adults.

In just the same way that women are going to know that you don't have real confidence when they're considering dating you, your boss is going to know when he considers promoting you. (Just an example)

The guy in the pic WAS a loser who started practicing good posture, smiling, and attempting to act confidently and up-front around people.

Ding ding ding ding

I wish I could enshrine this post on r9k

How can you fake it though?

Anytime Ive tried acting confident and outgoing people think get offended and act like I am being aggressive and angry.

I guess tismo's can't do that shit without it coming off as aggression.

>have fishtail deformity on elbow
>any sort of lifting makes it hurt
>osteoarthritis gets worse if i keep doing it

any way i can gain upper body strength without using my left arm?

You can't fake it.

I will add to this I switched from 'pretending to be confident' to 'normally confident' in about a year.
You really do just have to fake it constantly, even if it feels fake as fuck to you, at some point you'll get better, and it'll become normal to you, since you do it all the time anyway.
Smile, check your posture, speak loudly and without stutter, volunteer for social events/meetups which you would usually decline, START conversations instead of waiting for them, etc., over and over, in a few months it'll become second nature.

Attached: honestadvice.jpg (689x580, 124K)

look, heres the thing if you lift weights, do cardio and diet frequently, 1.) you have a fun and interesting hobby 2.) people will automatically fear and respect you. Make sure to do grip training.

You're right, it's very hard to fake. The way I'd recommend (and your mileage may vary) is that you have to adopt a lifestyle that changes your beliefs about yourself. So rather than faking you're king shit you develop some genuine personal belief that you can fall back on.

How you go about developing this is difficult and their is no one size fits all solution. Some people may never be able to be as confident as they want to be and instead would have the best luck in forming a realistic perception of themselves in the world.

In this instance, clearly adopting all these habitats did give them confidence in themselves. But that wont be true for everyone. Unfortunately there is no silver bullet, especially not one that works for everyone. (Especially not the fucking retarded "Just be yourself")

>1.) you have a fun and interesting hobby
100% this. "I often go to the gym" is probably THE BEST answer to 'what hobbies do you have'?
This is in regards to dating profiles, job applications, etc.

>magnitude more

Explain what this means and how you can tell exactly

There's no real reason to get fit if you're a robot except the obvious fact that you're gonna be healthier and live longer. You're still gonna have no social skills or interest to partake in society.

Attached: fitizen.png (500x949, 41K)

>The way I'd recommend (and your mileage may vary) is that you have to adopt a lifestyle that changes your beliefs about yourself.
I used to be really shy and had a lot of doubt.
Then i became misanthrope and i don't care at all.
Now people kinda like me and invite me to parties and stuff, but i can't stand them anymore.

>All these newfags who don't know who zyzz is


I started going to gym 5 months ago and im feeling better about myself, i have more energy for the day and my depression has vanished. I'm working on my abs, making them strong and fit, i know no one will see it besides me, but i'm feeling hapy about this

Leave a pretty corpse

it can teach you the incremental benefits of doing something consistently. helps some guys get more confident apparently. didn't help me that much, but i don't regret lifting. i learned a lot

Because user, you're improving yourself. Not only are you being healthy and preparing yourself for any physical task, your mind is also becoming stronger. Every time you stick to a regime and see the results you earned you're teaching yourself commitment. You understand that good things come to those who work hard. It carries over into all areas of life. Don't question yourself too much man.

Its been 6 years, it hasn;t carried over to anything, did you even read my OP?

People often overlook things, refusing to believe they've changed in positive ways. If you only focus on the negatives of course it'll seem bad. But I'm sure as a person you've become a lot more organised and better at sticking to schedules. If you enjoy setting goals for working out, then set goals elsewhere in life, one step at a time. If you just wanted to wallow in self pity then do so. But if you want working out to work, you need to accept that it is only a stepping stone to furthering yourself. It's not some miracle drug and you were delusional to even think so in the first place.

>who started practicing good posture, smiling, and attempting to act confidently
You mean who got on illegal drugs such as roids and HGH, got cosmetic/dental surgeries, and died of heart failure at 22.

.) you have a fun and interesting hobby
>100% this. "I often go to the gym" is probably THE BEST answer to 'what hobbies do you have'?
Do you people legit not have a brain? How is "hurr durr lifting things" in any way fun or interesting to anyone at all? Literally collecting stamps would be more interesting.

It's good for your body/posture.

>t. person who doesn't go outside or interact with people
>also t. person who clearly doesn't work out
Regardless of what YOU like to do or what YOU find interesting, going to the gym shows dedication to a task (getting built), shows you're active, and proves you're dedicated to being, as well as staying, fit.
All of those check huge, glowing checkboxes for normans, whether it be socially, romantically, or for your career.

It's good for you in multiple ways, you know this. But it is possible to spend too much of your time and energy onto something and get diminishing returns on the enjoyment. When you enjoy it less you start to subconsciously rationalize against it.
You should think about what you like and dislike about lifting. Maybe spend less time on the things you dislike and focus on what you do like.

Nothing that you've said makes it fun or interesting though.