How does Jow Forums cook their eggs?

How does Jow Forums cook their eggs?

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not like THAT

fried on a non-stick most of the time. but my favorite is poached and pickled. that takes a bit more work.

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I have an everything bagel with 2 medium over eggs fried and swiss or different cheese melted on top. Bacon or Turkey if on hand. I love breakfast sandwiches and I have this one almost every morning.

Before that I used to make grits and throw fried eggs and bacon in them with cheddar. I fucking love a nice juicy breakfast. It's my favorite meal.

Cereal plebs stay the fuck out.

Also fucking sue me but I used to put oatmeal and scrambled eggs with cheddar together in a bowl.

all kinds of ways

over easy is the best for a cut

but i like em scrambled with cheese on toast and a banana. delicious tier.

rice omelettes are dank, or anything you wanna throw in an omelette is good.

even hard boiled is okay in the right situations. soft boiled is good but not worth the effort if you ask me.

Eggs benedict makes me cum.

Yo that sounds delicious I'm gonna try it

I make mine scrambled with salt,pepper, 1 tablespoon of butter, half a cup of whole milk, and some parmesan cheese
Also use 3 normal scrambled eggs with half a can of corned beef hash

Fried over hard on a non-stick pan

OP here, I actually cook my eggs like that. Are there any dangers to eating undercooked eggs

On the stove


besides theyre not 30 raw eggs

1. sunny side up with a crispy bottom
2. proper scrambled (mix well in a bowl, cook with butter on low, stirring and shaking often, take it off before it takes on color)
3. barbarian scrambled (pop those fuckers in there)

fried in bacon fat, still runny and served over really good toasted bread.

Fishermans eggs with added veges.

make a omlette together consiting of
- 4 eggs
-2 thick slices of jalapeno cheddar cheese or soft goat cheese
- diced 0n1ons
- a thick slice of diced red pepper

left over pulled chicken breast or ground chicken

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My trainer is from germany and he makes the strammer max. Its really good.

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Scramble eggs. Make a bowl: layer cottage cheese, avocado, eggs. Breakfast of the gods.

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I don't like eggs

scrambled with olive oil, spices, and some kind of vegetable served with some carbs

occationally i add cheese and/or some kind of sauce

wait, how can you have a slice of diced red pepper? #mindblow

Used to really take my time and try to make them perfectly scrambled, or these elaborate omelettes...

Then I said fuck that shit I just crack em, flip them once, add some salt and go to town.

scrambledish, with bacon, onion, green pepper, jalapeno, cheese, and salsa if i have any. side of toast

Fry it and make a bacon egg and cheese with a hash brown patty.

You guys actually cook them?

>mfw i recognize it off thumbnail
ive been here too long

This except for the fucking toast.

>pan fry 5 strips of thick cut bacon
>while cooking crack a dozen eggs and scramble
>pour out most of the grease from bacon
>dump in eggs
>gently push the eggs with the spatula until cooked through but still a little slimy
>dump onto plate
>pour glass of room temperature home made kefir
>dig in

Did she eat all the eggs?

4 eggs
1 cup of sorghum flour
a few cloves of garlic chopped
butter to line the pan and top the pancakes
makes 2 portions done in my cast iron pan on medium heat

Fried sunny side up covered in homemade hot sauce made with habaneros and peach peppers from my garden

Enjoy losing 50% protein bioavailability right off the top dumbass.


yeah i really hate manual transmissions in vehicles it gives them like 50% less cardrivability if you ask me. Or when I buy a shirt and it shrinks in the wash, it now has 50% less shirtwearability. Or when a girl talks to me, i lose like 50% wordspeakability.

kys yourself.

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This is well established in the medical literature...dumbass

Fug. That sounds good.

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Scrambled, 1/4th cup of reduced fat grated cheddar mixed in when cooking and topped with hot sauce.

I fry up thin slices of onion, add bacon, add miced garlic and i beat 3 eggs and 3 eggs whites together with splash of half and half or milk and fry it slowly on low heat constantly stiring,
Im bulking, had that for breakfast this morning.

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Please tell me 6 eggs a day won't kill me. Please

>Or when a girl talks to me, i lose like 50% wordspeakability.
I do have that though

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I usually just scramble them. I feel like doing sunny side up or over easy causes some of the egg to go to waste by bleeding out if not mixing it with something to absorb it.

>eating eggs
never gonna make it

Scrambled and eat them off of your mom's ass

I ruin them, and then go out to get breakfast at the diner down the street.

I have, and will forever, suck at cooking breakfast foods. I can cook just about anything else, but my flaw is breakfast food, my favorite kind of food.

It's like an ironic curse.

>proper scrambled
This nigga knows whats up
Done right you don't even need any seasoning.

breakfast food is the easiest food to make
you just put fucking eggs on the pan and take them of when theyre done, theres nothing to it
fucking put bacon on the pan
fucking MICROWAVE milk and oatmeal
put fuckin berries in yoghurt
how hard is that, retard?