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Fitness #477
Brapp Thread for my Birthday please
Boogie has dropped from 373 to 359 lbs in 2 weeks
Mirin and autism thread
Super boss is set to retire in 10 yrs from his VP of finance position
Finally moving out
What is "strong"?
Is there any harm in just doing 5x5 for the rest of my life...
Jow Forums lifting music
Golden tidbit thread. post golden tidbits that you have found boosted up your physique and strength gainz
Showering at night vs in the morning
Well fit I've reached my fattest ever at 320 pounds. I'm depressed...
Skinny fat. What can I do and where do I start ?
Question for former skellys
What do you do on your off days after full body workout?
Noobie program ?
How do I get rid of skelly wrists?
Nofap and noporn thread
Pushup thread
ITT things you wish people would've told you growing up
Well, where are your gains?
Do you think I'm fat?
Should I incorporate face pulls into my routine?
Most Jow Forums city
I think I might need food to live, guys
How common is weightlifting in East and Southeast Asia?
What's this exercise called?
How many pullouts to have this ?
What would happen if you follow a sub 1000 calories diet for a prolonged time?
Daily reminder if you browse Jow Forums you will never make it
Post songs that get you going in the gym, that song that pumps you the fuck up
Can someone show me an actual natural transformation?
Have sex
Are you stronger than your dad, user?
If you bring this to the gym you are a faggot
Now that the dust has settled... who won?
Leave the gym
ITT: Post the thing someone said that made you start lifting
Too strong?
Lifting weights won't help you in a figh-
About to spend $1300 on a hermes apple watch
Fat all through childhood
Boys I'm thinking about joining a crossfit gym
I'm in my 30's out of shape going to begin stronglifts soon. I haven't kept up with supplements in 15 years...
Is creatine a meme pushed by the (((fitness industry))), or is it the real deal?
When you turn your back on our Lord and savior Scooby and embrace the roids
Is this healthy?
Is roid rage real?
Martial arts
Who else eats cereal for dinner?
Failed nofap before day one was over, not to visual porn, but audio of tomboy impregnation
Unflavored Whey
Jow Forums mirin my tinder gains? Started talking to this cutie right here
Press F to pay respects for the most iconic bodybuilder of all time, rest in piece arnie...
I have an issue
Why is veganism bad again?
Skin fitness general
Mom said I look like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hey Jow Forums so I’ve been drinking 2-3 beers a night to help me deal with my anxiety...
*mogs your entire cohort*
Recently single
Is Objectivism the most Jow Forums philosophy?
Does it make anyone less of a man not to join the military? also is bpn good products
Fasting = cutting
CBT - Progress
Reminder that the biggest chad in history was asian
Jow Forums guide to women
Leg extensions. Yay or nay? Why?
At what age did you start lifting Jow Forums?
Please explain to me how fasting is going to help build muscle if I train hard at the gym...
Lift for yourself, not for chicks
Is there any hope for us manlets?
Who's The Most High-Test Alpha In Video Game History?
Can you see any differences between these two pics...
A real man:
Just tried my first green smoothie (handful of spinach, handful of broccoli florets, one carrot...
Anyone considering biological mecha the surgery? I feel like if you could pump 1.25x the blood using electrical pulses...
Which egg cooking method is the most Jow Forums? Need to get my last few calories and macros in
What's the protocol for using Tinder abroad in countries where they don't speak English well...
46 years old
Why is the keto diet good for you?
What is this exercise called?
Progress thread
My best friend invited me to his cousins party and for some dumb reason we will be the only guys there...
How to deal with Gains Haters?
Ideals Thread
It’s a gymcrush is looking at me episode again
I see the matrix
Post things you lift for
Is it true that our ancestors thousands of years ago were basically on a Keto diet and that bread,pasta etc...
Is going for one a week really that unhealthy? I work nightshift and hate my pale virgin skin
What would you rate this physique out of ten, brahs?
/carnivore general/
Vegan lifter
/plg/ - powerblogging general
If you had to choose 2 and ONLY 2 CORE ISOLATION (upper and lower abs, obliques) exercises for the rest of your life...
Tfw home gym owners can have meals and take naps between sets
Turning Mires into Dates
Is it true that benching your own bodyweight means you are stronger than 50% of the population?
Is direct arm work ghey
Britbongs lift for THIS
Why is it ok to skinny shame women yet not to fat shame?
No Jeff thread
Can I get a form check on my deadlift please?
Daily reminder not to do compound exercises
I don't smoke, I don't do drugs
Is it safe to drink 50cl of beer everyday?
Jow Forums BTFO!
Would you do something like this for the girl you love?
/fph/ thread
Anyone here /medschool/?
Jow Forums approved lifting albums
Nofap is a meme
What keeps you going?
Suffer from depression from three years ago
Are women hysterical and over-emotional because they are LITERALLY low test?
/medical thread/
Are there benefits in having more than 5g of (((creatine))) a day?
/fitness & health/ Official Humor Thread
What do i do?
High testosteronas
I've been getting a ton of earwax since I started lifting. What did my ears mean by this...
Seeing a urologist for test levels, how do I get test prescribed?
Routine check and rate
Happy birthday goddamnit
Breathe while lifting
I usually eat 3 boiled eggs every morning. Is it good or bad for my health?
Gets in your face at the gym
How many of you fell for the Broccoli-jew?
Who would win:
Whos your go to guy on utube?
Erectile Dysfunction
Slept 9 hours yesterday
Is it true that women don’t like really well built guys?
What motivates you to keep lifting? How do you find meaning in this objectively meaningless existence?
Brehs how do I get rid of my white tongue? Every night an hour or two before I go to bed my tongue gets white and nasty...
Water Fasting
Is this unironically based?
How does he consume so much s|o|y in drink and food and still get gainz?
What’s your favourite lift and when was the last time your PR’d?
Who here is a nipplecel?
Personality type and lifting
So we all have a body temperature "set point" apparently, some of us have hotter ones and some colder...
Why is it fat people always think keto will get them lean, but all the lean people I know eat carbs?
Admit it Jow Forums do you lie about your height?
Cmon, user. Eat this pizza with me! A few slices won't hurt you
What's your go to protien bars?
Is it alpha to make girls do what they don't want to do? or just inconsiderate?
Trapezius thread
Roiding for this
What's for breakfast Jow Forums?
Routine thread
Run out of protein powder
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
How ya holding up Jow Forums?
Why aren't you having eggs fried in butter for breakfast?
Why lift when its all about the fa-
Lol just have a personality you don't need to workout
Ready to start my first cycle
Am I good enough for Tinder?
Which is the Jow Forums preference
Don't mind me user, just toning my glutes teehee
The StairMaster is the best piece of equipment to conquer your inner bitch
Anyone on here have experience with patellar tendonitis? This shit is driving me crazy
What's your favorite drink while exercising?
Roastie pouring bleach on dudes croches on the train
Skinny Fat, Bloated Tummy
How do i unironically keep away these waves of crushing depression and suicidal thoughts?
I want to lift heavier in my DB Shoulder Press
What's Jow Forums dressing up as for Halloween?
How the fuck do you guys eat so much. I'm trying to stick to healthy foods and I'm having trouble getting to 3100 kcal...
Tfw drink almost every night
Post your last rep face
/fast/ - #305 - Cam On Edition
Gym twink smiled at me today
*blocks your path*
Boogie may not be dead, but his channel is
There is a leak
Am i free from drugs now?
A little girl's self-esteem
Is jacking off really as bad as /fit makes it seem? Do I lose potential gains jacking off 5 days a week?
Have i ascended lads?
Should I start roiding? Give me a Bf% estimate
Favorite zero cal beverage BESIDES MONSTER ZERO ULTRA
What did you eat today Jow Forums?
Has being Jow Forums ever turned a women off?
Have you ever been mogged by a girl?
Is whole milk healthier than skim?
Does anyone have that >not brining chicken guide I lost it
I was just told my childhood dog has 3-6 weeks to live and I'm off at college...
How long do you have to be into fitness for the bad feelings to go away...
How to enjoy sex with condoms? just got a gf and she won't take birth control help Jow Forums
Redpill me on clean bulking
I really hate my body and want to make my body fat % lower...
Delaying the Aging Process Thread v1.0
ITT Jow Forums approved affordable restaurants
Is doing chest twice a week on a strength programme good if my chest is weak?
Does intermittent fasting REALLY work?
Who is /fat/ for?
Why do women think this is an acceptable attire to wear at the gym?
How many days should I rest between workouts?
You can only go to the gym if you're already strong
I'm 5'11" 155lbs manlet and it sucks. I feel inferior compared to tall guys and I legit want to off myself...
What mode is this?
How the fuck do I get rid of brain fog? could it do anything to do with getting Jow Forums...
Post the order in which you achieved 1/2/3/4
How many of you niggas are fully developed?
Should I get a flu jab? Are you going to?
How to deal with gf neglecting me/our relationship?
What is more tiring, squatting or deadlifting?
CBT w/ stats
Thoughts on this physique?
Natty Limit
You ARE mewing right now, right?
Brother is 170 cm
All right Jow Forums, what's your 2,400 meter run time? Or can you only pick shit up?
Shaving my head was the best thing i've ever done
Lads, what does it mean if I often catch people staring at me when I'm out and about? I'll be minding my own business...
Tfw you're that scary motherfucker at the gym that no one wants to lift around
sorry user I’m not into “fit” guys
Push up thread
Anybody ever had parasites?
When will you get your shit right /fit ?
How do we improve American chicks?
Let's all sumerize our lives in a few lines and give advice to each other
Imagine being a ripped black man and having a small dick
Unless you go to the pool or go outside shirtless, there is no reason to cut
777777777 GET IS COMING UP BOYS!!!!!
Name a more useless piece of gym equipment
How does one woo a lady, Jow Forums?
Why did Jow Forums stop liking EC Stack?
Training for strength
Ideal Chart
Breakfast healthy?
Archaic Humans
Is yoga worth it in helping mobility?
How the fuck do I get over social anxiety...
/plg/ - powerblogging general
What is this exercise called?
University Kills Gains
Be T*rk
Be me
This is what the government says you should eat. What do you think?
What will you do when the hair starts falling out, Jow Forums?
Have you taken the /fitsuit/ pill?
I'm fucking scared Jow Forums
When dad is so proud he buys you a tub of your favorite protein
This guy is 51 years old
Coconut Oil
After years of struggling to deal with my radical feminist upbringing vs. the actual reality of this world...
/fph/ thread!
I am really dismissive of fat people. I feel like that’s not fair but I really just can’t stand them...
>Boogie will relapse after his surg-
Im going to kill myself and just wanted to say thank you Jow Forums for helping me in life but it just wasnt enough
What fitness apps do you have?
Oh shiii the Blahas gon and exposed you all haha
Kill the Boar
Progress Thread
HOW do you possibly deadlift 600+ pounds whilst looking this DYEL?
Bitch on the left literally murdered bitch on the right to get dude in the middle
Muscle rollers
Horse cum
Is it gay to tan?
Is bodyweighttraining a meme?
I want to specialise in the Deadlift. What should my routine look like?
Tell me about bread Jow Forums
Tfw gf wants sex AGAIN
Don't mind me, just being the best protein bar on the market
Stop eating anything but beef
Will boogie make it, Jow Forums?
What is the optimal size for health and aesthetics relative to height assuming you want to be easily manageable...
What are the benefits of /nosleep/?
How much do I need to bench to get a gf ?
Tfw doing pull ups my right arm is back dominant while my left arm is biceps dominant
Sinus infection
Do women not realise how dumb they look in high waisted workout tights? Or high waisted clothing in general?
Will lifting help me get the real life equivalent of this girl?
(In Iraq) We asked him where the good places to run were. He laughed and said this:
/csg/ - Combat Sports General
My life goal is to fuck a qt cardio bunny or any regular gym thot. How do I go about this? I'm being 100% serious...
Only get right swiped by fatties on tinder
Is it safe to say girls with broad shoulders are trannies?
You have the masculine body
Did you waste your first year in the gym doing stupid shit?
So we all know women peak at age 15
Hey Jow Forums, i'm 18 and i've started taking my phimosis seriously...
Fit meals thread
I can't cum during sex, wat do?
How do I get rid the acne that is all over my body?
I'm in love with a good girl at my work
I get to the gym, there are people already training
/fraud/ cheating steroid dicklets general
I dated a Transgender girl while I was stationed there, and for 9 years after...
That sinking feeling knowing that you will continue to look dyel for the next 180 days
Be honest fit
That armyfag at the gym who lifts with his green short-shorts pulled up to his bellybutton and his shirt tucked in
For building grip strength is it better to get something you squeeze down on or push outward towards...
Sexual health general
Is it possible to be “strong” without aesthetically showing so?
I dated a Korean girl while I was stationed there, and for 2 years after...
How do I gain muscle mass instead of just getting toned as fuck? Less reps with more weight? I’m 5’10 and only145 lbs
Mirin thread
Listening to EDM song
Stuck in skinnyfat purgatory
Lifting won't make you a cute girl
So recently I got Jow Forums and was thinking of leaving my girlfriend. She's nice and all but she looks and acts cheap...
Why is it that training back effectively seems impossible?
Do not forget to work your neck
Post a better source of protein
Theres no way theres 36 grams of protein in this single piece of chicken. What am i doing wrong here?
Stop eating gluten
Move to the southwest
GOFAP Thread
What Age Is Too Old To Start Lifting?
Daily reminder humans are not carnivores
I'm a 22 year old virgin that's never had a gf and people are starting to think something is wrong with me...
Be eating raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries for the very first time
Who do you lift for?
Is yoga the biggest scam in all of "fitness"?
Pushup Thread
Would you still lift if you were invisible, and what would you do if you were?
Day 3 of nofap
Does the amount of protein I eat during a cut matter?
Jow Forums feels thread
Rate my abs Jow Forums!
Sent a pic of me shirtless to my bro
Red pill me on Cliff Bars
My first time using creatine today. Is it safe? What can I expect?
Started tracking nutrition and apparently i get almost double the sodium I ought to. Everything else looks pretty good...
How am I doing so far? Progress thread I guess
From incel to hard 6/10 after jaw surgery
Constantly feeling pain/tightness in this area whenever I move forward quickly or in certain directions like reaching...
Rear Delts
Who here honestly enjoys exercising?
Why do Jow Forums men turn in to Trannies?
Reminder that if you don't eat bread then you are in direct opposition to G-d, gains will forever elude you...
If reincarnation was real and you could suicide for better genes, would you do it?
When will they learn?
Are my femurs disproportionately long?
What’s the most humiliating thing you ever experienced in gym?
Gymthot prime has a bf now
Lifting motivation
ITT: Post the LITERAL best, hard-earned truth you learned over the years
On Jow Forums like 2 hours ago
I have pain in my asshole every time after i squat
/fast/ - #305 - Full Steam Edition
What's the Jow Forums consensus on tripe?
What's the name of this lift?
You ARE growing your hair out, right user?
That guy who leaves the gym without showering
I remember reading from a hairlet on this board that he uses peppermint oil to treat his receding hairline since it is...
How do you objectively measure your own competence when it comes to fitness?
Anyone else feel like they could take down MMA fighters in the manlet weighclasses without any fighting related...
Let's talk about this
Training Frequency
Moggs your years of training and self improvement into oblivion by just existing
Just did my first chin-up
Are calf raises worth doing or are they a useless meme exercise?
Jeff thread
Didn't know that 'running' wasn't actually running
Guys will I die if I drink this shit while cutting ?
Hey lads I was just wondering if any of you know a good beginner program for girls...
Reminder it's all about face genetics. You don't even need to show your body to get thirsty women to drop their panties
Do you think you’re strong enough to defend yourself if a man with a katana came flying at you?
Can anyone recommend any good fat based/low carb sauces for chicken?
Rate my rest day and cheat meal Jow Forums!
Stoners are pathetic, nihilistic and often hedonistic loosers and dirty dumbfucks with no goals, dreams...
Lift all day
Is there any supplement that enchances learning?
Gym is crowded at all times throughout the day
I need some bodyweight routine recommendations to go Yukiomode
It's a fact that cutting makes you lose strength
Mfw gym demonats accuse me of sexually harassing the receptionist at the gym I went to 5 years ago
Dont fap for 2 days
Jow Forums degenerates get in here, what degenerate shit are you into...
Take off her clothes
Is he right? Can you feed 4 persons for a week with 75$ without your kids looking DYEL?
Who else here microwrist gang?
Tfw best looking face 99% where I go
How do you cope with the loneliness/fit/?
Bodybuilding means muscle building thru repeated injury and repair of muscle tissue
Currently, 80% of American adults are either overweight or obese
LSD thread
Vacations are fucking gains goblins
Panic attack after heavy exercise
What supplements do you take daily?
Just shave it
/hehe general/
Forget NoFap and NoPorn
I fucking HATE cardio. Like absolutely despise it, i'd rather swim in river of shit. How do i force myself to do it?
What's it like to be DYEL?
Honestly why bother is you're 5'11?
Femanon here, any advice on how to get rid of hip dips...
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Jow Forums BTFO
Jow Forums approved vitamins and supps
Does he have a good squat? he's strong as hell obviously but doesn't he tend to good morning the weight up...
Daily reminder to brush your teeth twice a day anons
Are there any actual autists who are very muscular?
What do you listen at the gym?
What body type most attracts traps Jow Forums?
Have any of you plebs been successful at fixing text head? Show me da wae
Injury General
I’m ugly as fuck
I just did my first work out on Saturday and I'm so fucking sore. I can't even lift my arms...
Take the calisthenics pill
Is this achievable natty?
If you cant do 100 burpees with the push ups part in under 6 minutes you arent really fit
You now remember that you used to think that the guy from call me maybe music video was huge as fuck
Who is more insufferable? ketofags or fastingfags?
Mirin thread
Wtf do I do if I CANT get skinny...
Stop Balding
Which ones should I actually take daily? I get sick from swallowing too many
Reminder that Chads are brainlets
*sips* back in my day we didn’t do all these fancy workouts *crack* we just went into the gym and lifted the iron up...
Hi Jow Forums i need your help
Just a reminder that strength does not always equal size
Jow Forums hairstyles thread
Fuck you fit
WHAT THE FUCK FIT!?!? I thought it was a meme but you guys are literally turning me gay!
Um.. I just drank a gallon of coca cola... don't ask why, my heart is racing and I'm sweating.. will I be okay?
Form check thread
How the fudge do I fall asleep, lads?
Unlimited time and money to get Jow Forums
September, 24th, 2018
How can I become happier? Does lifting make you happier? I want to maximize my happiness gains
Why do women get to be "plus-sized," but men are overweight?
Running doesnt kill your gains
Why spend time in the gym when you could be making money instead?
Do you take caffeine for ADHD?
Normal women quietly reached an all-time hotness level in 2018 and no one even noticed
What's the best form when commiting suicide by jumping off a bridge into water? Head first or feet first, etc...
Be me
Daily reminder that lifting won't get your girls...
What is the point of lifting and "height if a couple of boomers, who have never lifted a day in their life...
Gf says she can only finish fucking hard and fast
What’s its like to be in love (hetero), Jow Forums?
Why do women care so much less about aesthetics in their partner than men do?
This is why I lift. To achieve a lifestyle like Dan. That guy is awesome
Smoking general
Meanwhile, on bizarro Jow Forums
My ZMA cupsules arrived today
Jow Forums the manga
Hi, need some help! I don't know how to track my food. I live on the Balkans...
/fat/ - Everyday Struggle Edition
Is zinc the ultimate red pill supplement?
He doesn't lift for japanese cakes
Is there actually a point to lifting?
"Hey user come here! you got abs right?"
You're in the club and this guy slaps your gfs ass
Studies have shown that soi beans are feminizing. But what about other beans? Are chickpeas feminizing too?
Is IQ positively or negatively correlated to physical strength?
Would you subscribe to a food delivery that'd prepare meals according to your TDEE, diet (paleo, keto...
How many of you could take down el chupacabra in a fight?
Be talking to girl for months
Hello! I've never been to Jow Forums and I know next to nothing about health or fitness so if this is not the place to...
Slampig coming over tonight (again)
You must be able to dead lift the weight of a girl before she can be your gf
Can your muscles stop a bullet?
Do any of you work out twice a day? I get pretty bored on Sundays and workout twice...
How bad is this for 9 months of lifting?
Creatine Monohydrate worth taking or not?
Redpill me on testosteron
Why must Jow Forums be so fucking negative all the time...
How often should I be changing my sheets? I literally do not know the answer to this
Help I’ve no gym pass and every time I work out more my muscles don’t seem to get more defined and it seems as...
Your dick is the most important muscle
What mode is this?
just go talk to her bro
How does one properly into the fighter aesthetic?
Name a better program
Is your dick Jow Forums?
How to eat pomegranates?
What do you have for breakfast on a cut?
That wide hip feel
Does anyone listen to motivatal podcasts or YouTube videos while lifting or do you all just listen to music?
Is wheat the worst possible carb source? (Aside from being delicious)
/fast/ - #304 Cardio SZN edition
Are you manifesting your ideal self, Jow Forums?
/fraud/ - RHR of 140 bpm edition
Why is fit so stupid?
Tfw females are ruthless judges of masculinity
Can't squat due to knee pain from muscle weakness from being a dyel for 18 years
Lifting for the sole purpose of surviving car accidents
When a fat person enters the gym
By doing 100 push ups, 2 minutes of planks, and 60 squats a day will I improve my physique...
What kind of shoes does fit wear?
Who are you lifting for?
What music do you listen to while working out?
Routine critique threat, Jow Forums
When did you realize chicken thighs were the superior meat for bodybuilding?
Whats your jawline and cheeks look like Jow Forums?
How big does a dude with 4/10 face at 6’1 have to get to get a gf?
/mental gaines/
Rucking General
Post girls to increase test before workout
Exercise gets too easy
Hey Jow Forums, really stupid question that I couldn't find the answer for anywhere:
Heavier bench presses
How do I obtain FLAT but muscular pecs
I fucking HATE gym thots
Post pictures that motivates you to lift
*fixes your posture*
Near ascension, have i missed anything?
What a perfect human being
Who dreads working out and going to the gym? Does it get better? Will I ever enjoy going?
Anybody here who has been taking test for several years? I'm curious about the long-term consequences
Deadlifts niggaaaa
His mother unironically did not install a water filter while growing up
Why does this look so attractive compared to actually working out and looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Apart from being a hardcore butterface, what the fuck is wrong with this girl?
Do nofapnporn
More like this?
Can guys really have glutes like this or is it photoshop? How much do you need to squat to achieve this?
How many of you boys smoke? does it kill gains?
How long would it take for me to get down to 165?
So you obviously like sports, but what else do you do?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Cutting because fat
How do i do this exercise without feeling my forearms will break in half?
Too broke to join a gym. Can barely do 20 pushups
What is the most desirable height for a man?
Who else here /movedoutpill/?
How does Jow Forums feel about this fat washing ?
How old should kids be before they start doing squats and deadlifts?
Everyone's progress thread
Delaying the Aging Process Thread
Has fit ever tried jopbad? Jar of peanut butter a day
I'm(M 19) 5ft 11inches how do I get to 6ft+
Is it a bad idea to have a cheat day if you're obese and trying to lose weight?
What has been your greatest gain from going to the gym...
Which one of you left you manlet extenders at the gym today?
All this meat for 10 bucks but is pork a good source of protein? ive grown tired of beef ive been sticking to pork...
I know there is a female wall (30yrs) but is there such thing as a male wall? And if so what age does it start?
Does working out improve jaw and chin?
This is useless
What the fuck am I looking at?
"Belly breathing" is complete bullshit, not backed by science, and neglects the role of the intercostal muscles...
What is the most Jow Forums meat to eat?
/fph/ fat people hate thread
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
My OHP is stalling at 95lbs, what should I do to try and boost it? I do PPL and I always hit shoulders after chest...
How do you feel about a grown man calling himself Matt "McMuscles" when he himself is overweight and lacking in any...
Why is Jow Forums so against plant based eating?
How do I beat the sugar jew Jow Forums? Not only is it ruining my gains but it makes me feel like shit...
Progress thread
Natty lifting sucks ass let's just be honest here...
Rate my progress
High Bar or Low Bar?
Is this the fate of all natties?
Be me
Is Intermittent Fasting safe for teenagers? I just turned 19 and I wanted to try IF...
How old were you when you discovered protein is a myth?
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Fictional goal body
Mogged: Tfw I'm fit but make <30k a year. Found out today my younger brother makes $110k
Seal BUD/S
Is this top tier bicep insertions?
What type of girls do you attract fit?
Get Jow Forums
This is what women want when they pay for sex anonymously
Post last rep face
How does one attain this physique?
Am I ugly? what can I do to be a chad?
Day 6 of Nofap + lifting hard
Penis Improvement
Got laughed at in the gym
Is "that's just not my body type" a meme? An excuse?
Working out legs more important than abs?
My hypothesis: The overall quality of a fitness center/gym can be directly determined by the number of weightlifters...
How come all doctors are either fat or look like rotten skellies?
Shit Normies Say Thread
I made the weight gain "protein" shake...
Saturday night feels bar is open. What's on your mind, Jow Forums?
What's even the point of this machine?
Do you do martial arts?
I corrected the food pyramid for you, try to prove me wrong
What are the physical Jow Forums requirements to dating cosplay girls?
Will lifting improve my looks?
Have you ever had plastic surgery?
How do you survive a metoo attack once you’ve made it?
Tfw dirty bulking
Does having a cheat meal really help you lose weight like Boogie says?
Are "girl pushups" a meme?
You faggots always forget how important teeth are. Show em
Best advices to stop fapping. Please, i'm getting sick of it, i don't enjoy it anymore
Takes me an hour to eat 1000 calories worth of rice
Is there a shittier exercise than Deadlift and Squats?
I'm about to quit my job and be neet for a few months...
Claims to eat a paleo diet
Whats for dinner tonight fellas?
those legs
What's the point in lifting when a single gun shot can end your life?
/fit Hobbies
Hey Jow Forums, how do I undo 20 years of Hispanic eating habits and get healthier...
The Fraud Pill
Did you win the presidential fitness award in school Jow Forums?
Whats your morning routine Jow Forums? What do you do to get the grogginess out?
I give up
/Owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Tfw being lean with basic muscles is more aesthetic and look better than roidfaggots or powerlifters
Can u faggots pls share a 1 year complete natural body?
What do we think of clarence?
When someone pronounces it as "zez"
Is 1/2/3/4 1RM or 5RM?
I'm cutting tomorrow. Any tips so I do it right the first time?
Am i the only white guy who thinks white women are trash and not attractive
What drives you?
/fph/ Fat People hate
How accurate is this?
Is dirty bulk a meme? When should I do it?
Skinnyfat DYEL advice
Shit genetics
Go to numerous Jow Forums fap boards
Redpill me on mental health
Would you be able to handle a small but armed female terrorist while you yourself are unarmed
How much milk do you drink /fit?
It's almost 10:00PM here in Australia
Am bullding a team
Does fit shave their pits? Or trim them?
What mode am I Jow Forums?
Lifting is good for your health
Is she right boys?
How do you feel about this /fit?
Should I cutt or bulk
Im a 20 years old guy and i have decided to start expressing myself, transgender, and start taking care of my skin...
Nofappers BTFO, enjoy your butthole cancer
What mode am I /fit?
Mfw most of you eat more than one meal a day
Are dip/parallel bars worth getting for a home gym? Is one style (separable or not) better...
Is it true that lifting will allow me to get over my anxiety when interacting with the cute barista?
What mode am I Jow Forums? And can we have a CBT, rate and be rated
What food have you stopped eating or have restricted?
What do you think of Pumping Iron Jow Forums?
Body Goals Thread
Need some help bros
Hard to shallow pills
This body deadlifts 5 plates for 5 reps. You mad??
How was your Friday guys? Here's mine
>fat people can't be alph--
It's Friday evening, when did fit get so slow? Literally only like 10 guys posting. What you guys up to tonight btw?
How do survive a #metoo attack once you've made it?
What Jow Forums things do women look for in men?
I'm fat and can't stop eating
What's a good length of time to abstain (detox) from drinking...
Is their diet a meme? Should I try it for 2 weeks to lose shed some lbs I can't off?
Is skateboarding good cardio for a 27 year old?
/fraud/ cheating steroid abusers with tiny testicles
Is lifting weights the ultimate form of cuckoldry?
/fast/ - #303 - Matrix Blue Pill Edition
Pushup thread
Fit Humor thread OC edition
Jow Forums is making me gay and depressed
How do you reach this mode?
Mom comments on my glutes
Athletes you could beat in a fight
Is sv3ridge the chosen one?
Why do so many guys have shit postures nowadays?
Wtf do i eat if i cant eat rice and flour im fucking broke i cant be spending a shit ton of money of expensive meats...
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Motivation Thread
How does it feel to be mired ?
Hi Jow Forums newfag here
What's the best way to have a good, fit diet without my ass smelling of a plague-ridden mass grave?
Hope you boys are including organ meats in your meal planning. One of the best ways to make gains
Are lesbians a meme?
Narrowing your shoulders
Does Jow Forums think i'm cute?
Physiques you used to think were impressive
Who is /fat/ for?
Deadlift: how many reps-sets for MASS?
Even Joe Rogan does intermediate fasting
5/3/1 AMRAP set and weight increase
While at the gym have you ever dabbed or been dabbed on?
/phimosis/ bros
"You go out on Friday nights to make some social gainz, right user?"
Why do men under 6'1'' lift? Isn't that like trying to hold a fart when you've already crapped your pants
Oh man, I feel sorry for SiR
How many gain pods did you eat today Jow Forums?
Oh no. Oh no no no
Is yogurt the final cutting redpill?
Pork, Chicken, or Beef
How do I perform a superset? Do I keep on decreasing the weights until I'm no longer able to...
Is the index/ring finger theory bullshit?
ITT: Kryponite
I am so sick of this
Has anyone used this CBD oil? Not brand specific. Definitely fitness related as it is classified as a supplement...
Does this routine seem practical? Am I wasting my time doing anything specific here? Also...
That 30 years old guy bench pressing in the squat rack
Is this good enough to fuck 18 year old blonde girls?
Be at club with bros
Give me one (1) good reason not to get a jaw surgery
Do non-white chads exist? Is it harder for non-white dudes to become one?
How long does he have
Is boxing the most Jow Forums apporved sport? Anyone here who boxes? What is the appeal of getting your head rocked...
>that boomer who physically can't stand the sound of a deadlift being lowered
What is his workout
Who wins in a fight? The lone wolf Lion or a pack of wolves?
Now Ex's gonna come around tomorrow to talk
Tell me why i should even follow a program when im already making plenty of gains?
Suggest a diet and gym routine for these two alphas
What you need to realize is that the average gym goer, at best, looks like he doesn't even lift...
Just turned down sex to go to the gym
I literally cannot stop drinking
Tfw small penis
"he upright rowed?"
What routine do I need to achieve this
Happened just now
Stay in my spine, spine jelly. Daddy needs you!
Start watching Jeff's videos
You wake up in his body, what does Jow Forums do?
Post cuppas
Which one Jow Forums?
Why has he been on a decade long crusade against booze?
When did you finally realise that the most important thing in life is making a family,Jow Forums?
Post pictures of people you thought were jacked until you started lifting
I'm putting together a team
Why the fuk does this dyel chink have such a brutal neck?
"Why have you forgotten me?"
Neck Gains
Im 19. If I dont care about fertility (I dont want kids) and I dont care about being on trt for the rest of my life...
What's your excuse for not eating steak every day?
Be skinny fat
Whats the routine to get this bois
get fit
I used to bash noporn and nofap, but this is what I observed so far after giving in
5x5 general
What would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)
JUSTed at a young age
Cute girl approached me at the gym
Some gym meat head started shit with me in the gym parking lot
Jow Forums fags will defend this
Double overhand four plate deadlift
So my girlfriend somehow got it in her head that I want her skinnier, and she's been working out and dieting like crazy...
Lifting weights won't help you in a figh-
Ketards hate it
Be me 5'9 king of manlets
Daily reminder to drink plenty of water
Want to get laid?
/fph/-Fat People Hate Thread
What was the moment you realized you wanted to lift or truley make it?
Is Mac natty?
Is it bad to have a dumb gf? I've been with my current gf about a year now (I'm 23 she's 20) and I like her a lot...
Im 6'2 150 pounds
How often do you watch porn or look at naked women on your computer, Jow Forums?
What mode is this?
How does Jow Forums cook their eggs?
When you squat 3 times per week on SS are you supposed to keep adding like 2...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship