JUSTed at a young age

My shit's been fucked up for as long as I can remember. It's been like this since I was 9 or 10. What hope is there?

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If it's been like that since your 9 or 10 I'd think youd have come to terms with it at this point

>9 or 10
well then it's not MPB
unless it's actually thinning dw, might just be a mature hairline that happened early
if it is thinning then get on finasteride asap

you can get a hair tattoo

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It's not thinning, but I do have a ridiculous forehead

So just have long hair retard it’s way more common than you think

how to tell if thinning?

> full head of hair
> no bald men in family
> get crohns
> corticosteroids and immunosuppressants thin hair, recede hairline and age skin
> look 40 at 26
There are lots of band hands in life OP and i would rather yours. You can wear a wig, i can't get new gut

fine, but everyone should still fight things that go wrong

Yeah but it can't hurt to realise your situation isn't that bad.

Jesus christ that looks bad

I have a shitty forehead/hairline too. My hair is not thinning, it’s very thick actually but still looks like it’s receeding.
I am saving money for a procedure to fix it.

tfw fivehead and extremely thin hair during childhood but now i see hair falling out in shower

should i accept the JUST

I have the exact same forehead shape and haircolour and hairline when pulling my scalp backwards but have never taken a picture like this

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once you get old enough it'll look appropriate. if it's been like this since you were 9 then it's likely NOT male pattern baldness. it's going to stay this way, so by the time you're 35+ it'll look okay.

The only answer is skullet

same here user,laways had those spots and theyve only grown bigger
im 21 now and im never growing out my hair again, it just looks shitty, im shaving off the sides and wearing a beard until the hair in the middle eventually falls out too
btw if you have a beard i think most people wont care about your baldness

Get on my level cunt, I developed alopecia areata. I lost 90% of my hair including my eyebrows. I look like a cancer patient.

Start a psychology radio show in Seattle.

>if you have a beard i think most people wont care about your baldness
Hairlet cope

There is hope you'll be sensible enough to just shave it all off.

with what? its not like my face looks like shit once i shave my hair, you faggots are exaggerating

Hey what symtpoms did you have for chrohns? Also what steroids do you take. I take it for eczema and shit and it sometimes grows hair on my head no bullshit

>its not like my face looks like shit once i shave my hair
The amounts of cope.
Everyone looks like shit with shaved hair.

I have joint pain, eye inflammation, malabsorption, strictures, bleeding and enornous fatigue.

Im on budesonide, azathioprone and vedoluzumab.


Damn that sucks man, i have stomach problems and shit doc just passed it as IBS. Was wondering what the symptoms were for you.

All the best to you bro

My hairline started to get fucked when i got out of high school and i took a blood test and it showed i was deficient in like every vitamin.
I then fixed my diet and a month in and im seeing tons of tiny hairs growing in my JUSTed areas so go check for vitamin deficiencies.


I know your feel OP, been googling ways to fight this but I dont want to rely on minoxodil or nuke my body with fin either. I've read anti dht shampoo can help?

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Oh babay i hear the news is cawlin!!

I'm 29 and after finally kicking the nic habit I noticed my hair began thinning at my next haircut. Do you lads think quitting nicotine cold turkey can create enough shock to your system that it could cause telogen effluvium?

Same here. Shit hairline that’s been shit since I was a toddler

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yeah grow it out bro, it'll look great

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But elrond is king of the elves

now this is coping

i tough i was alone, i'm glad to see there's an army of fiveheads

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Just try not to imagine what could have been

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yeah ive got the same shit user. elrond mode since childhood.

i stopped giving a shit by the time i hit my 20s. id suggest the same to you

his head is not that big, buzzed he looks cool.

It's really not that bad bro

Got genetically stuck with the same shit my whole life, both grandparents on dads side have gnarly widow peaks. I can assure you that 90% of girls do not give a shit about your hairline, it's all in your head. But to hide your insecureties, you can always try different hairstyles to hide or prehaps even compliment your widow peaks.(currently growing out my hair shoulder lenght)

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Buddy, you've already lost the battle im sorry to say. I had your exact hairline, and at this point you've already lost too many hair follicles to save your hairline in any way. Your only hope is a hair transplant and fin/minox im not even kidding.

u seem like ur probably pretty handsome no homo

maybe it will stay like that for years. Who cares if you get bald when you are 40 or 50? Now normie will just say you have a mature hairline, not you are bald .


post hair fag

What's with incel whities and balding?

mine is the same, there's nothing to wrong with having a high hairline if you aren't balding, it can easily be covered with a fringe

If youre actually complaining about your forehead then you have bigger problems. I also have the notorious 5-head, learn to live with it

Bump this. How 2 kno?

>is there less than there used to be
>is more scalp visible

Its not rocket science.
Balding will be totally cured in less than a decade anyway, just dont shave it because you'll need your hair follicles

Bruh, you should not grow out to shoulder length. Brett Anderson 90's cut

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elrond looks sick though

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>What hope is there?
Get a haircut that is suited for your hairline

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There is a guy on YouTube who has it and talk/shows how minoxidil gave him his eyebrows back
Without trying to apply it on the scalp

I thought min only worked on the crown of the head? On the eyebrows?

Am i being memed?