Last is capping
What food scales do you guys recommend and what fitness tracking watch/device do you guys recommend?

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just you're just trying to lose weight, just omad on primarily veggies and meat - drink only water

I always had some pain when biceps curling, but lately it has gotten to the point where I have to stop before I run out of strength because of the pain
I am bicepscurling sitting down with a bar, should I change that? I asked people and my form seems to be fine
The pain is a pulling feeling in my wrists (but in my right hand, which is my dominant hand, it is much stronger)

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wrist or forearm? if you feel pain in the forearm it could be a tendon issue.

i've been going to the gym for 4 years now with next to nothing to show for it. im considering switching from hyphymud to pro gainer. what does Jow Forums think?

Sorry for not clarifying that
It also only very temporary and disappears within a few seconds, but it really has gotten intense since I have gotten up with the weight

Is it normal to have constant DOMS inside my hand? Should I be worried?
Pic related.

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Are bodypart splits where you hit muscle group once a week really that bad when muscle size is mainly about volume? Im thinking about trying one i did fullbody, ppl twice a week, uppper lower, currently on push pull 3 day version.

>What food scales do you guys recommend
one that works
>and what fitness tracking watch/device do you guys recommend?
one that doesn't work

my resting heart rate is kind of high, right now its about 90. It some times goes Down to 60-70 but it usually goes up again. When i am Cooking and stuff after the gym my heart rate is at around 100-105. I am 15% bodyfat ish, lift 3 times a week, light cardio 2 times a week. Use my bike to get from A to B.

Why is my heart rate so high? My cardio is shit to be honest but i am decently active. Will it og Down as i increase my cardiovascular Fitness?

>heard about Mewing three months ago
>could barely even fit my tongue in between my teeth at that time
>can now fit my tongue comfortably in between my teeth
What did my maxilla mean by this?

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So I started my home gym about a month ago, been doing 5x5 increasing the weight every set. I started with just the bar since I've never officially lifted in a gym before and it's progressed nicely. The only lift really lagging behind being OHP, which I've read is what usually happens. My concern is that I'm in the bulking phase but I haven't gained any weight. I'm 6'1 and weigh 175lb. I haven't dabbled in creatine or mass gainer and I'm wondering if anyone could recommend some brands I could use for pre/post workout to help make muscle growth more efficient. Thanks!

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are you expecting magical results from pro gainer or are these two things unrelated?

>Will it og Down as i increase my cardiovascular Fitness?

>dabbled in creatine
are you trying to make it sound like an evil drug? XD
myprotein has a US store and is cheap when you use the discount codes (always available on the site or with a simple google search)
if you're bulking and you're not gaining weight, you're doing something wrong but you seem to know that

What are good and cheap foods for bulking?

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What does mean if I am able to squat 100 kg 4x4 but i struggle as fuck to do 90kg 4x8?

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Fuck middle
Marry left
Kill right

it means that doing 8 reps at 90% of a 4rm is hard
are you doing ivysaur's? when i did it, 90% was too much and i put it down to 80-85%

>are you trying to make it sound like an evil drug? XD
Nah, didn't mean for "dabbled" to sound like some shady stuff. Thanks for the recommendation. I just have trouble eating more food, I hate feeling bloated, so I want to get some protein intake in my drink.

What is "empty calories" and how do they work in regards to bulking

use an ez bar or dumbbells, bar curls are unnatural for wristlets

I am using an ez bar, but will try to use dumbbells next time

yeah i have the same problem
protein shakes with whole milk and stuff added (banana, peanut butter, oats, whatever) is an extremely easy way to get lots of calories
good luck bro

lel hoverhand, middle one is a beta cuck

fuck right, marry left and kill middle

Buzzword that means nothing. Calories that come from unhealthy foods like candy or something.


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Do you squat with a belt? Does it improve or help form? The first time I squatted with a belt I took the tiniest trip to snap city in my lower back that took 3 months of no straining lower back to fully heal, since then I haven't lifted with a belt, and am wondering if my form is shit? I lift at home so no fitizens to tell me when I'm fucking up

Are chest flies necessary for an aesthetic looking chest?

I just incline and flat dumbbell bench for chest is this enough?

take a video of your form and post it somewhere
i use a belt for heavier sets but if your form is bad, it won't help you and, if anything, it might make it worse by giving you a false sense of security

it doesn't improve or help form. all it literally does is increase intra-abdominal pressure, which basically stabilizes you and lets you lift a little bit more weight

everyone is different user

empty means devoid of nutrition. if you just eat a bunch of high fructose corn syrup or drink a bunch of alcohol, it won't help you build muscle

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I'm doing GSLP, and am thinking of switching over to 5/3/1 for beginners.


Squat: 100kg x 8
Bench: 70kg x 5
Ohp: 45kg x 6
DL: 100kg x 8
Rows: 60kg x 7

I've progressed a ton of all major lifts(Bench from 45kg, Squat from around 65kg, DL from around 70 kg, Ohp around 30kg, and rows around 45kg). At this point, certain lifts are becoming very tough to do,and I've done GSLP for around five months.

Is it reasonable to move over to 5/3/1 for beginners from this? I've never done any accessories before, so that would be a new thing.

how many times did you reset on gslp? just wondering because if you can still do more than 5 reps on an amrap set, it would suggest you still have progress to be made on the program
how tall/heavy are you?
what's your diet like? are you cutting?
switch to 5/3/1 for beginners if you want, it's a beginner program so you should be fine on it

>Is it reasonable to move over to 5/3/1 for beginners from this? I've never done any accessories before, so that would be a new thing.
Yes absolutly. If anything we could yell at you that Your squat and dead was low and that you should stick With it longer but really there is no need for that. Just move on and enjoy making progress on Your NeXT program.

What's a good routine for cutting? Went from 215 to 197, goal is 165 and I'm starting to stall on 5/3/1. Most of the programs I'm interested in seem like they should be done at maintenance at minimum

Keep doing what you where doing but cut Your calories

I've reset squats twice, bench around two times(sometimes I do the same weight twice a week, which is like a light deload/stall) and Ohp a couple times. Can't remember the other ones.
>how tall/heavy are you?
what's your diet like? are you cutting?
170cm around 73kg, I'm bulking and eating around 3k calories per day. Diet consists of a lot of milk, lots of nuts and peanut-butter, lots of different protein sources(eggs, meat, fish).

I also recently started taking creatine daily.

can I warm up my shoulders with the handstand?

Is it important to cycle your protein powder every day?

Are biceps extreme hard to grow or something? I've been working out for ~1 year and mine still look like a skeleton and I can only curl 15lbs.

I feel like lifting sucks ass progression wise coming from being an obese sack of lazy shit. I'm eating at a 500-800 calorie deficit per day, and I've lost almost 70 lbs now, but my lifts FUCKING SUCK ASS. I've been benching 1 plate for 2 months now, I've been squatting the same as my deadlift, 2 plate, for 3 months, and my OHP is fucking 90 lbs. It's just so depressing to not see any progress muscle wise or strength wise. Sure I almost look like a normal human now, but I want to be stronger too. The only thing I've actually made progress on is bodyweight exercises because I'm dropping weight fairly quickly, but my weight still feels like an issue when I'm doing things like hiking or rock climbing.

I was 250 lbs at 5'10 and now I'm in the mid 180s. Do I just tough it out and keep cutting down to my original goal of 170?

> run/ lift for a week
>splooge my goose today
>fuxkin a lot of cum


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try switching programs
remember that if you stall or plateau, you usually need more volume, not less, so 5/3/1 will probably be good for you with all the accessory stuff

Does stretching release endorphins? I'm started lifting around Christmas and I'm finally at a point where my back is strong and I have great lats and holy FUCK stretching feels great. Like a good back stretch to the side feels like I'm gonna orgasm or something

I'm losing weight with a calorie deficit (but eating normally - no controlled diet, supplements, or anything). My BMI got close to 29 recently, but I lose some weight (might be ~28 now).

However, I need to progress in pull-ups for a physical evaluation at the end of the year.
I can currently do 2 stinky pull-ups (and have a bar somewhat like pic related at home).

How to I conciliate weight loss with getting better at pullups? Or how do I lose weight but make sure it is mostly fat, with no muscle loss?

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losing weight should make doing pull-ups easier desu
just do pull-ups every time your near the bar throughout the day and you'll definitely see progress relatively quickly
maybe some kind of routine like:
day 1: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... (however many sets you can be bothered to do)
day 2: 2, 1, 1...
day 3: 2, 2, 1...
day 4: 2, 2, 2...
day 5: 3, 2, 2...
obviously this progression kinda depends on how many sets you do but you should be able to feel when you can add reps
in my experience, pull-ups progress quickly from frequency and you shouldn't really need to take off days unless you're completely sedentary prior to this

cycle protein powder? why would you do that? no it's not important. think of protein powder as "food" instead of some kind of magical mystery supplement

keep going with the weight loss, bro. lifting on a deficit definitely sucks and is demoralizing but you'll see progress more quickly when you up the calories a bit and have more energy in the gym to train. just have to tough it out for now like you said if you want to get to 170.
what's your routine? might be one of the reasons you can't get stronger at the moment
also, are you doing cardio? that's definitely going to help for things like hiking obv

>losing weight should make doing pull-ups easier desu

I'm aware of that, but I will also need to get some progress on pushups, running, abs, so I want to keep as much muscle mass as I can in order to make it, even if losing weight helps with all that.

I was not too sedentary, but had been going to the gym only like 3 times/month for the past few months, super short on time and the gym hours aren't great (especially on weekends).

I have been doing one set only for the past month, every ~3 days, went from 0 to 2 stinky reps. I might increase frequency like crazy, though, since it's literally in my room, I was avoiding higher freq for healing/hypertrophy purposes, not sure if I should or not.

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not trying to ask stupid questions but warm up your shoulders for what?
if you're going to do some handstands and then immediately try to max out on ohp then obviously no
if you can do handstands then i don't see why not but i'd probably do something to warm up even before doing handstands personally since wrist pain can be a problem, depends on you

for dips, I hear dips can be rough on the shoulders if you dont warm up and I love doing the handstand

try doing higher frequency
i wouldn't even think "ok now is the time i am going to do pull-ups for an hour", spread it throughout the day
the same idea can be applied to push-ups or sit-ups or any bodyweight exercises really
if you can get to the gym, try doing stuff that's going to directly help your bodyweight exercises (i.e. back/lats for pull-ups and chest for push-ups = pulldowns and bench press at least)

Posted a thread last night that didn't get much response so i'll try here.

I'm just getting back into lifting after a several-month hiatus. I used to be around 1/2/3/4, but have been out of the gym for, more or less, about 6 months. How should I get back into it? I feel like I have too much experience to do a beginner program but am not sure where to begin.

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I do upper lower split 4 days a week, 3x5-8 of the major compounds and then 3x12-f of a couple of random accessories. I do cardio on the off days, and as a warm-up on lifting days. I'll jog a mile on lifting days, and run 3 miles on off days, where 1 day I'll run it as fast as possible.

i've personally never experienced pain from doing dips but, yeah, i know some people get it
sure, i think it'd be good but i think you probably need to do some kind of more active warm up rather than a relatively static hold
maybe try some push-ups or light benching, assuming you haven't already done them before dips in whatever your workout is
that or if you feel tight then don't go so low on the first couple of sets before your working sets

do a short linear progression beginner program
you'll be able to progress a lot faster since you've worked out before
in my experience, feeling like you have too much experience is going to lead to injuries if you jump into something prematurely
assuming you're going to stick with working out for a long time, taking the first month or maybe two to get close to where you were before isn't such a big deal and then you can move onto whatever you want
or just do whatever from the start

if you want to get stronger, then you probably would benefit from more frequency to the main lifts, which could mean doing full body 3x a week
i really don't want to just recommend GSLP like everyone on here but it might be worth a shot if you feel like you're not progressing on your current routine - i had decent strength results with it personally and you can just add whatever accessories you feel like or have energy for
if you really want to go 4 days a week, you can still do full body 3x a week and have one day as a bro day - higher volume, lower intensity

Marine here, at boot camp they had us do a max set every time we finished a meal + just about every PT session. Frequently doing them will help more than anything for improvement. I went from 3 to 13 in three months @190, if you can get lower you should be set

Thanks. Single set is enough? I might do those more often in the day.
I feel uncomfortable exercising immediately after meal (some degree of GERD), but a set is fine and I'll deal with it.

Any tips for keeping muscle mass while losing weight in terms of diet?

Skinny fat here
Cut until skeleton mode or slow bulk?

depends on the severity of your skinny fatness
assuming you're not actually just fat, then cutting will look just as bad
you look bad because you have no muscle so slow bulking is the best bet in my opinion

Single set to failure is fine. Once you're able to do more reps, it'd be worth looking into a pull up program but it's enough to get a good base amount going. Can't really help with muscle mass while losing weight, I'm trying to figure that out myself

Just to make sure I'm ready the sticky correctly, if I want to from skinnyfat to shredded cunt, I need to bulk to gain muscle mass and fat THEN cut to lose the fat but keep a good amount of the gained muscle?

if you do one set a day and can only do 2 pull-ups, i can't see how that is more beneficial than doing multiple submax sets, especially on something like pull-ups that most people benefit on from doing as often as possible
not saying that it's not possible to make progress but if he has a fitness test coming up in a few months, it's in his interests to make progress efficiently

>be me, in weight training
>trying to do starting strength
>coach actively stops me whenever he sees me and tells me to get back on his routine which Jow Forums has actively advised me against
I’m 5’8” 158 lbs, think I should just focus on my body fat % for now and deal with the routine until next year when I can join a gym outside school? I was told I’m not goin to get anything done with what he has us doing, keep in mind we see each other at most 3 times a week, often less or with more than 3 days in between classes.

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Greyskull or 5/3/1? I ran greyskull for about a year inconsistently and my lifts are going up except my OHP. Not sure what my next move should be.

Not one set per day, one max set after every meal + several during workouts.

How many do you need for your fitness test user?

right i misread somehow, sorry user

greyskull progresses from workout to workout
5/3/1 generally progresses on a monthly cycle unless you're talking about the beginner version
in the end, being consistent is going to be more important than the exact specifics of the program you're on if it's not completely retarded so maybe try that first

Good job on Your amazing progress. Yes you just Power trough it. KEEP.GOING.

if this isn't even a 5 day a week routine, it's pretty stupid
if it's ABCDExx then it could be a lot better but it could also be a lot worse
have you made any kind of progress on this routine? what is the planned progression like?
going 3 days a week to do starting strength is going to be more beneficial than doing this routine intermittently but remember than starting strength isn't just squat/bench/deadlift like most people here think it is - it does include chin ups/back extensions and has room for accessories

None but to be fair it’s still early in the school year. The problem is that we alternate seeing each other 3 and 2 times a week with weekends and off days getting in the way.

So I have 2 months and some change change before I go to basic. I'm looking to improve my running, pushups, and situps. Would it be a good idea to try and do the 100 pushups, 200 situps, and c25k programs all at the same time? If so, what would be the best way to do them all? Run 3 days a week, do pushups/situps the other days?

Thanks user

Which branch/country?

US army

Look-up the PT routine for whatever branch and do it five days a week

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Do you get off on continually asking this? You were given answers in the other threads. Follow them or fuck off.

I'm having some trouble with a wisdom tooth that I think is giving me a slight fever. I'm taking ibuprofen to deal with the inflammation, meaning it's essentially painless. I'd really like to go for a run though, but I'm afraid the fever might kick in for real and I have a deadline coming up that I really can't miss. Is it safe to go for a quick run to relieve some stress and gain focus?

t. 26 yo 175 cm 70 kg dyel who's a month away from his master's degree.

maybe focus on what's important
running or a deadline? why even risk missing the deadline if it's that important? missing one run isn't going to do anything in the long-term

Is it acceptable to wear joggers to the gym? Mainly for running, it's really wet and rainy getting in to winter now, so going in shorts is a bit unwise and I don't have any track pants atm. My main worry is the sweat will be visible around the ass area.

people get sweaty, who cares?
can't you just change into shorts at the gym? i assume the gym has changing rooms

Which is better, standing or seated calf raises?
I alternate between them, should I switch to only one?

do both. they're both good for different reasons.

Thanks man.

It does but cba getting changed, just wanna get there pump and go. I don't mind looking sweaty but around the ass hmm.

Is your fitness test still 2 miles? Running is honestly the hardest part to get up there. When I was training for USMC basic, I'd switch between running quarter/half mile splits and pyramids of .25/.5/.75/.5/.25 miles 3 days a week with a timed 1.5 mile run every other week. Minimum requirements to ship to BCT are well under that, you could get away with doing less but I wouldn't. The push up and sit up programs you said should be fine. C25K should also be fine if you'd prefer that, just train sprints occasionally too. Distance running will only get you so far.

You could also ask your recruiter or someone in your RS for help past minimums

taking some shorts in a small bag and changing into them must take about a minute
it's that or have a sweaty ass i guess
dunno what else to suggest but i don't think anyone really cares

Well I guess I will have to leave it anyway as I got hit by a bout of diarrhoea, think I'll just pick up some track pants tomorrow and then go.

I've cut out most sugary foods apart from fruit out of my diet but I still form a lot of plaque and tartar. I've heard chewing gum can help but reading about it often recommends sugar free gum and seems like snakeoil.
I've also heard of probiotics helping.
What does Jow Forums suggest?

Returning fitizen here, I've been lifting again for a while and I'm running into several issues I've never encountered before:
Permanently sore legs: I don't even do squats currently, but I do ride my bike more than I used to, also added weekly football (as a goalkeeper). No matter how much rest I gave the legs, after a few hundred meters on the bike the muscle feels exhausted and aches slightly without inhibiting function at all.
No arm gains: While I'm gaining strength at a decent rate for compound lifts, my arms aren't getting any strength or size to the point where I started adding some isolations.
Asymmetric arm muscle: What little muscle I added on arms is mostly on the right side, an issue I never used to have.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

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3 day full body or 3 day alternating push/pull routine? intermediate 1/2/3/4 lifts

>Permanently sore legs
try some kind of active recovery. if you have a foam roller, use that on them like crazy
>No arm gains
more volume. what are you doing for arms? weighted chin-ups + curls should be fine
>Asymmetric arm muscle
switch hands when masturbating

I'll look into active recovery.
I've already added isolations (curls) to increase volume for arms, can't do weighted chin-ups yet because I'm still too weak for that. Only got back up to 110kg DL so far, so still kind of average mode.
Switched to my weaker hand years ago and the effect was/is negligible as I'm not a chronic masturbator.

benchpress 3x5
squats 3x5
pull up 3x6
biceps curl 3x8
pec flyes 3x8
crunches failure

Jogging 60 min

OHP 3x5
squats 3x5
pull up 3x6
biceps curl 3x8
pec flyes 3x8
crunches failure

Jogging 60 min

benchpress/OHP 3x5
deadlift 3x5
pull up 3x6
lat raise 3x8
pec flyes 3x8
crunches failure

Jogging 60min

Rest day

Thought ? I'm cutting right now, goal is to be as shredded as possible

A: mix between push and pull and legs
C: mix between push and pull and legs
E: mix between push and pull and legs

is there a reason why you're squatting on days A+C rather than A+E? it'd make more sense to squat A+E and dead on C. same thing with curls/lat raises
other than that, looks fine. i'd probably go to the higher end of the traditional 8-12 range on your accessories

Any thoughts on doing an Upper/Lower routine, but doing a light set of a lower exercise on upper day and vice versa? Something like picture related, note that I'm not exactly planning on doing this.
Unless it's a good idea of course.

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anyone tried the tsatsouline pullup program for more than 10 reps? wht's your experience about it?
also I have a hard time understanding how it works as it's said to be 5 sets with 20% less reps each set but at the same time in the example they put something like : Day 1 15RMx12, 10, 8, 6, 4 wich makes 6 sets or maybe I don't read that 15 rm right

Yeah your right should been switching C and E