>tfw small penis
Why even try bros
Tfw small penis
So you can be a big guy with small dick rather than small guy with small dick
this is not r9k, try it there
Thundersplace,a forum full of niggas trying to make their peepee bigger,check it out.
same, just abandon the idea of women and lift for yourself, it's serene
Just play it off as a cute smol penis.
>Just play it off as a cute smol penis.
literally no woman has a small penis fetish
>tfw I’m the smallest penis she had
>tfw she says she now prefers small penises after fucking me the third time
S-she’s giving me a complement right? She said her husband only beats me if you consider his +1 “Love” buff. The 9 incher guy caused her pain. I still make her cum 20 times every night and the sheets are always soaked.
She's faking all of that just so that when she leaves you for the big dick guy she's cheating on you with it won't be as harsh and you won't kill yourself or cut your dick off or something. She probably drinks a lot of water if she suspects you guys are going to have sex just so she can piss all over the bed to fool you into thinking you're some sex god. You're obviously very naive so she most likely assumed you wouldn't know the difference and she's right
>tfw sph humiliation fetish
>6 inches
Life is suffering
Mfw small dick about to go to basic. Gonna get loads of shit from the bbcs. Gotta toughen my skin and think of some good comebacks
kill yourself
You are all faggots with a decent dick.
t. 13cm dick
My flaccid dick looks like a thumb
How small we talking? I’ll unbiasedly tell you if you’re small yes homo.
Flaccid length+girth erect length+girth pleaseq
You’re fucking stupid no ones going to look at your dick bro. And even if someone sees your dick and it’s tiny no ones going to say anything because you don’t want to get a sexual harassment charge
Length wise I'm 3 inches flaccid and 4 and some change erect
Idk the girth but the one girl I tried to fuck in high school said it was thick so idk
cope. there's nothing you can do - you all lost at birth. doesn't matter how much meat you will put on your lousy midget skeletons, nothing's gonna change. i'm sorry for you guys, but this is life. just kys..
6.5 length and 5 inches girth at best.
Maybe I’m 7 inches if I don’t jerk it for a while but I’m so depressed these days it’s impossible.
You know what you must do.
3 flaccid. 6 erect. Girth dunno but I can’t wrap a single hand around it fully.
c'mon bro can't she just be fakin it to be with him cause she likes him
You either have tiny hands or a massive thick cock.
>went my entire youth thinking I had a fairly small dick
>measured it one day when I was 19
>looked it up
>am supposedly more voluminous than 99,8% of guys
what the fuck
I don't know whether I was delusional because of porn, or whether it suddenly grew a lot and I just didn't notice.
Hands are normal sized so woo, thanks
sorry, but if your dick isn't at LEAST 16 inches long nobody will ever love you and you might as well jam that microdick of yours into a woodchipper and end it all
>Faking it to be with him
She probably started dating him cuz that user is starting to get a lil aesthetic then saw his dick and immediately started planning how she was gonna dump him
I'm sure they've been together less than two weeks
does it look more feminine or masculine?
>small feminine penis
become a trap
>small masculine penis
become a ladyboy
>giving a fuck about her pleasure
Sounds like you're coping, you should be fucking for your pleasure, idagf about thots
4 inches flaccid, 6.5 erect and girth of a 50p coin
Oof I barely made it, 16.1 here. Thank god
Pathetic incels
Delete this post
why are you faggots like this just be a bit positive about woman for once
2 flaccid 5 erect
>he actually thinks women like small dicks or give a shit about anything other than physical appearance in general
Let's be honest if you don't have at least a 6 and a half inch penis and are a 7/10 or up you might as well just kill yourself and help clean the gene pool up.
fucken sperg he asked for length and girth for flaccid and erect not just length
you sayin your mom's like that too?
No user, I don’t lift, haven’t lifted hard in about 2 years. I actually made her cry because I said I wouldn’t date her and that she loved me. I can’t date her because I am moving to another state
I haven’t measured brah and I’m at work
>tfw 10 inch microdick
Hold me bros
>I actually made her cry because I said I wouldn’t date her and that she loved me
>He thinks women don't cry on command for various reason all of the time
>I can’t date her because I am moving to another state
Good maybe you can hire an escort without the shame of friends and family knowing you resorted to that. At least with her you'll know she's faking from the beginning because if you didn't at least have a good body on top of having a small penis she definitely didn't cum with you
I'm in the same boat. 7 by 6 penis but sph fetish. I guess grass is always greener, you want what you can't have.
Still I wouldn't trade for a smaller one though, I just want like, a shapeshifting penis for fetish purposes.
wait now i was being all positive about your situation and you don't even lift? what are you doing here fuck off faggot
I’ve been studying man, gonna get back in the gym in a couple weeks when I get the cash
well good luck with that then
>projecting this hard
Nice try, not all of us r9k 'tfwngf' faggots like op. Any hole is goal, the quicker you faggots realize this the happier you will be
>Be me 2 years ago
>Weigh 400lbs and have a 3 inch dick... hard.
>Lost almost 200lbs and lose 2.5 inches of fat around penor
>Only average length and width but I haven't had complaints.
>Feels good bro
You don't need a huge dick to satisfy most women. Just learn some skills to set you apart from guys who don't care about the woman's pleasure. Learn how to eat pussy and learn some techniques when it comes to actual fucking.
That’s definitely on the smaller side erect. Flaccid is pretty average. If you are as thick as she said, meaning at least 5” or more you should have zero issues pleasing anyone who is not a size queen if you fuck it right.
If I fuck ten dudes, you will be among the top 5 in size.
If you fuck a chick I can only see crazies thinking you are small.
You’re not big, but you’re obviously marginally better than the average dude.
If I could take an inch off a guys length and put it on girth it would be worthwhile as long as he stays above 6”. If your dick grew an inch it would be juicy and definitely the highlight of any chick. As it stands, definitely enough to have fun.
Damn. That sounds kind of skinny. I had to google it but if it’s only about 1.07 inches in diameter I personally wouldn’t enjoy it. Despite it being 6.5. I would say work the angles and work with it.
>with a girl I'm seeing last night
>on a whim ask if she has an internal voice
>says she used to but lost the ability a few years ago
>doesn't know how to get it back
I'm dating a fucking NPC
It's not the penis in your pants that matters, it's the penis in your heart.
Also your flaccid length is pretty good. Solid locker room hang.
lol wtf
>with asian girl
>have 5 inch white penis
>she pretends it's big
>cites Asian men as being inferior
>Tfw she's probably lying
6.3 inch erect, 2.5 flaccid. Girth is 6 inches
Rate me based homobro
If a woman is "probably" lying it means she is especially when she says you have a big dick
>race traitor
Kill urself
Solid length, fucking monster girth. If you’re accurately measuring, you will be one of the thickest a girl encounters
But you are definitely a shower
Overall 7.5/10
Based and redpilled
I'm around 5.9 in
I've vaginally penetrated 5 chicks in life (had blowjobs from others but I'll stick to penetration only)
Not in chronological order:
Girl #1 Random girl: didn't seem totally pleased by my performance. She felt kinda loose.
Girl #2 Random girl: Definitely orgasmed once. Felt somewhat loose (a little less than #1). I didn't ask her specifically about my size,just my general performance
> "you did very good, although most of a girl's pleasure is about her knowing herself, so you only have to be like 'good enough', and you definitely are"
Girl #3 girlfriend: She felt tight. She orgasmed like crazy with penetration, sometimes had multiple orgasms in a row. She did cheat on me twice though (I was such a noob I didn't dump her ass the 1st time). I don't think it was because of the dick or performance though... she was a diagnosed borderline after all. Or maybe women will cheat regardless? idk
Girl #4 girlfriend: She felt not tight nor loose. We dated for a very short time due to personal issues. We had sex 5 times, she managed to get one orgasm in each of 3 of those. I know her previous boyfriend had a monster cock, and I can tell for sure she wished mine was bigger. She was not totally pleased, but maybe she could get used to my size if we had stayed together longer? She did orgasm a few times after all (definitely not as much as with her monster cock ex)
Girl #5 Girlfriend: by far the tightest. She's also a womanlet so that kinda explains. She orgasmed like crazy as well, but it took a long time for her to get used to my "BIG" (according to her perspective) size. Even after a year or so she would ask me to be careful at the beginning so not to hurt her tiny pussy, but after a while she would love it. Unlike #3 I'm not aware of her cheating, not even clues.
What I take from it is "SIZE IS RELATIVE"
I meant grower by the way. Obviously lol. Tiny flaccid but who cares about that when it comes down to it.
You can't give length and talk about tightness. Its a girth issue.
I'll try to measure it, give me a moment lmao
I don't think I'm particularly thick though. What's the average thickness? I'm probably at it.
Btw how do I measure girth accurately?
You're a victim of porn my guy.
Congrats on your penis. Wield it with confidence
Soft ruler or use a piece of paper,
Im 4 inches flacid, 7 inches erect, but 4.5 inches girth.
Is there any hope for me?
Christ, nice blog post.
I don't have a huge hog, but I'm not tiny. Whenever I come across a girl that asks me to "fuck her harder" or doesn't really give me a satisfied reaction when I fuck her, tend to be sluts or have a history of fucking black guys. I move on. There are plenty of petite less experienced girls out there that think my dick is huge.
Fat girls are usually the ones caught up on dick size, by the way. "Size queens" are usually fucking fat. You have to have an extra long pecker to reach their innards, plus, fat girls have lower standards and are bigger sluts.
Find yourself a nice, young asian cutie that has had a couple partners and your dick size will never be an issue.
I think we have the same dick. I've been told I'm long and skinny. You can hit all of the right spots and anal is usually an option. Don't be self conscious about it and you'll be fine
This is where it's great being a grower. I'm 1 inch flaccid and 6inch hard. It's fucking amazing to get your flaccid cock treated like dirt and then getting your hard rod treated like royalty.
Maybe you just don't fuck well and/or have a tiny dick. The cope is real.
Being a grower suck. Having your dick pointing straight and people being able to see that whenever you wear something that outline your bulge is stressful. Too many times ive had people snicker at me at the gym when doing pullups because they think im super tiny (6.5x6). I shouldnt care but i do. Life is suffering
It's rare for that to happen, and when it has happened, it's been a roastie slut. So like 2 out of 70 or so women. Sorry you're so wrong.
Ok so.... I used a small piece of cord I had and passed it around my dick to measure circumference rather than diameter. I was as accurate as I could.
I then opened an online ruler (I already knew my monitor's size but adjusted it anyway with a money bill just to be sure) and measured it.
It came out to 6.5 inches of CIRCUMFERENCE. Is that thin? I imagine the guys here are reporting circumference rather than diameter.....
Yeah sorry about that user. I was just telling my own experience to add to the discussion
I'm white, I can do what I want. Race traitor? More like colonizer.
Flaccid im 4.25-4.5 but my bpel is about 17.3cm(6.8”) but i can sometimes reach a solid 7”. My girth is spot on 5 and i feel small
7x5 and you feel small. You guys are delusional or are posting to feel better about yourselves. Either way this thread is toxic and I'm done
Your measurement is wrong or the girl you fucked use monster dildos all the time. At 6.5 no one would feel loose ever that's like a 99.99 percentile girth (like top pornstar im moaning but it hurt like hell tier).
I have an exhibitionist fetish so I don't care about people see bulge or outline.
Well i mean i have really huge hands and porn caused me to have body dysmorphia. Sorry im not a manlet with woman hands user
Exactly, delusional. Sorry about your mental disorder
>tfw 7.5 x 5.5
>so close to perfection (8x6) but yet so far away
I tried to be as accurate as possible, but I might have made a mistake. Idk
I've been self conscious about my size in the past but now I'm fine with that. 3 out of 5 were 100% satisfied (and #1 was definitely a queen size) so who cares.
Also #4's ex was rumored to be really big (not your typical 'slightly above average guy'), so it might have been she was used to be torn apart
I-it’s fine..
nah you measured wrong, 6.5" girth is one in a 100'000-million tier
the median white penis is AT LEAST 6', right? that 5.5 number seems mad small and perpetuated for dicklet cope.
Circumference, not diameter, right?
Blog poster here (sorry about that)
I've heard internet measurements differ from clinical measurements by as much as 1.5 inches (guys self report being larger than they are, who would've guessed)
So maybe 5.5 is average indeed, when measured by physicians
>3x3 flaccid
>7x6 Erect
Unless that's in centimeters, you're good.
Nah m8 milimetres