How long does he have

how long does he have

also delray misfits thread

Attached: biglenny.jpg (1280x720, 244K)

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hopefully multiple years

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taking over this thread

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How can man´s physique deteriorate in mere 10 years to almost unrecognizable version of himself

I mean what the fuck happened to him?

Attached: 9V9ce5d.png (998x1152, 2.81M)

Probably not long, unfortunately

Damn, Lenny used to be not-freaky looking. What's the deal with his facial twitch?

light side of the roids
dark side of the roids
only one man managed to harness the darkness without succumbing to it...
and rich piana is gone now.

Ten years is a long ass time to poison your body with harsh chemicals.

all of those drugs he takes has fucked with his brain a little, presumably

Ruined by GH (if he actually had access to real hGH lots of its fake), peptides like IGF-1 from research chem sites, and more than all the above INSULIN Abuse.

All of the above leads to Insulin resistance. Type 2 betus caused not by excess sugar, but rather self injected insulin and other insulin sensitivity lowering compounds for many years.

Believe it or not the extreme steroid abuse probably slowed the onset of insulin resistance in his case as these drugs increase insulin sensitivity - but they can only do so much when you're bombarding Slin in retard doses.

Once you become insensitive your skeletal muscles rapidly shrink. This is because the primary way steroids work is by increasing IGF-1 response selectively within muscle tissue.

Once your Type 2 IGF-1 stops working inside of muscles, so basically the anabolic steroids are 100% useless.

Also the excess insulin will cause fat to deposit in the last place receptors for it exist; Around internal organs/visceral fat.

Blood pressure will go catastrophic high.

Oh you also become basically impotent. You would practically need to mainline viagra into your dick.

Believe it or not there is a simple way to turn this all around. Morticians hate him.