Is the index/ring finger theory bullshit?

Is the index/ring finger theory bullshit?

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I check all those boxes and my ring finger is bigger than the index one. Im pretty sure I have ADHD

No, it’s scientifically documented and well researched within the literature.

>Is the index/ring finger theory bullshit?
Obviously, why the fuck would there be a correlation between finger size, dick size, sense of direction, autism and cancer?

People with bigger index
>no it’s fake my pp is big

People with bigger ring
>yeah user it’s true trust me

>about the same size

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ADHD doesn't exist.
Stop consuming all that sugar, stop staying on your phone so much, and fix your fucking sleep schedule

ADHD is a neurological defect that can only be diagnosed with use of scans of your brain.
You probably say it doesn't exist because you are in grade school and all the kids that are getting bad grades say it to make themselves feel better.

my left hand has a longer index finger but my right hand has a longer ring finger

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You may as well ask if palm reading is bullshit.

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I'm athletic, handsome, good sense of direction, but small penis. Its bullshit

Do ya stretches cuz

Lol that's weird as fuck dude just kys


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I think its true. All the guys i know that have a longer index finger are total wimps.

Isn't it linked to testosterone.

It's made up shit to sell drugs.
Shut up, stop having a shitty diet, and start sleeping better.

I wish I had good sense of direction

Androgenic hormones you are exposed to in the womb stunt the growth of the index finger. So there is some basis to it. But it is a correlation thing. I have a very low digit ratio for example but I am a KHV, though admittedly I am strong with a biggish benus.

>neuroscientists use instruments to take measurements of neuronal firings in the brain
>user dismisses all of this by saying the studies are conspiracy and its all for the jews

get back to /x/

Just because it's a real situation in the brain doesn't mean it's not induced by shitty habits, user

How many people do you know that are able to get prescriptions for a class 2 drug for ADHD? You make it sound like everyone can buy it.

so why even say it doesn't exist? you can basically dismiss all disease and just tell everyone to eat better and sleep consistently.

>ADHD doesn't exist

imagine being this retarded.

take it from a biotech student, pretty much everything in the body is playing fucking pinball with everything else, so these sort of unrelated effects are par for the course

ADHD should be renamed "Boring Teacher Syndrome"

or "Shit Child-Rearing Disorder"

or 'constant stimulus from smartphones, tablets, computers, and TV and doesn't know how to function without the dopamine hit those things provide syndrome'
I'm not very good with names

I dont take anything from students because you don't know fucking anything.

Actually, scratch that...I take my coffee black, when they come begging for summer internships.

what he's saying is that ADHD doesn't exist as a disorder in the same way that other mental disorders do i.e schizophrenia

>I take my coffee black, when they come begging for summer internships.
Funny you should bring that up, given the many effects of caffeine.

>ran xc and track in hs
>finished top 5 in state sophomore, junior, senior years
>been asked to model for Hollister
>have 7.5" dick

can't say I have a better sense of direction though, so I guess OP is right

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reconsider my first sentence, consider how annoying and spergy you are, then go away

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>twink model

Low test sports, OP is unironically right.

Based and redpilled

>ADHD doesn't exist

verbatim. And I know what he meant because there are a lot of idiots out there who say this and back up their claims of how things were when they were kids without getting into science at all.

you're on an image board faggot, not everyone is going to spoon feed you their opinions.

whwat the fuck are you even on about?

that nigga literally said ADHD doesnt exist tho, LOL

wat? like a popularity contest?

People will paraphrase what they think, if you're not autistic you can read between the lines and understand what they mean.

If someone says 'barbell rows are fucking useless', obviously they don't mean they do nothing, but only an autist would reply 'actually i think you'll find that studies show that there is significant activation of the back muscles when performing barbell rows'.

Squats don't exist.

Interpret what I just said.

looks like you have the short index

STFU indexlet

>ADHD doesn't exist
>gets told there is scientific evidence that it is real but refutes scientific claim saying its conspiracy
>finally realizes it is actually real and not a conspiracy for the jews to sell drugs
>you interpreted me all wrong user

My ring finger is nearly an inch longer than my index and I have aspergers, a 6 inch penis, and am terrible at sports due to said aspergers. I am handsome though, thank God.

the user literally explained his stance here and you are trying to defend this /x/ tier argument.

i'm not that guy, faggot

the only thing that's short on me is my penor, faggot

you said 'i'm going to intentionally misinterpret your argument in an attempt to make you look silly', faggot

he explained that he believes it's caused by completely controllable factors ie sleep and diet, and therefore isn't the same as other disorders which require medication.

>believes ADHD doesnt exist
>believes in OP's picture

lol, wth

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ITT a bunch of faggots that were prescribed adderall and zombified as children and are now trying to rationalise it

Almost as bad as circumsized fags that try to pretend that being mutilated without their consent was a good thing

>ADHD can be controlled by lifestyle choices
>medication not needed

holy fucking christ you are dumber than i expected. this is your interpretation?!

Yep. If it wasnt bullshit then wheres my fat ol hog and facial frame that cuts light well?

Nope. Wrong. When I said squats don't exist, I meant that squats aren't very popular among normal gym goers like the bench press. Come on man, read between the lines a little.

don't double punctuation me, faggot

the idea that there are people who /literally/ cannot concentrate through no fault of their own and must be medicated in order to do so is absurd

boy you sure made me look silly

>i know i am wrong due to scientific studies on the actual existence of ADHD but i am going to be a large faggot and just say how you are all brain fried even though no one here said they had ADHD

>so mad, replies to troll

Lol, you are extremely sad.

>the idea that there are people who /literally/ cannot concentrate through no fault of their own and must be medicated in order to do so is absurd
sounds perfectly reasonable to me
of course I have no clue about if ADHD really is true, and it smells a bit suspicious, but the concept is perfectly in line with other diseases

check autism as well,you can't even hide it.

>ring finger is the same size if not shorter
>not athletic
>normal dick
>shit sense of direction
>ugly as fuck

>also autistic
Jesus fucking christ

am i mad, or sad?
maybe glad? are my posts bad?

Fuck off Dr Seuss

>I think i'm right due to studies which show peoples brains are different when they 'have ADHD (doesn't prove anything about the 'disorder' being the result of environmental factors which man be reversed) so i'm just going to be a small faggot

far more plausible that the (relatively) recent abundance of mental stimulus has caused people to develop a reliance on it at all times, and in its absence people think they are unable to concentrate when in reality their brain just wants more engaging activity

Ring finger is about a quarter inch longer
>7.75x5.5 inch dick

>Average sense of direction
>Horrible at sports, benching 75lbs right now
>Ugly baby face, look like Im 15 at 21

No, you don't understand. I am literally the guy that said ADHD and you interpreted my statement like a fucking moron. I literally meant its not a real thing.

>the idea that there are people who /literally/ cannot concentrate through no fault of their own and must be medicated in order to do so is absurd
>doesn't believe the CNS won't ever go through developmental issues

You might as well bash on disabled people.

>truly believes CNS irregularities can be fixed with a better diet and consistent sleep schedule

just stop

>far more plausible that the (relatively) recent abundance of mental stimulus has caused people to develop a reliance on it at all times, and in its absence people think they are unable to concentrate when in reality their brain just wants more engaging activity
yeah of course, I'm just saying that it could exist
there's plenty of shit that causes people to behave such that the normal rules of "free will" go out the window
tourettes, schizophrenia, whatever
given how it seemed to pop up out of nowhere with diagnoses being handed out like candy, I view it as very suspect, but conceptually it's fine

>diagnosis being handed out like candy

You can't be diagnosed with something that you don't show signs of.

I have all those things except cancer and autism, feels ok

ok, lets say I "discover" a disease where a symptom is that you watch anime, are overweight, are unattractive and you argue about stupid shit on internet forums all day. Is this a "disease" or just a non-pathological character trait?

disease, obviously

>diagnosis without measurements and instruments

Superficial way of thinking user. Next time, do a bit more thinking and try to talk more about physiology.

everyone's ring finger is longer than their index

this is false

>still trying to refute scientific studies with child like arguments

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but what objective measurements are taken? And how much do those measurements mean you're dealing with an actual disease state? Take anime neckbeardism as an example again. If you measure them, I'm sure not many of them are high test alphas, so does this statistical difference in T levels mean that the disease is real?

Just because something is done in a proper scientific manner doesn't mean that it's true. And hey, ADHD may very well be real, I concede that I don't know that much about it. I'm just explaining why I find it suspect.

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Only a very few things in science are 100% true. Its extremely difficult to say something is a certain way and consistently get the same exact result 100% of the time. But just because you think its not true, especially when you have absolutely no knowledge of the subject, doesn't mean you can go off making idiotic arguments to try to disprove it.
Also I truly hope you don't actually believe in that picture of yours. Every person that didn't believe in evolution doesn't know what evolution actually is.

>neuron firing, literal voltage readings
>consistency in data among those who are suspected to have the disease
>using measuring high test alphas as an argument

If your hormone levels are significantly deficient among the majority, then yes, there is something wrong going on you dip. This is like asking if a 7'9" person is normal.

Nah, your point is okay, but part of the thing you seem to be missing is that a disease, particularly a mental disease, doesn’t have to have a consistent set of pysiological correlates; sometimes ‘disease’ just denotes a frequently observed cluster of symptoms.

You can call depression acedia or borderline personality disorder being an exceptionally shitty person—it doesn’t make a difference.

What matters is that whatever you call it, ADHD, as a common cluster of symptoms, is a thing, and it seems to be treatable.

depending on the angle at which I put my hand I can make either one look much longer than the other.
measuring from the base I get a 0.94 ratio which is average or maybe slightly below average (so slightly "above average") you measure on the right hand right?
>dick is 7.75x6
>not very manly behaviour-wise
>not particularly athletic, probably very low vertical
>average or maybe below average face
I also feel like I have low test. I'm not super agressive and would probably pussy out in a fight (I think). lifting genetics maybe slightly better than average (230kg beltless deadlift for a double, been lifting for 18 months but I'm like 95kg 1.80m)

make what you will of it. there is a statistic correlation apparently but I'm sure there are plenty of 2D4Dlets who are Chads (I remember a thread where somebody pointed out that Gandy had a shit ratio), and plenty of effeminate dicklets with long ass ring fingers.

is your name jordan? I literally had this conversation with my friend like 2 or 3 months ago and his argument was exactly yours. That science is wrong sometimes. That was his only argument. Then I had to point out how science allows us to have all the technology that we currently have and is why you shouldn't dismiss science like that so easily

>no aggression (except for being easily frustrated)
>terrible with women
>terrible athletically
>terrible at risk taking
>always anxious
>feminized face
>7 inches
I have a ratio of 1~ and basically my life is trash

Is my hand low test?

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When you meet a chick with masculine digit ratio

Run away

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You just barely have alphahand

>dusk watchmen
Holy shit I've never seen or heard of any other faggot reading the twilight reign other than me good taste user

Haha yay these all apply to me haha
all 5 of them haha

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I only have autism and i have a longer ring finger

Isn't the index supposed to be the short one though

Keep your mouth shut grandpa. Fucking boomers


best post in this gay thread