Is skateboarding good cardio for a 27 year old?

Is skateboarding good cardio for a 27 year old?

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I mean, give it a shot if you really want to. I tried to get into around 22 or so with friends who skated. Was able to drop in and cruise around bowls and shit, but I couldn't ollie to save my life, so couldn't really do any tricks. Shit kinda has a high risk for injury too, seen a couple dislocated ankles.

No idiot, youre over the hill physically at 27 and doing something like skateboarding its not if but when you will get hurt. You won't recover and you should have more important shit to worry about at that age that getting hurt will inconvenience you from. Leave it to the teenagers who actually have the body and time.

Bikes are better desu

Nice retard logic. I play Rugby at 30, and get beat up WAY more than I ever did skateboarding. I heal in a day or two depending on how fucked up I get. You watch too much TV.

Nice logic retard, you play rugby now and are comparing it to your younger years when you were skateboarding but had no idea how resilient you were back then so you THINK you werent getting beat up that bad. Go skateboard now and snap your stupid fucking ankle and lets see how long it takes you to recover. Plus theres a difference between falling on grass and getting tackled by out of shape 35 year olds and falling down stairs or tripping on rails. Skateboarding is the quickest way to snap city over the age of 25.

..I do still skateboard..... It's fun.
>snap your ankles
Do you think people just deteriorate from 25-30? How dumb are you?
>literally 36 in that video

I didn't say people deteriorate, I said it takes longer to recover which it does. Cell regeneration rates fall off after age 25 as well as muscle growth. A lot of skateboarding is predicated on being lightweight, which is not what one would assume OP is because he's asking about cardio. Skateboarding is average cardio but with enhanced risk of injury. Its not worth the risk to reward.

There are better forms of cardio out there and you may feel out of place at skate parks since the majority of people who skateboard are teenagers who just hang out there all day, but it's a fun little hobby. I enjoyed it a lot when I was younger.

The difference in recovery is extremely negligible, you're actually retarded.

go run half marathons or swim, leave the highschool shit to the feg goth twinks

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>that 25 year old boomer who has quit having fun
“yup, all work no play these days”

Look at high tier UFC fighters.. some of the best are way older than that.. underage spotted

Skateboarding is only socially acceptable for 14 year olds.

Skated when I was like 13-19 then stopped for 10 years. Now I'm starting again this year at 30.

Hurr durr ur knees. They're fine. Treat yourself old and you'll feel old.

Makes your calves and butt look good

This. Wtf is wrong with you boomers? And no skateboarding is dogshit for cardio

I’ve been skating since I was 12 and I’m 26 now. Skateboarding is great cardio OP don’t listen to these negative fags talking shit.

fuck no, skating is degenerate if you're past high school. You could do low risk stuff but then you look like a fag boomer. Skating is dying out
>t. skated for 10 years

This user is right
I used to skate almost everyday with friends between 13-19
Started again this summer at 24 and rolled my ankle. Took me a full month to recover whereas when I was young id get back on my board 4-5 days after rolling an ankle from what I remember
Skateboarding is cool but when you get a bad fall you really wonder why you're doing such an injury prone activity

Plus I'm not as light and agile as before cause I'm lifting so it doesn't help. Probably just gonna stick to cruising around

Skatebro here.

1. Have you skated before? If no, don't bother, it takes a lot of dedication to get to a point where kiddies aren't mogging you, and you've got to ask yourself if it's really worth the two or so years it'll take to be able to drop in, cruise, traverse city streets easily and get the basics rock solid.

2. Do you have the time? It'll require some solid hours invested. It's not time effecient either - and if you live in a temperate/maritime/continental climate rainfall, frost and wind can really fuck with when you're able to skate unless you have access to an indoor park (and even then, unless you can drop in comfortably you're just gonna be the guy who is getting in everyone's way)

3. Do you have the money? A decent setup will set you back near £100 - premades can be bought cheaper but then you've got to deal with shitty parts. You'll need a tool, probably some decent shoes (which can be ludicrously expensive) and replacement parts if you do all day sessions (nothing worse than having a kingpin snap at the beginning of your day).

4. Any joint issues? It's a high impact activity; your knees, ankles and hips are going to be doing a lot of work. Be ready to fuck up and be in pain as well.

5. Are you sure you don't just wanna do like, jogging and then skate on the side? Honestly not sure it's worth it just as a form of exercise.

Honestly OP go for it if you want, but it's a high skill ceiling activity if you don't wanna look like a shit head, and if you live in the UK you're probably gonna be skating over shit, uneven concrete surfaces to and from spots. You're thighs will be godly but it's not gonna be worth it if you don't pour the hours in.

I personally got osgood schlatter disease from skating as a teen and its really inhibited my ability to skate as often as like. Best of luck to you bro.

mate if you want good cardio and do something fun, just go surfing

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did you mean 7200 years old?
no, woody, skating is not in any way, shape, or form- cardio or exercise. it was like that when you were 7000 years old, and just like war, it hasn't changed.

Poser detected! Skate or die faggot.

OP skateboarding is based and fun as fuck no matter what age you are. It can be both great cardio and HIIT depending on how you skate.

You are never too old to skate
You are never too fat to skate
Now get out there fucking shred

Boxing is the cardio for boomers.

normal people do suffer noticeable effects of aging close to 30. if you build a solid strength base in your youth it shouldn't happen but that's not what normal people do.

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Do it. Lot of fun but may be hard to find people to do it with. I started when I was 12 and I'm 18 now. Problem is all my sports and injuries would interefere and I never got as good as I wanted to be. Right now I havent done it in half a year from my back. Does anyone else know this feel?

I doubt the majority of people on this board live anywhere near an ocean though.

>T. doomer


Yup best post in the thread

seeing all the skating hate here is making me realize that this place is full of total faggot losers
skate or die shitforbrains

Skating is the funnest fucking thing ever. I'll never stop skating, even when I eventually become a knee-pad n helmet bowl skating boomer with 169s who gives a shit about what wheelbase he's riding

I wouldn't say its great cardio, but if you work a desk job, it's definitely a nice way to get outside a couple times a week. And unless you're trying to be like Andrew Reynolds or Jaws and jump off some crazy shit, the injuries aren't really that bad, half the doomers posting are just fragile faggots.

It's not bad but you can do better. It's the kind of half cardio you can reserve for off days.

Cardio wise, 27 is not old. Keep working cardio and it can be 20-25 years before your body really starts taking a shit on you.

>loved skating from 10 to ~17
>was pretty good actually
>get pretty tall and 2heavy4skate
>boards don't last more than few days
>unfortunately decides I have to give it up
>22 now, in better shape than when I used to skate
>tried get on little cousin's skate
>the image of a literal boomer struggling to balance over it
I thought this day would never come when I was a kid and saw my uncles struggling to stand on the skate.
growing up sucks

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while skateboarding is fun, I think inline skating is better for cardio

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>post rune gilfberg vid
>this is normal

Also its pool skating, which is for old people anyway. Obviously the discussion being had here was more about street skating.

>skating isnt the perfect HIIT since you can do it for hours on end because it is so much fun

Who else here blessed with great legs thanks to 2 decades of skateboarding. But i think genetics have played an even bigger role in this.

Is that part of a Braille vid, it's been a while since I watched the san fran skater.

You’re just jealous cuz you can’t shred. Stay mad you boring faggot.

My legs are ripped because of a decade and a half of skateboarding. Lifting enhanced my skating abilities too. Dis nigga got pops!

Windsurfing is even better and you just need a lake and a somewhat windy day, though as a beginner less wind is better..