I'm fat and can't stop eating.
I'm fat and can't stop eating
replace your roo burgers and pizza with salad and potatoes
you'll eat 1,000 calories worth and won't want to eat the rest of the day
Go someplace food isn't.
Take water.
Lift and get strong faggot.
>Take some water
Keto. Meme diet or not it’s the only thing in the world that consistently curbs my appetite all day every day. Otherwise I eat all day like you.
It's ok user. As long as you say no to drugs, fat is ok.
>stop eating.
there's your answer. you have no self control to eat normally. time to stop eating altogether user
Get rid of all GMO in your diet, especially high fructose corn syrup. Try that for about 2 months.
on a scale of 0 to 300, how fat are you?
eat cotton balls like the models do
Like 198 lbs 5'10 I've put on 35 lbs in the past year.
>I'm fat and can't stop eating.
Talk to your doctor.
drink water
tell yourself if you lose enough weight you can fap to hotter anime girls
Probably a spic user
At least he's bilingual
When I was fat and I first started trying to lose weight i would go to a fast food place with infinite refills and drink diet soda until I was full. May sound retarded but it worked. Lost 120lbs and started lifting,
>not assuming that he meant to bring potable water with you out into the wilderness.
Theres your problem right there. You should stop being fat and stop eating.
you are weak :)
One meal a day, first days you will be hungry through the day, but after some time your fucked up boy habits will dossapear and your brain will start expecting one meal a day. Eat protons, lots of em and fiber in that single meal. Get some veggies, meat, dairy, all that good stuff.
>Take water.
Drinking more water/coffee/tea was what originally helped me stop eating as much. I've got no clue of the actual science behind it, but the whole "drink a glass of water whenever you're hungry" thing will never not be a good idea.
Diets really have to depend on people or some shit because keto is like insane to me
I'm a constantly hungry dude but when I'm on keto I have nearly no urge to eat like 90% of the day and can easily go under 1500 calories and be satisfied
that would be a cute photo if not for the boob window.
Don't buy more than you need to live or stock your cupboards with fruit and vegetables. You can stop. You just won't.
Stop following retarded "diets" that give slow results and are hard to follow.
Go to the /fast/ general and read up on fasting. Easiest weightloss in your life.
H O W T O K E T O:
First... take off your shirt.
Dip your fingers in the butter and rub them on your nipples. Slow... slow... this is not a race.
Then slowly rub the butter on your chest until it is nice and glisteny.dont forget the armpits, it warms the butter and creates a nice aroma while you are enjoying your meal.
Next, cut the fat off the steak. Cut the fat into long thin strips, like fettuccini. These are called groodles, and you totally can’t tell them apart from real pasta. Dump the groodles into one of the butter bowls (you should have used about half of it buttering your body, or “greasing the temple” for those in the know.
Next cut up your steak and use the other bowl of butter to smear on each piece. You should not see the steak once this is done.
After your meal ask the waiter for a stick of butter and a stevia packet and you have yourself dessert.