Body Goals Thread

Not trying to get jacked like a lifting machine, although I respect the dudes who are aiming for that, but I'm looking for something lean and boyish like this. Currently weigh around 125 lbs at 5' 6" (inb4 manlet posting, I already know lads and thats not something that can be changed so it is what it is), will post current pics in a moment.

Advice on diet/routines/estimated time it would take for me to reach this? Also feel free to post your own goals and discuss.

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Eat less

Starting line.

I am pretty much a total beginner other than having read the basics linked in the sticky.

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>eat less
>125 lbs
user that is clearly the opposite of what I need, man

lol wtf

thats like DYEL extreme

just workout without consuming any protein and eat at a deficit till you reach that body, then eat maintenance which is probably 1.5k cals to 2k

stay skellyboi forever i guess, you probably dont even need to workout.

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Nah bro, is DYEL extreme, OP pic is toned and muscled, just incredibly lean.

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I'm built kinda like that. 5'6 150lbs

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thats the best mode a manlet can get without completely fucking their proportions


Not bad, that would work for me. So Im looking at gaining about 25 lbs.

What kind of workouts do you do if youre still there, user?