Lifting is good for your health

>lifting is good for your health


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That's why you should always check for potential heart problems before you're going on a cycle or you'll do the zyzz.

>Implying lifting is the issue

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Its almost as if pushing your body past its natty limits with roids and drugs can have a detrimental impact, who would have guessed.

>another roid monkey dies

>skip heart day because running kills mah gains
well who'da thunked it

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Is this too heavy for the heart?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 7.17.11 pm.png (664x666, 900K)

>Poo nAus

anyways remember your cardio

Oh I am going there for clinical placement very soon. I work at the private hospital next door and am in the cardiac cath lab. Saw a woman die when I was last on placement there.

That's poetic

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>best shape
>bloated double chin face


>takes drugs that are notoriously known for fucking up your heart if not monitored
>surprised they have a heart attack

>running retarded amount of gear
>has a heart attack
>somehow weight lifting is the cause

Whatever helps this moron sleep at night

>roiding for this
He cant be serious can he?

im sure his body is better than urs faggot

oh cool

define "better"

looks like a faggot lol

Lifting? Yes, absolutely fantastic for your wellbeing
Roiding? No, that shit will fuck you up

>taking roids probably in combination with stimulants and insulin abuse
>anything to do with lifting naturally

Imagine how bloated his face would look if he didnt have the benefit of low b fat due to steroids.... Same with that cocksucker Reagan Grimes