Yesterday I was thinking about posting this picture, about how i don't look like latex models... Well, this is what bodypositivity is about. I don't want to get my tits, my nose done. I just want to be the way I am. . .
/fph/ Fat People hate
Time to bring back a classic.
fresh OC from the BBC.
who tf is that
she looks like THAT?
Wow, the same images that have been reposted 100s of times. Here is a fresh collage of people of your political affiliation.
jooci as fuark
>replying to political bait
>replying with your own political shitpost
pls stop
>these are the guys making fun of other races on Jow Forums
that's a redditor homie
I find solace in thinking that whale will die from an infected scratch made by one of those hooks because she can't reach, notice or fight the infection because of her diabetes-induced immunosuppression, just like that patient from House MD who got her immune system nuked by mistake by the nig
HDU, newfag. That is Chloe Grace Moretz, queen of fit.
>baseded into oblivion
My fucking sides
huh? baseded? is based not good?
Fuck me in the ass, meant to quote "baseded"
You srent making any sense
BB You're beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen you but I can guarantee you that you are. You are a woman. You are a female homo sapien. And for that reason you will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. You are nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the sixteen chapel to be beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but you are without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that you're fabulous and the world will follow you along.
Peace out
Imagine the smelle of her ass
She's fat, not wrong.
thats hot tho
U kidding me brah?
How do I get lats and traps like that?
Mirin' those calves
New définition of 'ass to grass'
She's baseded
His name is Pablo Mendez.
Fatties aren't people
That's a rather convoluted way to say "meritocracy."
She's leaving humanity behind
Fat people and obese people should be allowed to exist. If you are so concerned about health why not ban junk food, alcohol and tobacco? Don't be a hypocrite. Its not a health matter, it fatphobia.
And I'm posting this just because I dont care about your opinion of me, even if you think I'm disgusting.
This 100% true. I want to respect myself. I want to love myself and etc
>sixteen chapel
Sounds bootiful user
I'm not concerned about your health. I want you to die as soon as possible. I hate you because you are lazy, ugly, and disgusting, you inhuman swine.
>why not ban junk food, alcohol and tobacco
I believe in personal freedom. With that comes personal responsibility.
To quoque?
that photoshop colouring.....
A phobia is an irrational fear, or more colloquially an irrational hatred. Hatred of fatties is entirely rational. To become a fatty, one must be both lazy and a glutton. The fatty is a hypocrite, for it secretly knows it is repulsive to the eye and weak of character. Deep down it knows it is unhealthy. The fatty protects its fragile ego from its own deeply rooted self-hatred and its envy of actual humans through intricately woven delusions, such as HAES, body positivity, or fatphobia. To maintain these delusions, the fatty will attempt to infect the minds of humans undergoing a metamorphosis to unpersonhood with lies, in an attempt to ensure they reach the point of no return. The few that do absolve themselves and regain their humanity are so exceedingly rare as to be nonexistent, for only 0.008% avoid an eventual relapse to their true nature. All these are perfectly rational reasons to consider the fatty is a truely wretched creature worthy of hatred and scorn.
She was already fat on the first picture tho.
amazing attention to detail on that wing mirror
A phobia is an irrational fear, or more colloquially an irrational hatred. Hatred of fatties is entirely rational. To become a fatty, one must be both lazy and a glutton. The fatty is a hypocrite, for it secretly knows it is repulsive to the eye and weak of character. Deep down it knows it is unhealthy. The fatty protects its fragile ego from its own deeply rooted self-hatred and its envy of actual humans through intricately woven delusions, such as HAES, body positivity, or fatphobia. To maintain these delusions, the fatty will attempt to infect the minds of humans undergoing a metamorphosis to unpersonhood with lies, in an attempt to ensure they reach the point of no return. The few that do absolve themselves and regain their humanity are so exceedingly rare as to be nonexistent, for only 0.008% avoid an eventual relapse to their true nature. All these are perfectly rational reasons to consider the fatty a truely wretched creature worthy of hatred and scorn.
I love that they threw in 'sexism, racism, classism and ableism' just for the hell of it
>Time to bring back a classic.
The first part is true. The second is not.
me irl
If fat people really believe that the advantages of being thin are that extensive, why do they make such little effort to be thin?
nearly spat my food out
Shame she's so fat, otherwise she'd be really pretty.
This guy is literally a judge dredd fatty come on. All he needs is the belly wheel
As a chinlet it’s the best he can do
her legs literally look like chicken wings
whats her routine?
>Someone decided to spend their life with that thing
What makes you think he's any different?
Haven’t you heard? It’s impossible since your size is solely based on genetics, so why even try
That filename
Dunno, the dude does seem pretty happy
Since i love these threads and they keep me on track, I will try and post some new content I find dredged up from tumblr and the like. Here's a pic I found, also note the guy is drawn chad tier Aryan lol