>you're ugly surgery can fix that >you're fat go on a diet >you're skinny eat better food >you're short knee surgery >you dont have a father It's over. Faggotry or crime is your only purpose in life
how are you coping with not having a fatherly figure?
Don’t really care. My dad was an alpha who did his job breeding, my stepdad did his job feeding. I’m Jow Forums, tall, got muh bachelors, fuck girls when I feel like it, and make 70K after taxes.
If you’re genetically gifted then it doesn’t matter.
I'm not consciously coping but my personality is hyper-critical (with myself) and the only thing that makes me not hate myself is constantly working on my goals.
Having my father divorce my mother and turn into a total waste of good genes probably had something to do with it.
Kayden Bennett
I have a dad but he's an annoying pussy, I cope by building myself up enough that I can be mean to him and get away with it when I want to.