
>you're ugly
surgery can fix that
>you're fat
go on a diet
>you're skinny
eat better food
>you're short
knee surgery
>you dont have a father
It's over. Faggotry or crime is your only purpose in life

how are you coping with not having a fatherly figure?

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Don’t really care. My dad was an alpha who did his job breeding, my stepdad did his job feeding. I’m Jow Forums, tall, got muh bachelors, fuck girls when I feel like it, and make 70K after taxes.

If you’re genetically gifted then it doesn’t matter.

h-how tall are y-y-you?

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>you're short, knee surgery

Attached: what.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)




It's true

Attached: 1523771381467.jpg (597x597, 54K)

>nodad general

its funny and hurtts at the same time

Attached: 1528485935493.png (758x628, 188K)

how have you been quelling intrusive thoughts?

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa-ca443f4786.u3.jpg (750x1000, 75K)

I'm not consciously coping but my personality is hyper-critical (with myself) and the only thing that makes me not hate myself is constantly working on my goals.

Having my father divorce my mother and turn into a total waste of good genes probably had something to do with it.

I have a dad but he's an annoying pussy, I cope by building myself up enough that I can be mean to him and get away with it when I want to.