I'm cutting tomorrow. Any tips so I do it right the first time?

I just finished a 3 month (clean) bulk. I made major strength gains, but I went from 187 lbs to 202 lbs (I'm 5 foot 10 inches).

Now, I've successfully cut before, but I want to do it in a way that minimizes strength loss. Here's my plan so far:

> Get TDEE - 500 (instead of TDEE + 500)
> Continue lifting heavy weight. I'm currently doing a PHUL, should I keep doing that on a cut?
> Up my cardio to every day / every other day.
> 1.5 gs of protein for every lb of desired weight
> Possibly do intermittent fasting.

Do you guys think this makes sense? Any criticisms or other advice? I just worked really hard to get this strong and I don't want to totally lose everything.

Attached: fitness.jpg (547x610, 81K)

lol you fat as shit dude

My bodyfat is below 18%. I just had my blood drawn and my resting heart rate / pulse is athlete status. My LDL is within normal ranges. In the 3 months I bulked, I literally doubled all of my lifts because my diet was very clean and calculated all of my macros and calories.

Go back to eating crayons while the adults are trying to have a conversation.

lmao 18% is fat af dude haha who are you kidding?

>my resting heart rate / pulse is athlete status

and your mile PR is 8:57

>I literally doubled all of my lifts

oh you're one of those """bearmode""" epic powerlifters who got his bench from 80 lb to 160. Very nice dude! But for some reason I don't think packing on 15 pounds of fat was needed for that 365 deadlift, bro!

If you managed to double your lifts in 3 months then you are for sure mostly fat. It's alright fatty, bodyposi and all of that.

I don't even know if I should dignify the trolling with a response but, in the off chance you really are this poorly informed, maybe this will help you out.

>lmao 18% is fat af dude haha who are you kidding?

15% - 20% is normal for males, and being and your mile PR is 8:57
Actually it's 2 miles in 13:30, which means the first one was probably around 6.5 minutes.

>oh you're one of those """bearmode""" epic powerlifters who got his bench from 80 lb to 160. Very nice dude! But for some reason I don't think packing on 15 pounds of fat was needed for that 365 deadlift, bro!

Yeah,you don't understand bulking and obviously never did it before.

Samefag / you don't understand how bulking works.

Post body fatty

>15% - 20% is normal for males
Spotted the American

Why don't you post yours since you clearly know better than everybody else who has ever bulked?

>be me not OP but 5'10 200lb fatty
>mile pr is literally 8:30

Instead of 500 deficit remove 200ckals. Then when you stall on that remove another 100ckals and keep doing that.

dont cut just up your work load senpai

Stay on your goal op i believe in you

>shitposting a thread asking for legit Jow Forums advice
Kill yourself

>nuking your own thread by feeding trolls

Everyone involved is retarded, myself included for bumping this thread

Honestly, that's how it is nearly everywhere. People underestimate their bodyfat all the time because calculators are always an easy 4% off.

If you're going to up the amount of cardio you do, change your calories accordingly. You don't want to go super low if you're going for a conventional cut
If you have the will power, time, and patience, I'd recommend PSMF with an EC stack. Dropped at least 2% bodyfat (15-13 probably) in 2 weeks based off of visuals (6 pack hardly/slightly visible flexed to clearly visible 6 pack when flexed) as a category 1. It was hard as shit, but progress was quick and 2 weeks after my refeed I'm the same weight as when I started but clearly leaner. Although to be fair, I was already 3 weeks deep into a hard cut (~1800 calories daily with a 2700 calorie maintenance) so glycogen levels were pretty low at the start. Didn't lose any strength in the 2 weeks, may have lost a tiny bit of muscle off my legs but they were pretty small to begin with
Thanks for reading my blogpost

any advice on eating this for lunch on a cut?

Attached: caldo-de-res-1a.jpg (616x596, 242K)

Post progress pics of 2% drop

uma delica!

Can't see abs: fat
IF is useful during a cut.
Going very low carb, in my experience, was translated in strength loss, I'd recommend to balance protein/fat in favor of carbs if your main lifts suffer.
If you're hungry, add more cardio to eat more, if not, as long as you're losing the target weight on average, no need to do much more than, maybe 2 sessions/week, but up to you.
No need to rush to -500, try a smaller deficit and see how it works for you, at the beginning, mid cut or towards the end.
Try to complete 6-8week cycles, refeed, then adjust and resume for weight loss stalling

its beef shank stew. it has cabbage, carrots, green squash thingies. I'm not sure if the oil from the beef would fuck me over. rhat oil you see on the top of soups.

eat only one meal a day

post body

what are you cutting?

>3 month clean bulk
>15 lbs

You did a semi-dirty bulk. Lean bulking calls for gaining no more than 1 to 2 lbs a month.

Lean bulking, what the fuck are you talking about
And you can eat 1000 over tdee with clean foods and gain more than 1 or 2 a month

August 26th - September 10th - September 11th after refeed
All 3 are in the morning and unflexed
>inb4 obviously unflexed, dyel
f-fuck off. I'd understand if I'm overshooting the fat loss % estimate, but the 2 weeks definitely cut down on the fat

Attached: Screenshot_20180922-212306.png (1440x2880, 1.35M)

natty limit of muscle growth at the highest rate is only around 2lbs a month so anything more is fat

>doesn't mention diet
What tips are you looking for?

>3 month clean bulk
>15 lbs increase
fucking LOL

Lol that thot goes to my gym. Had the stereotypical beta orbiter taking pics and everything