>tfw being lean with basic muscles is more aesthetic and look better than roidfaggots or powerlifters.
I am the 1% of this board with this opinion.
>tfw being lean with basic muscles is more aesthetic and look better than roidfaggots or powerlifters.
I am the 1% of this board with this opinion.
im pretty sure most people here share this opinion
Until you put a shirt on.
Lmao faggot that's why you're supposed to have a good face to go with it too
true. i get so much attention now that i have wide shoulders huge upper chest and small everything else.
bitches love model bods
I do have a good face. I also don't disappear when I put a shirt on, so I look better than you 90% of the time faggot.
I agree, whats funny is that it takes about 90% less effort and stress.
>brb don't track anything or force feed, just take 2 scoops of protein per day, and eat like a normal person
>brb dont autistically focus, worry and obsess about the numbers in the gym, just rep out 2 plate bench for as many reps as possible, etc.
>brb dont worry about hitting X protein or Y calorie goal
>brb dont worry about hitting X sets and Y reps
Its so much more comfy this way, not to mention your impressing 99% of people, instead of 1% of the online autistic niche communities who honestly don't even make up 1% of the population, its more like 0.0001%
Im pretty sure women share this opinion too.
Opie is right.
Staying lean all year is much better than fucking yoyo dieting (bulk/cut meme cycles) for the vast majority of people.
No everyone knows being lean with basic muscles is aesthetic. But you will never be aesthetic if you don't have the right bone structure and muscle insertions. Ultimately, that's what determines whether or not you're aesthetic, and it's all determined by genetics.
Lol so true
I don't wanna impress 99% of normies, I want to be and feel huge. I want people to be scared of my sheer size.
only problem is you barely look dyel with a shirt
I have a crazy v taper, but when I put a shirt on I don't have enough fat to fill it out to the point where it looks a size too small
also starting to believe its impossible to have decent sized biceps natural without a higher bf%
everyone prefers roided bodies dude. cope elsewhere
yeah but since he's not a fat fuck he doesn't need to put one on lmaooo
that's why ottermode bodys always look dyel, it's either
>low enough bf to have visible abs
>high enough bf to have big arms
>go into restaurant/bar/public building not wearing shirt
>sir I'm sorry but it's our policy you have to wear a shirt
>security please escort this man out
>im gonna do this thing and be really mediocre about it
>Haha you actually put effort into your hobbies??? XD Retard
>what are face gains from being lean
This, kek.
>look at me, I can't even be serious about one thing in my life
>you all should strive to be mediocre like then no one would excell
Ok post body
If your symmetry and bone structure are good as long as you don't go above 20% bf you'll be fine.
>his main goal is his boddy rather than making money or getting top tier in a skill
>he thinks time is infinite
kek, underage as fuck.
yea a 22% bodyfat powerlifter with blubber pouring over their collar is very aesthetic
>its impossible to have decent sized biceps natural without a higher bf%
No matter how many curls or chin-ups I do, these fuckers won't grow.
I suggest reducing the load of your curls.
You're probably lifting too much weight, ie: your hips, chest, shoulders, back is curling the weight, not your biceps.
I've done that. I think I'll just have to wait until I can bulk again. I had huge arms when I weighed 95kg. I got lazy on arms during my cut, didn't think I'd lose this much size though.
24 boi and in med school. I'm excelling in both realms. Have fun at your 9-5 stagnant ass job tho
Who cares about impressing others, one should care about impressing himself
I agree with you OP
The majority of chicks/average chicks also prefer fit dudes, basically just lean with some semblance of muscle+strength, not some fat fuck or some inhuman roid rat
This 100%
30 doctor here.
Sit down and learn a little, boy.
PS: not the other poster
10-12% bf is the best range i would say,even at 14% you can look pretty good
Wear a smaller shirt? Unless your a total skelly you will see your lean gains